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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. When doing multiple trades ingame , sometimes the game crashes when both players accept the trade I do not know the specific conditions for that to occur , but i do know many people that have experienced it . The crash happends before we see the "Trade sucessfull" message
  2. annnnnnnd shit , i thought it was the 4th , i planned to make the outfit the day before the event ergh
  3. it WAS , but it got fixed , rip you .
  4. ill remove the second part , but keep the first one as accepted colors can be argued , you colors might be technicially in the accepted range but doesn't LOOK like them while lixil said "as long as it looks like that color it's fine" , your dark purple looks like black , and if you ask any random person about your eyes color they will say it's black . also i said that "take it with a grain of salt" as i had no way to verify it
  5. I updated the main topic to show what i discovered Clearly all the winners are premium , and some outfits are questionably against the rules .
  6. no worries , you posted everything , to prove that im wrong , but now im trying to show lixil that shere should be a 4th winner as every subbmision is made with premium . Check this post just above
  7. Hey @Lixil @MattScott you say there is a winner that doesn't have premium , so a friend and i analysed each one of the winners outfit and we found something that proves that there should be a 4th winner . im sure many people will say "haters gonna hate" but , please allow me to take some of your time We deducted that SecondMoon and AceorAllecto Both had premium outfits due to repeating patterns with high quality symbols , so again , the last person that comes in that has an outfit that is probably done without premium could only be Inquitora : So i want you guys to look at one specific area of inquitora's outfit : At first , this part seems like it could be done easly without premium : A non premium player , has only 3 Symbols allowed per clothing item , and each symbol can be 25 layers If you count inquitora's card symbols on her chest , you can see 13 symbols on one boob , and we know the other side is symetrical with the other screenshots posted by inquitora here https://imgur.com/a/rHNK71Y So that makes a total of 26 symbols , so it's already 2 symbols minimum only for the chest piece , and that's where the premium proof part is : How did inquitora wrap roses symbols on each her shoulders/arms while she had to use a minimum of 2 symbols for her chest alone knowing that a non premium player has only 3 symbol avaliable per clothing piece ? So with this we know inquitora's outfit was made with premium AT SOME POINT Correct me if im wrong , but that means all the outfits were done with premium so there should be a 4th winner . oh yeah , also the 3rd submission as awsome as it is has white and black everywhere. Maybe just let it go for now , but next time , really get into it when choosing winners .
  8. i like the event , but i want a bit more to keep us playing it
  9. Hey gousk , sorry but you gotta lower the salt levels by a bit No opinion on the winner using red , black ?
  10. Well , if the colors being against the rules or not is arguable there's still the biggest question of where is the 4th winner .
  11. Luudeboi used black outlines pretty much everywhere on his outfit , i seen it ingame and he told me that is is black ,but that he would post it anyway . Ergh not this again ....
  12. Wich are unlocked by the role that requires to do daily activities .
  13. Well i still stand by my point none of the dailies took me more than 20 minutes same for my clan members , and trust me , i am not great at APB (sadly lots of people can confirm) And im saying that everyone care about those rewards because they're only one that are probably unique to this event and new While the other roles were already there since the past two years Also by having multple characters you only make it harder for yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Epidemic role needs you to complete 8 daily activites to get the reward that everyone cares about and doing one per day doesn't take more than 20 minutes maximum The other roles can be finished on the next year if you didn't finish them .
  15. But you don't need 12 hours to complete a daily activity man ...
  16. Hello @Lixil what about the 4th winner of the event ? Aren't all the winners premium ? Also note am i the only one thinking the 1St place doesn't seem right ?: While the second and third submissions definetely looks to be within the rules to me , the first one is really borderline in too many ways just take a look at this picture posted by the player itself : The "Orange" looks red to me , especially in the arms and the skirt , the cigar looks black , and the choker and chain looks none of the colors said , and some purples are so dark they look like black , especially on the corset for the event . Lixil said "As long as it looks like the said color it's fine" , wich for this outfit to me doesn't . EDIT : After talking with some people they said it looks orange to them , so who knows i might be colorblind in some sort , or my definition or red has always been wrong : i used a color picker to take a look at the places where that outfit seemed wrong to me : The belt / skirt area : The cigar : The neck / choker : The corset: So yeah after seeing this : The belt area might be argued but i see it as red , for the cigar that looks black , for the choker i was wrong , it is Yellow , so that's fine , and the corset color is not black but a dark purple / grey (might be argued) but looks fine to me To me , this still looks like too much "maybe's" to be the winner as i think rules should be applied to everyone equally ex:"should we really give this player a "pass" while others forced themselves to not use those colors?...." Now this isn't the only submission with a problem , the third one is full of white spots , and black outlines : this is definetely not dark purple , this is straight up black Here there's clearly an usage of white that doesn't nearly look like yellow there is also black between the "cracks" and at the end of the web symbols Those clors might be the same story as above : "it's technically that color , but it doesn't look like them" EDIT 2 : Reason why there should be a 4th winner : Hey @Lixil@MattScott you say there is a winner that doesn't have premium , so a friend and i analysed each one of the winners outfit and we found something that proves that there should be a 4th winner . im sure many people will say "haters gonna hate" but , please allow me to take some of your time We deducted that SecondMoon and AceorAllecto Both had premium outfits due to repeating patterns with high quality symbols , so again , the last person that comes in that has an outfit that is probably done without premium could only be Inquitora : So i want you guys to look at one specific area of inquitora's outfit : At first , this part seems like it could be done easly without premium : A non premium player , has only 3 Symbols allowed per clothing item , and each symbol can be 25 layers If you count inquitora's card symbols on her chest , you can see 13 symbols on one boob , and we know the other side is symetrical with the other screenshots posted by inquitora here https://imgur.com/a/rHNK71Y So that makes a total of 26 symbols , so it's already 2 symbols minimum only for the chest piece , and that's where the premium proof part is : How did inquitora wrap roses symbols on each her shoulders/arms while she had to use a minimum of 2 symbols for her chest alone knowing that a non premium player has only 3 symbol avaliable per clothing piece ? So with this we know inquitora's outfit was made with premium AT SOME POINT Correct me if im wrong , but that means all the outfits were done with premium so there should be a 4th winner . Maybe just let it go for now , but next time please analyse carefully each and every one of the possible winner's submissions .
  17. ir still broken tho oof Also what about the chat filter thingy ?
  18. You talking about IR3 ? guess what , it reduces ranges instead of increasing it now .
  19. nope , that part still acts normally .
  20. I just tried with a friend , damn matt , i didn't knew you lierally meant reversing IR3 .... Incase you guys didn't noticed yet , Improved rifleing actually REDUCES your range instead of increasing it , i was playing with ursus for a while and it felt like i needed quite a bit of shots to kill my enemies so i tried on a friend just to see . Yep , URSUS is a 5 shot to kill at 50 meters WITHOUT ir3 , and a 5 shot to kill only up to 43 meters WITH ir3 What a meme.
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