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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. So you are telling me there is no reason themes cant sound as good as the mp3's I listen to. Lets get on it then.
  2. ... I'm not. Imagine this, any sound in the sound bank being replaced with a higher quality version of itself. There... now you get it. If they can add more on top of doing that... Hooray for us.
  3. Well, at least you won't be telling people they can't be replaced.
  4. You can replace the sounds yourself... right now.
  5. Sorry guys, no new sounds for the theme maker.
  6. Almost like different players want different things. Weird
  7. CookiePuss


    oof... glad I stick to the graveyard that is Jericho
  8. You can change sounds iirc, but its a very tedious process. (players can, I mean)
  9. thats how it works when a thread get accurate and honest feedback.
  10. I've the instruments folder deleted I hate themes so much. My hope is that an entire new sound bank gets added. Anyone know if that's a thing that can be done? What the limitations might me?
  11. Pretty active on the forums for a game you don't even play.
  12. Some also seem to think having the mod equips means they CANT ride inside the car. Like god damn it, read the mission fam and MAYBE get in the car this time, you've been picked off like 4 times now.
  13. Dude, seriously? ("Dude, seriously?" was added for whichever mod would have deleted it otherwise)
  14. You want ARMAS trials to have testing stats?
  15. or you could actually spend some money... like the rest of us
  16. APB is an investment. It was losing money when they acquired it.
  17. For whomever gets to spend an entire mission shooting the carsurfer off of my car over and over and over again.
  18. If I get a teammate with carsurfer I try to immediately abandon mission. I can't stomach watching people give out free kills like that.
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