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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I avoid it like the plague. Crap I'm there now aren't I?
  2. Real money trading is a bannable offense. Also, the Yukon is not only the worst of the Mounties, but one of the worst secondaries overall. Certainly not worth losing your account over.
  3. If you feel someone has crossed a line in chat you can report them to support. If you give support the date, time, server, and district, they can retrieve the chat logs and punish the offenders. As far as the chat filter goes, while it may be turned off, you must choose to do so. This isn't to say things can't be improved, but you do have options.
  4. Perhaps they didn't realize how many people would be willing to commit fraud.
  5. I too would love unlimited free JT.
  6. As confusing as OP is, it should be mentioned that the Zeus is a direct upgrade as Heavy Barrel has no downside on LTL weapons.
  7. We have very different styles of play, but I now see what you mean.
  8. I've often heard "might as well make them a mod, I have more than I'll be able to use anyways". This is the first time I've heard the opposite.
  9. Why is the thread still alive? @foscor77 mods for whatever reason won't close this unless you ask them to.
  10. Sad that the mongoose and snake are the ugliest rank symbols on the list.
  11. Same. Looking at some 6000+ hours. Still enjoying the game. /Shrug
  12. When you first installed the game is meaningless. I don't know why people think that matters.
  13. Without knowing any of the actual details that led to gifting being removed due to chargebacks, there is no real point in suggesting fixes.
  14. It doesn't bloom at all. That's the entire point, HB2 makes the bloom reset perfectly after every shot when full auto. You can't full auto an ntec past like 5m. Not to mention 65m is still more than 57m. But that's not really the point, the point was HB2 On the N-SSW is broken good. Sorry my friend, I've not got the time to read all that rambling, though to my credit that's why I didn't respond to it either.
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