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Everything posted by Sniperturtle

  1. No, let's just have the EU first, then let's see what else we can have.
  2. Those are the rules, cross at your own peril.
  3. 1. Changing game files through a text-editor is pretty alarming to BE and other programs that might check them for additions. Gamersfirst NEVER APPROVED of modifications to the game files by the way and such actions were ALWAYS PRONE TO BAN. 2. Third party programs were never fine, not in G1 APB, and not for Battleye 3. Battleye is usually not answering such requests in a useful manner. What you have written there is the roadmap to a banned copy of ArmA3, and i doubt it'll be much better on APB. Just wait for LO to make an announcement, and be very careful with overlays and other 3rd party plugins and programs.
  4. G1c are not money, still i don't feel like i need a "refund". I made the deal by the conditions that were present when i made it and i agreed to them, no point in walking back.
  5. No MM = no leaning. Though getting dropped out of MM usually occurs just after going into MM, never lost lean tbh. Losing MM does happen more frequently on more crowded district though, i suppose it's owed to graphic "lag" caused by switching the LoDs of models and characters that are further away. You might want to try (if this doesn't break it for you) to place MM on toggle. That should prevent it dropping, but i don't know if you can interrupt by sprinting as well.
  6. Cooldown timers need adjusting either way, the rest is okay the way it is though. No, you can't get everything for free, the servers/staff/taxes need to be payed, and setting the cooldowns aside you can't just expect more from being a freebie player - be glad you're allowed to play for free.
  7. Congratulations, you made the first really salty forum thread since LO took over!!!
  8. Dunno, i spent six hours in silver district on Citadel on thursday, did not have any more fishy players than usual...if not less. And we had a GM (Yuvie i think) come and say hi in the action districts. Atmosphere is really good atm, even though - yes the bugs and cheats and questions still persist.
  9. Despite all the doomsayers, it is 2018 andAPB is still alive and hopefully off to a new start. Report that
  10. Yea i agree, that idiot should have called you cracker over and over again, that would not have been offensive...
  11. Any form of authority - even just links to authority - amass more power. Just for being who they are these persons will become different to the rest of the players. The requests to push for bans alone will suffice to corrupt them, depending how and by whom they are made. No sunshine, unless they are dealing with their own business, have their own livelyhood on the line, NOBODY can be trusted to be responsible unless (in this particular situation) they are not affiliated with the game personally at all. How do i know this? I led various clans in games, whenever a person was the first to yell "ME, ME, ME!!!" when it came to a position of considerable authority, or even just minor authority like squad lead they usually sucked hard at the job. And i am talking about grown men here. Yes, you too will come to see the day when that "blatant" you thought, is actually legit in the real world. That line was your first mistake before you even got GM.
  12. In-game GMs and those with the authority to ban should only be professionals if any. In this community i would not trust ANYONE (including myself) with such a task. Volunteers could do minor inconsequential chores like sorting or typing tech support mails, or sending copy-paste mails to persons making ban appeals, doing translations for the game, etc - for a minor and not abusable reward. Reporting in game is as far an administrative capacity any player should ever get in regards to dishing out bans, and it's just fair that anyone can do it. Only feature that should be added to this maybe is an (optional) third parameter describing the reason for the report. As soon as you start handing any form of responsibility to persons who are meant to mingle with the rest of the population those persons will inevitably get corrupted at some point, purely by social cohesion, misscommunication, or personal preference. It's not a good idea - those who want to mentor other players are already doing so today without being "glorified".
  13. Awww, let's all shed a bitter salty tear for the poor closets, lol.
  14. There is this elitist attitude, new young players get exposed to it, then when they think they are good they do the same thing to whoever they run into, eventually a big chunk of the community is in the dumbass mindset. Just sayin...GG EZ...
  15. They are using crouchspam to mess up hitreg, it is bug-abuse and should be fixed quite frankly.
  16. DMR is DMR, HVR is HVR, it will still take 3 shots to kill someone with DMR and 2 clips from HVR to destroy a vehicle.
  17. Only thing i'd think of for the HVR is to gradually increase its damage with range, making it useless at ranges below 50m.
  18. You got a point there - just wrong side round, i think anyone who is in a district not appropriate for their threat should be prevented from chatting and even whispering others. Good idea, no?
  19. Hi LO, i been trying to hold back with requests and suggestions so far seeing that the forum is flooded with them, but at this point i'd like to toss this one out again. In my account spread over several characters i think i have an estimate of near 1k mails with weapons attached that i got from JMB lootboxes. I am not able to delete these mails, nor am i interessted in retrieving said weapons because i usually own them account bound anyways (no need to clutter up my locker any further). I usually end up buying at least 20 JMBs per month (if not an account bound weapon as well) - simply as a contribution to the game, if i get the legendary it's nice but not really important. Anyhow, this is the reason why i stacked up quite the amount of lease-timed weapons which i would at times like to pass to friends, or the occassionally "p2w"-complaining newcomer. I know for a fact that friends of mine are in a similar situation, and so i would like to ask if you could modify the system in a way that will allow me to forward the mail itself + attachment to another player. Why? 1. The weapon has been paid for anyways. 2. It will give (new) players a chance to play with a certain Armas gun for an extended period of time without finacial commitment on their behalf, and could thus be a ruse to get them into buying the weapon permanently lateron. 3. It could be one of those nicer gestures the community clearly needs and is absolutely capable of providing if enabled, thereby decreasing at least in part the toxicity of the game 4. It will serve those that claim p2w as a way of learning better. I doubt doing this will permit off-world transactions, simply because a lot of people will be passing out guns making any off-world transaction rather pointless - after all why pay money if some person in game can give you the same weapon for free?
  20. You people all want stuff changed, but you have no clue as to why...
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