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Everything posted by Lign

  1. There had been a half-public cheat for battleye for months until eac has come
  2. If they implement a proper spectating mode like cs then it will be pretty easy to detect cheats, but yeah, I cringed so hard when imagined apb esport
  3. After the failed shotgun rebalance patch no one asked before Matt said that they will listen to the community and try to not make the same mistake. Where are we at now? Too fat
  4. Rebalance stuff, fixing ui disappearing and radar tower bugs that they gave us with their trash events patches, removing vip stages etc. there are even more, just lurk the forums. The only thing they did good with the last patch is faster cd for non premium players
  5. In my view, there are only vets left, so it’s better to keep this population trying to not make going negative until new engine instead of making trash coded boring events on the current build. There’re a lot of simple things they could do to please vets and not make them leaving the game
  6. Being able to mod offline version will cause private online version
  7. @MattScottdid you really believe that garbage mode was a good idea. Didn’t none from the team have a thought that it’s gonna be a total fail while creating the mode?
  8. Ahahahahahahahaha oh god I have no words. Иннова соснула вялого у мэтта UPD It would be much better if you give 10k g1c for 5k hours else you're just deleting the huge community from the game.
  9. The problem is that all mice that you can program have memory. That means you can set a macro into your mouse by razor, logitech, a4tech, completely uninstall a software with full cleaning and have a mouse with working macro
  10. Macro that are based on mouse programming have never been banned(razor, logitech, a4tech). Battleye detects only external programs such as ahk
  11. It could be just a bad rng. Listen to the shot sounds while looking at magazine capacity. If there was a sound but the number of bullets in round wasn’t changed then it was a ghostshot. I don’t get this kind of ghostshots by legit clicks
  12. I think it’s one of the helpful bugs. I don’t remember when I get ghost shots by legit clicking
  13. True, I tried to use macro for carbine and fbw when I had deathadder. It felt so unnatural for me and it ghostshots so much even if I set it with proper settings based on apbdb information about firerate timings. It seems like the game mechanic can’t reg your shots if you always hit them with perfect inhuman timing. I tested once how close my firerate to theoretical. Basically each click has timing with 10-50ms difference but in the game it feels like I’m shooting with the fastest possible firerate
  14. It’s pretty easy to see the difference between macro and legit even if a guy doesn’t fail firerate. Just listen to the shot sounds, there will always be different timing between these sounds if a guy not macroing
  15. I feel bad for those who thinks there’re a lot of macro users. I’m getting message in pm about macroing daily by a lot of ppl but I lose fire rate pretty often
  16. Any configs, basically text files are allowed to be changed in any modern game. Only paked files with textures, engine logic etc. are not allowed to be changed
  17. God, you read my mind Merged. It seems most ppl dont understand practical situations. It's the same If I say bishada is much better than pioneer because it's faster and you can catch objects very quickly or SAS PDW has faster ttk than FBW but I barely see someone using bishada or PDW nowadays. And about hvr. Any damage source makes its ttk 0s, playing in team makes its ttk 0s.
  18. dunno, based on arranged matches, ppl barely switch from ntec. And oca can be easily outplayed by ntec users with some brain
  19. It's not about people can't play with their weapons, it's about that you have to switch weapons based on situations to outplay ntec or you can just take ntec for all situations
  20. It's theoretical situations. Practically, jg user never tries to outplay oca without cover on 7.5+ meters. If you want a braindead gameplay like it was before when shotguns were a superior choice during old oca time, then okay. Just run like a locomotive and always hit 2 shots, because oca's ttk is slow
  21. JG is overpowered at the moment. If you're average player, you barely can miss a shot with it, when with oca to overshoot jg you have to track an enemy perfectly
  22. Pre-LO shotguns were perfectly fine with the current OCA. JG could always make 2 shots against old oca, there wasn't even a point to stay at the corner, you just run and shoot without brain. After oca buff shotguns were forced to go to their best niche - corners. So, everyone was in the equal position. Shotguns users had to think how to not allow oca users to run to their corner, at the very same time oca users had to think how to run over the corner of shotgun user to catch him and not die
  23. It was unasked but pre-LO shotguns were a bit too op for old oca, now jg and nfas are pretty op for the current oca
  24. oca buff was due to overpowered shotguns. As I remember old oca had slower ttk than overbuffed jg and csg back in the days. But I might be wrong about ttk. I would like to see old oca if only they nerf shotguns
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