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Everything posted by Bornstellar

  1. I have two odd bugs when launching my game from Steam. One is that it always reinstalls DirectX when I boot the launcher. This takes like 30 seconds which can get annoying. The second bug is every time I hit "PLAY", after it's done with DirectX, it opens my internet browser with a page saying "LIKE us on Facebook!" with a piece of art from APB and a blank box. Is this common or just me? Any way to fix it?
  2. I'd be down to rejoin.
  3. I prefer them over the earlier models because of the rear and front-end looks. Yeah I've launched mine outside of a mission a couple times
  4. Personally, I don't think nudity has a place in the game. But I don't think that'll stop people from making anime tiddy symbols.
  5. Hopefully you can clean the filth off of the GamersFirst name.
  6. Is there an estimate on when the development roadmap will be released?
  7. Looking forward to matching against you guys.
  8. You can change the background at the top right of the screen under the search bar. Click the picture frame.
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