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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. scores are aggregated across several matches
  2. I wasn't saying you cheat. Im saying you are talking about a thing you heard, not a think you know to be true.
  3. give it a try I say then you can accurately judge how broken or not the tactic is
  4. You can't... what's the opposite of power creep? Well whatever it is, just doing that wont create balance either. Some things need buffs others need nerfs.
  5. Answer the questions, Dragon! Why are they so tall? Why is only 10% at partial opacity while the rest is 95%?
  6. I don't understand what you are saying.
  7. Tell us how you did it. Oh whats that, you didn't actually confirm this? ... shocking
  8. How can a game have competition if it's not competitive?
  9. CookiePuss

    Login Que when?

    me: logs in to see one populated silver district at max capacity me: /exit honestly I just cba to click for 20 minutes while waiting and I cant be the only one
  10. CookiePuss

    Disable things

    so... murder ok, but chesticles bad? seems weird but ok
  11. I applaud your desire to fix what is an actual real problem. However, this just sounds like punishment for being gold and or having gold friends and Im not sure why you would want that.
  12. Im not sure how to fix HMS. Can we just delete it and save the hassle?
  13. CookiePuss

    COBRA improvement

    Just as a heads up, the scoped ntec is different from (and usually considered inferior) when compared to the normal ntec.
  14. Sorry... I don't think like your symbols... and I only know of you and the hyper-futa guy doing the edgy lewd stuff One time I made a plaid symbol that sold well.
  15. Not enough. ($0.00) Anyways, the best advice I can give for anyone wanting to enjoy apb is this... Try to focus on yourself and your gameplay. Focus less on others. Because as soon as you start thinking everyone cheats, you lose the ability to enjoy yourself.
  16. Sounds like that would make it easier to win. So you'd not be trying hard at all.
  17. I'd like to see it on ARMAS myself. I'd rather spend real $ than spend months.
  18. Ive no access to that kind of information. I was more teasing you btw.
  19. You say all that like EAC isn't already doing a good job. APB has fewer cheaters than ever and those that do exist are the same small number of players constantly being banned and rerolling. If you want to avoid cheaters completely, come play Jericho where cheaters are like unicorns.
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