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Everything posted by Gro

  1. Give them one more reason to quit, shall we.
  2. Lolwhat? It actually forcekick you each time with a loading screen and stuff? When I read news on steam it seemed like seamless meta-district feature. Too good to be true I guess.
  3. Yeah, the game had too much content over past 13 years. It's time to remove some.
  4. I'm only interested in new clothes. We'll see what's what.
  5. Tfw you are so desperate at 200 players pop, you just lift all banned scum.
  6. I literally told you this in a thread about testing the thing: the only way to balance hordes for attackers is to turn mission to killcount stage. Every other scenario will always favour defending side.
  7. Let it stay that way. Giving stuff away is just plain communism, we can't allow that. Seriously, there have to be rare things. In case of FFA, it's perfectly fine balanced rare thing: acting identical to obir, giving you no special reward other than having it itself. A collector's item in a nutshell. Put it up to joker store and you'll just break someone's theoretical stimulus to grind, and rather many one's feel of having collector's item. This way you'll ruin it for a few that enjoyed it and won't get much off many who'll buy it of a contact and forget about it, cus, as said, it is nothing special if it's not rare anymore.
  8. Nice touch on the "last month".
  9. Sooo... were there any new clothes since then?
  10. From my experience the more players are in the match, the more difficult it becomes for the offensive side, because there is always someone guarding the spot/item/vip/whatever, regardless of how far spawns are, and defenders are more likely to win, because time works for them. Your "escalate" thing might be worth it only if it will transform mission in deathmatch with killcount to win. Afaikr, not every mission has such stages, so you'd have to rework all of them to include deathmatches if "escalated". Essentially, it will allow a fight club in a mission districts.
  11. I'd say flash it out anyway. Not like they ever gonna do something about it, rather than bitching. They don't ban cheaters ffs.
  12. Lolwhat? I get why Z should be prohibited - they promote agressive war. What's wrong with Ukraine? It has been attacked and is defending. What the heck do you even mean it's political symbols are prohibited. I've been waving Ukraine coat of arms since 2013.
  13. It's always nice to have a bit of nostalgia, but let's be real: no thing is going to change. Feel free to jump in and get back to 2015 from time to time though.
  14. I'd say adjust to traditional pc means of playing. You won't last vs keybord and mouse with any controller.
  15. What were you expecting honestly? LO openly donated to blm rioters. Of course they consider it "offensive".
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