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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. APB still has over 40 unique weapons.
  2. This should be common sense but no group of players agree on anything, golds dont agree with each other, silver's dont as well, ditto for vets, ditto again for noobs and ditto again for top % players. So please for the love of god stop with this "all x agree" bullshoot. It's just not true.
  3. Meta hasn't changed much since the release of the corsair.
  4. This has all been covered. Anti cheat isnt changing. Matchmaking cant be fixed on live. Weapon balance is in progress and ongoing. Aside from that it's also been said that there is no point fixing something on / add something to live just to have to fix / add it a second time on 2.1 Honestly you should have made your post "I havent been paying attention, can someone fill me in?".
  5. Mostly EU. Often fight club. Rarely bronze districts.
  6. Nobody wants to hear you cry about who you think is cheating.
  7. Almost a 3 way tie with one choice being "I dont care". That's a bummer.
  8. Using context clues Imma say it was a clan at some point.
  9. Its hard to say if we have too many toxic players or too many special snowflakes. Probably too many of both.
  10. I see it more as "nowhere to go but up".
  11. low priority coupled with lack of available manpower (guess)
  12. End of the year is arbitrary, assume the previous road map still holds true.
  13. It's nice to see there is still so much passion about playing apb.
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