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Everything posted by Tobii

  1. >Gets summer sale. >Buys stuff. >Prices get adjusted because armas is overpriced as fuck. >Prices are now better than armas with summer sale. >Complain that you paid too much and you want your G1C back. >Send support 10 tickets about wanting your G1C back because you got ripped off. Just wait.
  2. I have questions.. And what Kevkof said. I had this happen not too long ago as well, once, and now I am fine again..?
  3. Worst part is when you drop off a 1mm invisible ledge and the gun just goes full bloom.. :^)
  4. I am aware, but seeing as this happens a lot I doubt it's just visual. But as I stated in the OP I will have to test. People, including myself, have issues with the gun suddenly max blooming out of nowhere.. Making it impossible to kill people. Figured this was one of the reason, so might as well report it.
  5. has nothing to do with configs. And down voting an actual problem... just why? Because I down vote you for adding nothing to the bug report? g f'ing g.
  6. This problem has been around for quite a bit and I believe this is just one of the issues related to the bloom randomly going crazy. If you move diagonally in any direction, the bloom will random max out like you're mid-air. And afaik if you're firing while this happens the bloom will stay maxed. (Will have to test this.) video for reference:
  7. kek, guess cheaters are good for something huh? I will test if it's possible to get further than the selection screen at some point. I am sure on can trick the game/BE.
  8. He's not? Pretty sure you are "terrible" as well if you keeping getting the top 10 people on NA because they snipe you all the time. All while getting griefed to shit.
  9. You are incorrect. GM isn't the highest privilege, there is something above that. They both show as GM in-game, but one can ban while the other can only kick. (e.g. Tiggs could ban, but the now fired GM couldn't.) It's a smart move since no GM should be able to ban someone just like that.
  10. You don't care about cheaters.. right.. Asger already called you on your BS, so I won't bother.. @AsgerLund this is a lost course already.. the guy is completely ignoring what we actually say.
  11. What.. in the actual F are you on about..? A dream? no, this is actual facts.... False-positive happens, like it or not. But I guess you don't care about some innocent person getting banned as long as actual cheaters get banned.. right? 1 innocent is worth 100 cheaters!
  12. Right.. BE is perfect and would never have a false-positive. ok. I wonder why PUBG had to unban players this month, last month and the month before that. NO AC is perfect, so that comment is BS.
  13. If you want more/louder farts, just use this
  14. Tobii

    Happy Birthday SKay! :D

    Telling people to post in the right place, and they get salty :^)
  15. Tobii

    Happy Birthday SKay! :D

  16. ==21/06/2018== You can enable the old fonts. (On by default)
  17. Seeing as there is and exploit that'll allow you to shoot without recoil, I doubt it'll be long before the next patch.
  18. Dogfish confirmed cheater! pls ban. I see you don't change TheNightingale :^)
  19. I play in 50x50, because then the player models are bigger and I can't miss. pls fix
  20. Steps to reproduce: Have your secondary out. Prep nade Instantly (15-25ms) hit 1 to switch to your primary and hold LMB. If the nade dot crosshair show for roughly 1 second you did it correctly. Shoot without recoil. Notes: Only works with fully automatic weapons. Spread is still there since it's server side. If you don't finish your mag you won't be able to shoot. More examples: Calling @Androvald @Aphadon.
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