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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. on Jericho its Sicopet on Citadel its Zlayer Neither of them play anymore afaik, but they will forever be the masters of the craft.
  2. True Ogre damage dropoff was nerfed to 10m from 20m (now does 30% damage at 20m) while retaining the 150cm spread at 10m. So you really wanna get CLOSE.
  3. Yood is actually a cat. I knew it. Suddenly everything makes sense.
  4. Elf hat seems to no longer be shown as a reward.
  5. Finally ! an excuse to post this again!!!
  6. Speaking from experience, Lixil goes out of her way to NOT ban people. She is more than fair in my opinion.
  7. I like my VintMint theme, and I hate themes.
  8. Personal insults aside, I think you've gone off the deep end my friend. Take care.
  9. 182* Because that simply isn't how it works. They may agree, and they may not. We simply do not know. Personal insults aside, it looks like LO saw that poll and listened. They cut the number from 10/14 days to 5/14 days. If you'd like to know how the forums feels about the new number, you need to make another poll. Same applies to wanting to know if players prefer roles vs dailies. But then again if you can probably guess if players would prefer rewards be easier or harder to get. But surely you can understand why a company would WANT to encourage players to play more, no? Seems pretty simple to me. If player opinions don't matter, then what are we even talking about?
  10. Fair enough. Im fine with only needing 5 of 14 days to complete dailies.
  11. Friggin Seadee dropping truth bombs.
  12. How many of the average 500+ players even gave their opinion? Bro, maybe take a break from the forums for a bit. I know you have a shit ton going on, but it doesnt seem to be healthy for you at the moment.
  13. CookiePuss


    I think that's a felony my guy.
  14. Seems like a lot of extra trouble to go through just for a crosshair / dot.
  15. I know, but I will do anything for your attention. (wink wink)
  16. mentions cant be deleted btw I wonder what percentage of AL users do you think are ALSO editing files? I also wonder what percentage of those who edit some files also use AL. Then I'd like to know your sources.
  17. But if you know how to edit the files, why would you need the advanced launcher?
  18. I cant comment on any specific gunfight you've been involved in. If you have any video evidence, Id be happy to view it. Im just trying to combat the spread of misinformation. No hack can do what you are saying they do. That is simply a fact. That was my only point.
  19. Katchwi, by now you should know that things like base accuracy, bloom, and RNG are all handled SERVER SIDED. So unless you are accusing someone of hacking into LO's servers, what you are saying just isn't possible.
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