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Everything posted by RETARD

  1. they just had them out .. just wait till next valentine.
  2. beat OCA with OCA , you have been here for a while. why are u playing vs bronze? and no real good golds dethreat to go to bronze , only the actually good ones stay in silver or gold depending on whats open , plus the more u shut up and play vs tryhard golds the better you get, cuz if you can read a really good player then u can pretty much read anyone ( besides like noobs and shit they are hella unpredictable )
  3. its pretty easy to take down these golds with a star 556 and starter pistol , you really dont need to spend money at all to vs golds
  4. if we give new players everything in the game at the start then leveling up will be boring, the thing that makes this game fun is leveling up and unlocking more op things and 556 and starter pistol isnt that bad of a starter weapon , but we cant give them everything a gold has to start or it'll just make it so boring.
  5. the game growing isnt the problem, they thought they had a perfect game because they spent a lot of time and money on it and failed just like apb, but apb is actually trying to fix the things that is making the game unlikeable. I dont know how many players games like Minecraft had when it released but i dont think it was much, now its worth 2.5billion dollars, so maybe if everything goes right apb can be worth just as much, but i dont know where the fuck im going with this so bye.
  6. everyone forgot the engine , the main part of the car
  7. i think as you said it is personal preference , like i like hold to crouch because ive always used that in games so im used to it and im sure there is plenty of people that like hold to crouch more than press crouch one time to crouch or whatever its called and bug solution: if you get the bug just press the jump button or get in a car and that should fix it
  8. i dont exactly want it removed but i just think it needs to be less OP
  9. if they are struggling to change the code on this game already , they would have a way more hard time remaking apb + everyone would lose everything they worked years for and all the money they spent on apb
  10. im not sure honestly , just wait and find out at this point.
  11. I was once in social district on EU and saw a level 255 trainee
  12. i dont run into many hackers because im always playing with high rank people so i would prefer the engine upgrade first then fix the anti cheat For EU maybe, For NA it doesnt matter, we barely get 30 people in one district a day, For some reason EU has like 5-10 servers online at a time and NA has 15-20, EU should have more servers and NA should have less, maybe would fix pop problem a tiny bit in NA.
  13. you are part of the toxic community if you come in here calling everyone dumb, everyone has their own opinion on everything so let if be like that.
  14. idk if i know what your saying bc im not good at reading English even though im English but the problem is pop / skill , if you have just turned gold and got off apb then you get on the next day and have to face some of the best players in the game in gold instead of facing people your level or a little bit better in silver it might make you annoyed most of the time + gold is not always filled , its barely filled . if you do make this a thing where only golds can go in gold , only silvers can go in silver and only bronze can go in bronze then it might be , gold: 3v5, silver: 6v10, bronze, 10v15, something like that, we want more people to play with each other which is why they are adding the migrate thing so citadel and Jericho can play together , we dont want to separate the districts like this. I dont think you can fix most of the things in apb , especially if you arnt a coder . it might look easy and simple to fix but it really might not be , im dont give LO much credit because i dont see them doing anything to the game so far to make it better , but i do give them it might be hard to fix everything the other people messed up. peace
  15. if you think some silly video will change apb you are wrong, i have seen people for years say how shitty this game is and honestly it doesnt feel like they care, once i see some improvement i will continue to think they dont care about us. You and the rest of the 700- remaining players on this game all hope it will get better. I have been playing for 4 years on Xbox + 1 year on PC and haven't seen any real changes made to the game, maybe a few things here and there but no real changes.
  16. vegas 4 slots are a lot but are good , but not everyone likes them.
  17. NA is pretty dead most of the time. but when you log into the game and choose your district click advanced and you can chose where u wanna go and just look for anything that has players and click on it and join. best times to join is daytime , nighttime is really dead weekdays , weekends it will most likely have players, Saturday is the best day to join.
  18. it was only that , i wouldnt lie for no reason.
  19. i mean i got a 24 hour ban and threatened with a perma ban from apb just because i said i would spit on someone with i ever saw them irl, kinda extreme if u ask me. my first offence ever btw and almost got perm banned.
  20. i didnt read this whole thing so imma just go off the title. i think single shot weapons would be bad for apb - it would make people mad at the game and just make the guns more unbalanced then some already are. - it would be annoying to fight someone that can just 1 shot you at any time easy. - if you are to pay for it with real money that would just be pay 2 win which is most likely gonna be the case if they add 1 shot weapons unless they add another contact in the engine update. - if they arnt gonna be pay to win and you would get them from a new contact if would be annoying for new players sense they are not on that level so they would have to go threw lots of annoying match's and maybe quit apb because of how unfair it would be. i just think there really is no way to get around these things unless someone else has something they can think of but i think all around 1 shot weapons would ruin apb and make it not fun anymore. like i said i didnt read the whole thing and im just going off the title.
  21. this would be nice, i think 2v2s , 3v3s , 4v4s and up are good but not 1v1s
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