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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Huh... thats actually a pretty good idea.
  2. Wanna know how I know its too strong? Little thing called the Joker Store.
  3. plz add, my soundcloud needs to be promoted
  4. I would like lipstick for my .45 AP thank you
  5. this will always get hate, simply because it is untrue
  6. I feel like the fact that you cant use other blue mods (ok just car spawner), and the fact that it shows up on radar is downside enough. But Im told this is a minority opinion. Thats gonna be a no from me dog.
  7. CookiePuss

    RFP-9 Balancing

    I do. But as an owner of the Talon, the Fang, (and of course having access the the standard RFP), the ACT44 GM, and the Hunter, I find myself using the 70m guns far more often. Perhaps its just personal preference, perhaps its because I use my secondary to compliment my primary ie: I would only use any of these guns with SMGs or Shotguns, using the .45 AP or FBW for everything else... but I still find the only thing "OP" about the RFP is its cqc viability. I also find the term "Pocket Obir" to be far too hyperbolic as again, the only place the RFP outshines the Obir is in cqc due to its ridiculous hipfire accuracy. So for me nerfing hipfire would be enough to balance the weapon. I do appreciate your points though, and of course my points are only opinion. Edit: I do find the RoF nerf to the Fang a good compromise for the extra range as well.
  8. Can we maybe just fix the weapons we have first? Maybe fix the servers too?
  9. No. Its just a bad idea from my perspective.
  10. Unless this would bring in players who otherwise would never play apb, this would just further divide our already tiny population. Im not sure that would be helpful.
  11. CookiePuss

    RFP-9 Balancing

    Except the act and rsa damage dropoff doesnt start til 70m vs the rfp at 40m. (not 50m) So while the rfp "shits all over them" up to 40m, they "shit all over" the rfp after that. In my opinion the thing that makes the rfp OP isnt its range, but rather its viability in cqc. IMO it just shouldnt be that versatile.
  12. Are you trolling me? You know why the Ogre never 2 shots? Because its a 3 stk. And its a .99 ttk, not .6 Please tell me Im just missing your sarcasm or something.
  13. God I hope not, that shit looked corny as fuck.
  14. Maybe just remove some of the low-end useless vehicles.
  15. How many new characters are you creating? Not that this is a bad idea, Im just curious.
  16. Id rather see premium benefits be cosmetic only, rather than add another boring feature to the game.
  17. I completely agree which is why I suggested an auto unlock if the owner is in a different vehicle Still going to be a no from me.
  19. ^this this a thousand times this^
  20. This is a bad idea, and you should feel bad.
  21. I think this is an excellent idea, and I support it fully.
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