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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. Matt sold IP, yes. There is nothing that he can do now besides add updates to this version of the game. There never will be an APB successor. Maybe some shitty mobile game that is designed to take as much money from you as possible, AGAIN. G1/RP of old done that, and that is basically what LO have been doing. They don't care anymore. The servers are cheap for them to keep up, and enough people still spend money for it to be profitable. They don't even spend time here, they don't come to the forums to talk about ANYTHING other than their shitty maintenance.
  2. this game will never see ue4/5 you might as well just face the music now.
  3. there will be no new apb, matt sold the IP some some Hong Kong company that has no history of game development or any history at all lol future is dead
  4. ah yes playing the same gamemode for years on end is f.u.n............... oh wait all i do is fc because everything else in the game has been the same for years on end. sadge
  5. in game moderation ecksdeeee maybe if there was even an active community manager the game wouldn't feel so dead, and maybe people wouldn't be hesitant to put money into a game they enjoy playing. instead g1/lo have created a negative feedback loop that just causes the game to spiral downwards.
  6. no i meant what i said to sound like how it came across. would have been awesome but Matt sold APB's IP to some random Chinese company that has no information on them LOL WHAT A BLUNDER
  7. so there was a blog post 8hrs ago, yet no one posted it to the forums lol sick management https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/1/29/apb-2022-roadmap nevermind, was posted just on the second page revert game back to 2013 and start development thanks
  8. There is nothing after this. Matt Scott sold the game to some random HK (read; China) company. He isn't allowed to do anything else with this game besides upgrade the engine. There will be no remake, this is where the road ends. There were other paths this game could have taken, but the inexperience of everyone who has touched this game brought us here. I truly hope that Matt succeeds with his endeavors of this game, but I cannot see it happening. Maybe after moass I'll make Matt an offer for the IP and we can rebuild this game. :^)
  9. my guy i think you need to step outside for a minute and get some fresh air
  10. There are fewer players who are using macros than you think. It isn't hard to learn how to click in a rhythm. Not saying people aren't using it, just some people have function over their appendages.
  11. gl, not the best decision u guys could have made but u gotta play the hand you've been dealt. ur tutorial is garbage btw, no newbs will stay more than 2 missions, if they even figure out how to play. will be on the lookout for pop rebound. lol
  12. revert to 2013 patch, release new contacts. release unused names locked behind dead servers/accounts. bring 50v50 too. thank
  13. Matt bought APB yes, don't forget he also sold the IP to some random HK (chinese) company [Unit Game] that has little to no info on it. They cannot just "make" APB 2. Remaking APB with current technology and an updated Lore/Story would be great, but I don't think LO has the funds (or in-house skill) for such an undertaking.
  14. game still gets ddossed game still freezes and d/c's goat actually got a decent job iirc, so he moved on game still goes down now and then nothing is different, just fewer people care and spend time on this game XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Never forget "You'll get sick of us communicating" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  15. They have other projects on the go that they are contracted for, so apb isn't the main source of their income. apb probably doesnt get worked on unless someone has nothing to do. :^(
  16. nope dont you know, we are all to stop playing this game and then slowly forget about it.... that way LO wont look bad when they fail to deliver on some pos 10 year old game update :^)
  17. Sadly rhetorical questions don't always make out over forums. I couldn't even get a reply from the community manager after quoting them. Their silence is harrowing, but I can see from the consistent drop in /pop that they aren't equipped to handle such a "large" game!
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