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About Kakalaki

  • Rank
    Eure Legenderität KakiKakalaki King of Citadell & most gurmens

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  1. add me on discord and i can give you some helpful advice shneedlewoodz#9818
  2. Current Game? Since I know the Game, there was a few new problems when one thing got fixed
  3. one of de besd vidios in long tieme APB, zenk ju vor so mucho inpressiones Seniore
  4. ich suche auch noch Leute mit denen ich wieder zsm spielen kann
  5. Kakalaki

    LF clan

    i added you in dc
  6. Moin ich wäre dabei. Habe mehrere Chars auf Max Level. Bin aber sicher nicht mehr so gut. Habe fast nen Jahr nicht gespielt und bin glaube save silber. Kannst mich ja gern mal im Discord adden. Hardlander#9818
  7. Kakalaki

    Kicked by BattleEye

    ye i have the same problem and didnt got any help since 3 Months now. Nice that my Premium time is running out and i cant even play 2 minutes without being kicked. And you guys always blaming the mouse and keyboard software lol. Even when anything is disabled im getiing kicked - im not even using logitech software no more when starting apb, what means that my mouse, keyboard and headset are not working properly no more, which is pretty bad when i member that i paid more than 300 Euros for this ...
  8. I also dont know what's the problem. I dont have anything on that could cause the kick. Also i never had that problem with BE before. I was away for a month and suddenly i got that problem and don't know why. I sent a ticket to BE to see if they can help, i guess that's the best thing to do
  9. I have the same problem. No Autoit on my pc but always getting the message "You were kicked by BattlEye for the following reason: Disallowed Program [AutoIt]" The mose i'm using is a Logitech G600, but even when the mousesoftware isnt running i'm getting kicked. It's frustrating
  10. the servers are under maintenance every wednesday, starting 11am utc
  12. ye i know about the backupcodes, but unfortunately i can't find the sheet where i noted them no more aswell ... i think the next time i will put it somewhere into my cars papers
  13. Hmm ok. I'll try that out. Thanks in Advance.
  14. Hi. I have a huge problem. My mobile broke and now i cant access to my G1 Account and tho game no more because it wants me to use 2 Factor Authentication. I had google authenticator on my phone. That means i cant open ticket and i cant contact support Please Help me
  15. sounds good, but to me there is one problem - skilllevel how do you think it will improve the matchmaking for bronze or silver player when he is being opposed to a goldie and gets his arse whipped? it will not make him learn anything, but that he cant keep up with a goldie, so what's the matter of that? The System needs to separate players into skilllevels and oppose them with ppl with similar skill. The thing we have right now with districts without threatrestriction is the right way, but you shouldnt get matched by joining specific server, The system should calculate and put you to a district with ppl matching your skill - something like a lobby - and if you are a bronze or silver, you shouldnt play vs golds every 2nd mission bc there is 40 players on the opposite only. I hope you know what i mean.
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