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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. It's a non issue and a non problem. Fix it, leave it, it won't make one bit of difference, and aside from you very few people would give a fuck either way.
  2. Bro I play Jericho. Cheaters arent a problem there. Also, unless I read it wrong Matt said they couldn't get EAC to work properly and Battleye has had some changes making it the more appealing choice. Cool story tho.
  3. It sounds like it's less about which is the better in the overall industry and more about which one functions better with APB.
  4. Unfair because it's obviously ineffective? Plz no.
  5. You really need to shoot it at a stationary target's belt buckle as this removes the variable of your aim giving an accurate representation of the gun's performance.
  6. As someone how spends way too much time on the forums, it's nice to see a well thought out post. I do however disagree with your suggestions for weapon balance. I would rather see the OCA lowered to a .67 from 70 to give back the only edge the OCA had over the PMG (ttk), and for me while it may be needed dropping effective range to 25m I'd like to start at 30m and then see if more is needed. For the ATAC, the gun's poor base accuracy already makes the gun poop past 40m, so I see no reason to nerf its range, heck even tap firing at 40m doesn't net consistent hits. I also am not sure why you'd want to nerf it's ttk, it already loses to pointman weapons in CQC, and is outperformed at mid range by several other assault rifles. I absolutely agree that the HVR in its current state is a not great, and while I'm not against a damage reduction I'd honestly like to try a damage ramp system similar to the DMR. I hate explosive weapons, but deleting them isn't really an option, so I'll leave it to you and others to make the suggestions. Spotter is indeed problematic, but I'm not a big fan of deleting content. Plus I feel like there are plenty of options for balance including letting those spotted know they have been, marking the spotter on the radar while they are spotting, increasing the cooldown timer, any combination of these or any other options I haven't thought of. Remote det is cheese, but aside from effectively having no cooldown I don't have much of a problem. I am of the belief that dying to RemDet one time is alright, but dying a second time is your fault. These are just my opinions, and I thank you for giving yours.
  7. I would agree that how money works in game is a disaster. You can buy better mods... if you have the money. You can lease better weapons... if you have the money. You can buy better cars... if you have the money. This is especially difficult if you do not have premium. And while I would like to see a complete restructuring of the entire progress, I don't think allowing players to farm money at low to no risk is the answer. I want to stress that I hear what you are saying, for years now Ive given away money mods and legendaries to new players just because it sucks so bad as a noob. So I don't fault anyone for ram raiding, I just want to see the game advance to a state where it no longer exists AND is no longer needed.
  8. If that's another way of saying there is more bloom which leads to more RNG in APB, then yes.
  9. For me nothing is more frustrating than losing a gunfight because of RNG and it is my opinion that too often RNG determines winners in APB.
  10. Aren't they contractually obligated?
  11. I heard the guy that runs r/APB is a real cutie. Can you confirm?
  12. $10 says you believe you could do this job
  13. Very interesting. I have no insight as to if or when servers are having issues, but it does kind of sound more like a server thing.
  14. Ahh that's where they lose me then. I find no immersion in any kind of "world" since APB's lore is well, for lack of a better term, "cringe". For me, APB is just a bunch of PvP matches that for some reason all take place on the same map at the same time, and instead of a lobby between matches, you drive cars around at speeds of up to 51mph. All the "world" of APB does is make the game perform like doo doo. Yes, I said it, the things that make APB unique are the very things holding the game back. (all only my opinion of course, positive reacts only plz)
  15. Do people actually look at billboards while playing? not the player graffiti ones, but the ones that will be replaced by real ads. I've got over 5k hours in APB, and I don't think I can tell you what is on any billboard anywhere.
  16. If I understand correctly, you mean adding acc bound options for more packs, but price varying based on how many characters the pack will be added to. Might be messy especially since you could later add more characters, but its an interesting idea.
  17. This constant for you? I have similar issues at times, but its either my shitty ISP, or the games servers being attacked. (NA here as well) Sounds very frustrating, I hope you get it fixed.
  18. ok ok ok... .67 OCA .70 PMG both have 30m range this is balanced by the PMG's greater accuracy there... fixed
  19. The thing about shotguns and corners is there really isn't a way to win. Even if you made the shotgun ttk .8 as suggested, shotguns would still be able to 2 shot you in range before you can round the corner. This is a problem because when corner popping, you aren't exposed long enough for any gun in the game to kill you. We do have grenades for corners, but they are limited, and adding more would break other aspects of the game. Part of me wonders if making shotguns require a minimum of 3 shots to kill (with the ttk's similar to what they are now) could help with this "corners and shotguns" problem since it would require greater exposure within its min ttk, making it possible for say an OCA to have a chance at fighting back. note: since we are talking corners we are assuming the shotgun gets the first shot off since its the shotgunner waiting on the corner and the opposition not knowing they are there,
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