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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Thats a good point. Then why do so many players choose to use the other ARs? Considering the ntec is a free gun, that's an important question.
  2. Have you tried lowering settings? I only get the RTX OOM error if running at max. I realize how crazy it is to have to turn down graphics with suck powerful cards, but it has helped.
  3. If you have artists in your employ, what else are they to to besides design clothing, symbols, and skins? It's not like they are programmers.
  4. What you are describing is literally the point of all ARs in APB. If you want guns that aren't viable across the ranges you have given, then campaign for the removal of assault rifles entirely. Pointman weapons are already problematic. Carplay already makes them far more effective than they should be. The more you nerf any AR, the more you exacerbate that problem.
  5. Yes. The weapons all perform well within their effective ranges, and are outperformed outside of it. This is called balance.
  6. Oh way worse than that... I've been rocking the Raptors for months now. Just MB1 to win.
  7. By 70m the ntec is doing like 56 damage per shot. That's 18 shots to kill. That's an ntec with a ttk of over 2 seconds. Honestly if you die to an ntec outside of it's effective range, you were so out of position that almost any gun with more range than pointman weapons would have also killed you.
  8. Frenzy has always been a weird one for me. Stat wise it should be competitive, but when I use it, the gun just doesn't "feel" good. It always feels like I'm fighting the weapon to get it to perform as it should. I dunno, maybe just too much time spent with the other ARs.
  9. I honestly can't remember what was said publicly and what I've heard that's under NDA. I will say though nothing is set in stone, so whatever the mod releases as, it can be tweaked for effectiveness from there.
  10. Mobility, ttk, being forced to ads instead of hipfire. There simply is no reason to lose to an ntec with an SMG in cqc unless you get outplayed. Cover is fine, but your opp can use it as well. And I'm not sure why you think hitting part of a hitbox is hard anyways. So sure if your position is advantageous, you can outperform a better weapon. But this is true of any weapon. In the case of all other things being equal the only reason an ntec beats an SMG inside 20-25m is because you simply got outplayed. P.S. nearing 6,000 hours in game
  11. It's slightly less versatile than the 5, primarily in cqc. The 7 is also less forgiving than the 5 due to slower RoF. The 7 does get an extra 5m before hitting minimum damage (due to lack of curve mechanic) but it has less overdamage so it doesn't actually kill faster within those 5m. It also is LESS forgiving at the initial drop-off at 50m because of the lack of curve. The 7 also has one less mod slot, so you can't modify it as well as the 5. The one thing the Ursus has going for it is the persistent center dot. So if you aren't already using an overlay, that's a plus. All this being said, it doesn't mean that everyone will prefer the 5 to the 7. And if you are more comfortable with the Ursus, then I say stick with it.
  12. I too would like to be one of 40 people in a queue for a district.
  13. If its already not the best in cqc, why do you need to make it worse at cqc?
  14. Outside of the Norsemen, if you get beat by an N-TEC in cqc while wielding an SMG, that's on you... not the weapons.
  15. My KDR improved 200% once I started wearing these... But it was discovering these that made me an MLG Pro... (I dont have a vagoobie, so I just stuff em up me bum)
  16. I have to disagree. The Ursus IS a slightly worse, less versatile, N-TEC 5.
  17. For me, the only full auto secondary I'd never use it the S-AS PDW. Nanos are useful, N-FA 9 is beast especially the "Quickdraw", the Mounties (outside of the Yukon imo) are very good in their niche, and of course the UL-3 are extremely effective. Though I guess its all just personal preference. For me the FBW and the 45 AP only get chosen over the full autos because, like the N-TEC 5, they are versatile. Not the best in any category, but useful in nearly all.
  18. So much wrong about this. ... maybe next poop break.
  19. Either that word doesn't meant what you think it does... Or you are psychic... Or you are talking about a situation you don't know anything about.
  20. One way or another the Fang, like many other guns, will be changed. Also, what if I bought an NFAS?
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