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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Yeah cuz they might... well... I guess... do nothing?
  2. Honestly I don't pay attention to names enough to notice any disappearing. But I also don't think Ive seen a cheater on Jericho, so take from that what you will.
  3. I once asked Reverse to go easy on me. ... he then killed me with a blowtorch.
  4. Unreal... but expected. I dont really want to upset you anymore... I know how emotional you can get, so lets just agree to disagree eh?
  5. Unreal. If only believing LO can do no wrong translated into people playing the game. Yeah... lets not talk about Kemp and the special treatment he gets. I dont need him having another hissy fit on his stream. Seems odd to have played some 5,000 hours in 4 years and spent nearly as many dollars on a game I hate. But if that's what you need to tell yourself in order to avoid an actual conversation, then you do you.
  6. I think the ghost towns that were OTW and the prototype districts prove that not offering incentives was a mistake. We must have played different events... "Playing with the devs" was a lol fest, it was in no way a serious ineraction with the devs. In fact my experience was only Devs rage quitting matches. I'd have settled for either, instead we got neither. Bottom line, if you blame your community for your failures, you will NEVER succeed.
  7. Sorry Im just bored, Im sure you've all seen this but just in case...
  8. stk increases to 6 immediately after 10m, the FR0Gs have no overdamage whatsoever iirc That is correct.
  9. Give the RFP a slight range nerf, or nerf the hipfire accuracy. Or dont, I dont care... the gun is fine really. And as for the .45 AP...
  10. LO bungled testing. OTW and prototype districts were empty because LO did nothing to incentivise using them. Oh except for one "play with the devs event" after they had already decided what changes to make. Sorry, quoting isnt working and I cba to do the workaround anymore.
  11. Just been seeing alot of downvotes. Luckily, downvotes have no effect. Feel free to ignore them completely, I do.
  12. I fucking love the Kokoe. But be advised, damage dropoff starts at 10m. Then plays like an FBW up to 20m or so. I tend to run it with mid and long range primaries. Its just a great little gun.
  13. I would like to suggest a subforum for "suggestions". That'd be a good way to keep all suggestions organized so that the devs can easily view them.
  14. Much as with cheating, only the blatants are easy to catch.... and yet, when people are reported for getting one kill, then un-equipping all weapons and feeding their opp... nothing is done. And as far as admitting it, that happens literally every time I play both in /d and /t. People know nothing will be done, and have all sorts of pathetic excuses for why they DT, so they have no fear of talking about it openly. And again, just like with cheating you will never prevent it 100%... but also just like cheating, that is no reason to do nothing about it.
  15. Dethreating is, in fact, against the rules... Its just that Little Orbit isn't doing anything to enforce it.
  16. Citadel today. Logged in, half of oca into one, died in sutter, got 0 assist. Seems legit -> exit apb ouch... that def doesnt sound fun
  17. Literally not how the mod works, and it'd be nice if you people stopped spreading that misinformation.
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