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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Can I get a TLDR on your post. Thanks. tl;dr abos > zombies
  2. How to not hide your cheats 101.
  3. Yeah Im excited too, especially for the COBRA.
  4. And I promise to comment. Maybe even add a gif.
  5. Bro, we agree. Neither want the ntec nerfed. But I guess if you dont think some ARs suck, then yeah we disagree.
  6. And this is why officials have to be doubly careful with their word choices. As he answered it comes off as intending to ban everyone that there is proof out there of having cheated in the past. Even I feel that would be wrong at this point and i am pretty hard anti cheats. Agreed.
  7. Let me clarify, if you want more than a small minorty of forum users to read your stuff, ALWAYS include a tl;dr. Just speaking from experience here.
  8. I think he meant banning them now if they are cheating now and there is evidence. Ive seen players admit to Matt to having cheated on their accounts when they were banned, he made no mention of banning them again just for that.
  9. Very well balanced weapon... higher ttk balanced by great hipfire accuracy. Not the easiest weapon to use when compared to others, but very rewarding if you can get the hang of it. We could use more weapons like this tbh.
  10. tl;dr cheaters used to be common now, less so that being said, best advice is to not worry about who may or may not be cheating, just play, have fun, and try to do better than you did the last match
  11. I was thinking about putting a TL;DR but I don't think it'd be able to capture the point. always put in a tl;dr always
  12. Ntec doesnt need a nerf. Other ARs need buffs.
  13. jeez irrelevant sounds harsh... isnt that like the bulk of the player base?
  14. I'll be a girl for you my shoeless silver stud. *cat noises*
  15. I like this Matt guy. And not just cuz of the handsome beard
  16. tfw no one ever links your vids to try and call you a cheater ... feelsbadman
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