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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If indeed this is a fact, I will await your evidence. For anyone reading this thread, reports trigger scrutiny. No one is auto banned due to number of reports.
  2. No one is getting banned simply for "trash talking". You are being dishonest. Just be glad LO doesn't call people out, and move on.
  3. No one is getting banned simply for calling someone a shitter.
  4. I'm afraid you have to take this one up with your government. There doesn't appear to be anything Little Orbit can do. Also, would a VPN help?
  5. That top one... What am I even looking at there?
  6. I can only assume it's a mistake, or at least I hope it was. It would only take seconds to post to all social media as well as the forums.
  7. Because they are breaking the rules? And doing so even after being warned? Come on man, you shouldn't have to ask that.
  8. Without knowing exactly what you were banned for, there is no way for me to judge the situation. On top of that, given your role, I don't feel I can trust you to be honest in explaining it.
  9. I wasn't sure if I should post this: and kinda have fun with it, or if I should post this: admitting you got me there... so I'm just gonna post both. Fuck, I'm getting lazy.
  10. Man... I miss Reagan making videos. This one is my absolute favorite, no contest.
  11. This poll is terrible. How are those the only choices?
  12. Ive been locked out from that before too. Its been very rare though, at least for me.
  13. Fun fact, the difference between the current and old NFAS min ttk is 1 pellet.
  14. Yep. Super frustrating too. So many deaths because my character is just standing there.
  15. iTs oK wHeN I dO iT bUt uNfAiR wHeN iTs dOnE tO mE -every vet in bronze ever
  16. Oh shit. I have this issue too. I thought it was something to do with my config, but I'm also running an RTX card.
  17. Yes. I use it every time before I log in because often Jericho is unplayable and it saves me the trouble of launching the game.
  18. honestly, either would impress the fuck out of me
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