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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. i remember the golden age of apb, when forum was like the pub after a soccer match with/versus friend. then come tiggs. (pub closed)
  2. this is game is not red vs blue. but is going to be red vs none (due to population) with this kind of genial ideas.
  3. the P5/N5 will be back as the good old APB? or will rest the actual horrid thing?
  4. just a word. TOTALY RUINED ! the system now is useless, stupid, senseless. re-patch as APB was, please. Only who never played apb could had this """intelligent""" idea..
  5. I know. But i guess that a couple of line well coded could solve it.
  6. Was neither listed as cheat before EAC. Cause is not a cheat not even now. I would really know how Ninjaripper could give any benefit in gameplay. Oh wait ! i know! mission district scenario: NR_user:"Let me win or i press F10 and your char will be rendered with pink outfit and platinum blonde hair!!" PlayerA: "NOoooooOOooo" PlayerB: "YeeeEEeeS ! and red high heel please!" PlayerC: "Again??? is the 5th time today!! "
  7. @MattScott reading again about the technical function of EAC about Ninjaripper, i still believe that there could be a lot of legit way for avoid the block without offer a weak side to cheaters. for example : allow Ninjaripper just in social district. create a gate/tool that allow to have custom data directly on client side (so the not-render skilled can save their packed item externaly) have a offline version of apb client, without need of EAC. they are all valid solutions.
  8. The will can reach every result. There is never too much work. Some one should do that , owner or other. Nice analogy, cowboy. Now guess if the toygun is in the hand of 2 innocent playing. I prefer an innocent/criminal alive than a innocent/criminal dead. maybe cause dead make me feel sad.
  9. In this case APB should develope an own tool for export, for dont waste years of community duty and a new potential (and free) resource. EAC canT recognize a script/process from another? I hope this isnT true. If in a garden there are 2 dogs and one bite an hands doesnT means that we have to suppress all the dogs in the block.
  10. Is not "Hook" is just a new way for "Use" the game. Works like a cheat ,but is not a cheat. Cheaters every month have tons of cheat that influence APB without need of Ninjaripper that's is an old ,very old code. have the ability to take a 3d "screenshot" is just an outbound flow, not an inbound instance. L4d2 ,COD4 and Skyrim used community content and both survived (and survive) for more than a decade. So render community in APB Could effectly help the game. I know that render just a couple of dolls is not so much, but like Warframe, also a pencil scratch with a tag online is a little tribute more . Multiply the little tribute more and more and you will have a significant impact for the health of a game online. Strange that a significant artist understimate this.
  11. I would know if there is any official will to make Ninjaripper users free to make this game great and popular again.
  12. -Remove Bounty System in Mission: will be just a gift for the detreathers and the toxic tryhards with the current Matchmaking ( Gods vs lab mouses) and with the low population, without P5/N5 active in mission there will be no chance to balance the mission gap. the bounty was the only breath of fresh air during sistematic stomping of newbies or low skilled players. Removing it is the best way for have a carnage continued that will stress playerbase. -Rank restrictions. I guess prototypes district could be more interesting. But Why not add directly a fight club map with all these prototypes instances? -Balance Items: Highly Risk. Dont touch nothing, just add a benefit for lower car (like more blue Mods equipable togheter, so also a Calabria could be interesting with ability to have +togheter)
  13. Without new content as APB mechanic needs (contact, maps, item) population will be slowly decreasing, and not for lack of new player, but for lack of veterans. (veterans usually are friendly and take care of team, they are the glue of every game)
  14. Holiday No cabriolet in APB cause is not realistic. But surfing a car roof perfectly flat just with feets, at 100 Mph, is ok.
  15. the contact in social should give something
  16. Was working perfectly inside districts until december ,with just renaming correctly EAC after login screen. ( O u o)_ In this way i exported my friends for my birthday party . UPDATE: Now doesnT works (>_ <'')/ why.. WHY!????????? (U _u')/ This is absurd and no sense, i CanT believe do some nice export is a true problem in the daily APB list. Now i'am realy disappointed & i really need go Shopping. (And a better texture for my buildings )
  17. Except that s no correct. The collage is just used by editor. A symbol become a stand alone texture as it is after editor assembly. 4MB for a texture is a joke for a decent server and the load time is less than 2 sec (1 sec in some case). Inside NinjaRipper, with F9, you can force extracting texture and in that case you see everything textured in any LOD saved in the cache, not only the "visible".
  18. Happens. d9 You can ripp Your while Symbols Select Menu is open. (useful cause ripp all togheter visible in selecting page)
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