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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Now it's random. Yeah u could do it all day and maybe get nothing. The cap is there for exploit control yes. You'll never even come close to hitting it without some form of exploit. Iirc people have been averaging less than 1 JT per mission.
  2. Pre phasing all you'd need to do is hit up an empty district and you and your friends just take turns losing on the first stage. You could just print JT. Post phasing would be a different situation, that's a good point.
  3. That wouldn't be too fair for less skilled players. It would also be exploitable. Random is the only way to do it.
  4. It's not supposed to be easy to get free items that you would normally have to spend real $ on. Just be glad you can do it at all.
  5. Yes, all shotguns are MUCH more forgiving of bad shots. And I agree, that's an issue.
  6. Fun fact: since the per ray damage scale was introduced, it takes one less pellet to min ttk using the NFAS. One Less Pellet The system Is set up so that the more pellets you land, the less the damage scale helps. So while bad players may be benefitting from the change, good players are not.
  7. Lol wut? It plays exactly the same in that scenario.
  8. Everyone knows the game has cheaters. What you should do is acquaint yourself with the rules... It'll keep you from getting into too much trouble. There isn't a player here who hasn't at one time or another been upset about hacking in the game, so its not that we aren't sympathetic. But rules are rules.
  9. KTTC is a great pack... But unless you like flag weapon skins, KTTW is pretty meh.
  10. Was this the name and shame post? Because if so, you should know better.
  11. That's all well and good... Until you aren on defense and have to push.
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