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Everything posted by Tobii

  1. If you say so.. I also have a config to change my hitboxes, so you're clearly all-knowing on this subject.
  2. /shrug Not like I clipped both of them on my stream. Also reported for over-sized signature + name and shame. You never learn do you?
  3. Isn't this the 4th time you make this topic? Just with a different twist to it...?
  4. no. it's still UE. All the documentation need for making cheats are out there. UE3, UE3.5 and UE4, no difference. It'll be the same. You are blowing this problem WAY out of proportion? What do you stand to gain from doing so? Spreading you paranoia and making people agree with you? SMH It's a F2P game, people will re-roll and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. Look at PUBG.. It's not even F2P and people still cheat, get banned, buy new account, cheat again.
  5. Sure.. I am super upset that Tiggs banned no one in my clan but me! REEEEEEEEE
  6. Tiggs also claimed that they do not re-ban people if they re-roll.. Just putting that out there. but you seem like a "smart" lad, I am sure you knew that already. :^)
  7. Please do post what Tiggs said, because that makes it true! Because Tiggs said it! You know what else is true? Tiggs used fairfight as her little personal tool, hence why they had to reverse bans. FF wasn't just set up incorrectly, it was used for personal agendas too.
  8. Use the brain you don't have a read what I said!
  9. let's try again. I am not talking about the blatant or trigger, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here. The ones you call "closets" on the other hand. You said it's mostly based on your gut feeling. That means you based it on their score, and not evidence. So what you highlighted above does NOT apply to this.
  10. Not really. A lot of the people using bots still suck. Being above them is easy if you get the right spawns and keep running in to people. /shrug
  11. And the closets? just a feeling? :^)
  12. What? I am clearly defending......no one.. I am asking a valid question And sure, listening to Tiggs sounds like a good idea! look what that got you. :^) Everyone is now unbanned. Good job Tiggs! YOU SURE SHOWED THEM!
  13. hey guys, Just want to give you a heads up in regards to STYLISH and that you should prob change. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/05/browsers_pull_stylish_but_invasive_browser_extension/ https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/chrome-and-firefox-pull-stylish-add-on-after-report-it-logged-browser-history/ You can find a version with none of the malicious code here: Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/styl-us/ @Iucy @Kevkof @Dexem @swft @Speedz @Shini @neophobia @Ketog @InkieTheSauzeGod @SilverCrow @Kiida @Zoehh
  14. please tell me how you come to the conclusion that someone is triggerbotting. Actually nvm, reading the rest of the sentence shows that you just throw hackusations left and right.
  15. Stop what? I am just calling you out for pushing you paranoia on to others. Prove me wrong. Show me all the cheaters you got banned with all your hackusations.
  16. We've played together? And not everyone do it. I've done it most likely, but no to the degree as some people. See something dodgy? This guy might be cheating. I personally would not hackusate someone without clear evidence. /shrug To each their own I guess.
  17. The minority is correct** fixed that for you. Just because you think someone cheats doesn't mean they do.
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