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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. @Stunny I would have quoted you, but it wont let me remove the mention of Lixil and I didnt want to mention her twice. As for golds in bronze, if only we had GMs who would actually enforce the CoC, rather than threatening to silence anyone wha says someone is dethreating in /d chat! If only support would take dethreating seriously. Oh well, who needs new players anyways, amirite?
  2. Here is the transcript from the Q&A: Q: Will the ARMAS pricing be changed? And if so, how? A: It’s interesting, seeing as I have spent time looking at it. People are divided on the opinion of what APB is, some say it’s P2W, and some don’t. I don’t think APB is P2W, but there is a stigma. You could give the best weapon to the worst player, and the worst weapon to the best player, and the best player would win every time hands down. APB is a game of skill. The weapons don’t make that big of a difference, however the stigma does exist for a reason. I do think we need to go through the pricing and change it, as it is a little obscene. I’d like to bring it down to a price that players don’t feel gouged. It is a little bit too egregious and expensive. We have hired back one of the designers from the game, to help us with factoring more weapons in game and balancing. This is the only mention of ARMAS from the roadmap: Version 1.19.6 (PC Only) This version focuses on some quality of life changes for players. - Fixes to networking to help lag - Overall weapon balance pass - Fixes to Friends system - Update to visual design of ARMAS to help with navigation - Dropping unpopular items from ARMAS
  3. Edited my post, had a few errors, and I forgot to address the proposed %IR change on OTW.
  4. I keep rereading the CSG changes. Increased range from 7.5m to 10m at the cost of raising ttk from .68 to .8 seconds. This makes little sense to me, and I can explain why. Due to the difference in pellet spread at 10m between the JG (150cm) and the CSG (85cm), the CSG already has the benefit of IR3 being much more useful than it is on the JG (the tighter spread making the mod useful whereas the worse spread on the JG means you miss more of your pellets while using it). The ttk of the CSG with IR3 is already .8024. This made sense because you were given 7.5m (15m from 7.5m with current IR version) of actual useful range over the JG, at the cost of the increased ttk. Now, by increasing the base ttk to .8 you have made the CSG basically useless in the extreme cqc niche in which you claim shotguns should excel. Hell, even the Norsemen weapons can now out ttk the CSG throughout its entire effective range of 10m. Not to mention, if you have one of the preset CSGs with IR3, your ttk is now going to be .994 Just let that sink in .994 ttk for a shotgun with at best a max range of 17.5m (with current IR version). Ive yet to have a chance to test this is mission districts, hopefully one of these days we can get enough players on OTW to try. But I fail to see how this change does anything but make the CSG obsolete. We'll see. EDIT: Just wanted to add that if the latest IR stats go live (%increase in range +flat increase instead of just flat number increase), the range of an IR3 CSG will only be 14.5m with a ttk of .994 I cant be the only one who finds this insane am I?
  5. I forgot how nice the old forums was without polls until this new forum got spammed with trash polls every day. I kinda feel the same way. Even if it is a well phrased and constructive poll, at best its a case of "let's see what <1% of the payer base thinks".
  6. I think it was either use the existing model and give us this gun quickly, or wait many more months for LO to have the chance to create something of their own. Plus, its not like you have to buy the JMB. Not to mention, this will likely not be the last new gun we get.
  7. I kinda wish we could have 2 variants of the exact same gun in the same district to test. Like one current version ntec and one new version ntec. (not the same as scoped and non scoped) So we could switch back and forth quickly to get a better feel for how the guns behave in actual gameplay scenarios.
  8. Whisper is useless at 50m. (do the math on base accuracy vs hitbox size if you dont believe me) Crouch modifier barely makes up for not being able to use cooling jacket, since staying crouched in cqc is a death sentence, and aiming at anything beyond 25m is just praying to RNGjesus. If you give the crouch modifier to all OCAs / SMGs, then make the silencer an integrated one (purple mod) so you can use cooling jacket on the Whisper / Kris.
  9. The "ARMAS price change after UE" rumor was started by a forum mod. It was later explained that they had said this without checking with their superiors. Also worth noting, this mod hasn't posted since the beginning of July. Not saying ARMAS changes aren't coming, as Matt himself said he thought they were needed. Just saying I don't think we have an actual timeline.
  10. Base accuracy, bloom, and RNG are all server sided and therefore cannot be changed by hacks. Try to keep this in mind when wondering if someone is cheating.
  11. >defends car surfer >uses "real world" as a defense later in the same post ...hilarious
  12. You misspelled "GrindFrame". Would also have accepted "Snoreframe" or even "Boreframe".
  13. can you add "please remove polls from the forums"? not trying to be mean, Im just curious as to what people think
  14. Ive always been curious of those massages where the girl walks on your back. I remember seeing it a in rerun of the old M*A*S*H tv show. Are those still a thing?
  15. anime aside, are we really going to pretend shotguns are fine?
  16. What even is inflation? Maybe we should solve poverty by printing more money?
  17. Remove one of the few reasons people have for buying premium? ... great idea
  18. As long as you dont act like you are entitled to sales or discounts, I think its fine to ask.
  19. I really enjoyed it on otw. Range is great and spreas is tight, which for me is nore than enough to make up for the highet ttk. Anyways heres the actual stats for anyone curious. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Pistol_Showstopper_PR1_ArmasJB/
  20. I was just thanking him for posting it. Since its what I was looking for.
  21. So this isnt a thread about wishing more people would test on otw, but rather one asking people to just goof off there? Bruh... wtf?
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