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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. It wasn't about game balance either, it was to sell the N-ISSR-B. They nerfed the jump shooting on the NCR, N-HVR 762, Vesper, and DMR. The same patch they added the N-ISSR-B, which can jump shoot. 2014/3/17 - to http://old.apbdb.com/changes/
  2. This company does not ban accounts even when openly cheating on livestream. You used a cheat known to Battleye, or your account was phished and someone else cheated on it. It's kinda sus that you know the ban date, but didn't do anything about it until now.
  3. The closest you can get is to have a 1v1 with both players using the NCR-762 'Anubis' and OCSP 'Kommandant'. Both weapons are very accurate but ttk is a little higher than other weapons in the same niche. They also have less over damage so clotting agent and kevlar can change the outcome.
  4. You personally are unable to compare and contrast weapons based on their overall stats, so you think no one should have easy access to that information. Everyone interprets words differently, and translating to other languages isn't perfect. Math doesn't change. You know what does change? Weapon stats, like the ATAC's effective range from 50m to 40m, and some accuracy stats back in 2020. You'd need to read through a hundred patch notes to find that change if it wasn't for APB:DB. Most people manage to pass kindergarten, They can handle it.
  5. Your first sentence contradicts itself. You can't accurately describe a weapon without the stats. How do you describe the difference between 40M and 50M with words, other than Forty and Fifty?
  6. It's 3rd person. Knowing the weapon is blooming is better than nothing. Most shots land closer to center than the max bloom so it's not the worst thing. If you want accuracy at 100M, multiply the 10M accuracy by 10. Want it at 50M? Multiply by 5. You can use compare that to the player's hitbox size, which I can't remember what it is. The real issue is none of the real accuracy numbers are listed in game, so new players have no way of accurately calculating accuracy.
  7. Last I checked it was impossible to miss a player if aimed near center hitbox at rendering using a DMR + hunting sight. I think a car is bigger than a player, and the middle of the door is about center of the car.
  8. It doesn't matter if the crosshair is "fully closed" or has 1 pixel gap, that's still accurate enough to hit a vehicle, especially when aimed center of the vehicle. What I'm saying is sometimes the server just doesn't process your shots.
  9. For me it was worst when the servers were in Texas with the ddos protection. Who LO are using now, Path, are much more stable. When your crosshair is fully closed and pointed at the center of car's door, but the shot misses and your ammo decreased. I can consistently ghost shoot semi-auto weapons without using a macro, as in shooting client sided but the ammo stays the same and others don't see you shooting.
  10. Most of these "configs" are modifications to .upk files, not just settings in the ini files. Someone decrypted the files to modify them. It is cheating. It's modifying files that are not designed to be modified. Besides, if someone's PC is so bad it can't run APB using the current Advanced Launcher, I doubt they have the funding to make purchases on Armas.
  11. The hitreg problems have nothing to do with the current weapon system, it's the netcode. There's no upper latency limit for lag compensation, meaning you can have 2000ms latency and still hit players who are visible on your screen, but are behind cover server sided. Waiting 2+ seconds for your shot to hit isn't exactly playable, but the netcode allows it. There's no timestamps, the server processes packets the order they come in. This causes issues like ghost shots when one packet takes a few ms longer than the next. There's other netcode issues that enable things like the teleport speed hack. There's also noticeable delay processing player hits compared to vehicles and pedestrians. If weapons were more accurate, you'd have more complaints about hitreg because more players would know their shot should have hit or not, rather than thinking it was rng with the bloom.
  12. It was before LO. G1 had test districts with various weapons and ttk changes. They also analyzed each weapon's average ttk and adjusted the weapons to get it slower. This is where the retarded bloom curve mechanic came from.
  13. BlatMan


    Peace is built with Autoit. You could try using Voicemeeter for an equalizer. It works for me with APB.
  14. Please remove the fog and bloom. It will look so much better.
  15. You'll go from Bronze to Green, if you're not already.
  16. Except you missed a key part: https://legacy.apbdb.com/changes/ Pistol_RFP9 fRadiusAtTenMetres 10 > 20 The accuracy would need to be changed back to 10, otherwise it's just going to be less accurate than the current version. I'm questioning your sanity over the FFA 'bullshark' change. Less bloom per shot will help take advantage of it's 4+ round bursts, but completely removing the bloom will make it strait upgrade over the current OBIR / FFA. You won't need IR3 for extra range since you'll be landing all the shots from 4+ round bursts.
  17. Most changes I'm not against, but there's some that don't make sense. RFP fMarksmanshipModifier 0.32 >>> 0.64 - The RFP has issues landing 3 bullets at 30M. If anything, the Per Shot Modifier should be reduced. fHealthDamage 110 >>> 133 fRampDistance 4000 >>> 3000 - I'd leave it at 4000 or at lowest 3500. fMinDamageRange 1500 >>> 2000 nAmmoPoolCapacity 120 >>> 105 - Leave it at 120. It already runs out too fast. nMagazineCapacity 24 >>> 21 - Leave it at 24. *Change the RFP-9 ‘Fang’’s modification from Improved Rifling 3 to Hunting Sight 3. - I would replace it with piercing. I rather have all the RFP versions have the same accuracy for balance, otherwise you end up with one version being worse like it currently is with the 'Talon'. FFA Bullshark fPerShotModifier 0.2 >>> 0 - You've turned this weapon into a laser. Reduce it to 0.15 or so, but not 0. Maybe this was a typo. DMR AV/SD (DMR SD) fRampdistance 8000 >>> 7500 - The two shot feature is kinda overpowered as is. The SD isn't used because there's no meaningful improvement over the AV, but widening the two shot range doesn't feel like the right way to go. I'm not sure what to do with this weapon. I think there's too narrow of a range to properly balance heavy hitting snipers.
  18. Then we're back to dethreating, threat inflation, and dividing friends, with the added bonus of latency problems.
  19. I'm in the minority because I loved open conflict. There was no threat based matchmaking so you got who was ready. You were less likely to get the same opp each match. Only downside was missions would get too large due to the backup system still calling in anyone, but it made each mission more dynamic instead of the static matches we have now.
  20. People started using the Obeya CR762, but then Little Orbit nerfed it's damage so now it takes 11 shots at 80M instead of 8. But that's Little Orbit for you. Over nerf everything. Look at the RFP-9. It was competitive against the .45, now it's worse then every secondary.
  21. All of those weapons have been nerfed over the years. These are just the changes I remember. I'm sure there's others. To say these guns need more nerfs is insane. OBIR: - Rate of fire nerfed. - Sprint delay linked to rate of fire. - Ammo capacity nerfed. N-TEC: - Tap firing nerfed due to non linear recoil change. - Jump shooting accuracy nerfed. - Damage nerfed. FAR: - Shot modifier cap increased (less accurate while spraying) - Jump shooting accuracy nerfed. - Ammo capacity nerfed. PMG: - Range nerfed by G1. (50M to 35M) - Range nerfed again by Little Orbit. (35M to 20M) - Accuracy nerfed.
  22. Not even close. Most of them don't know how to play objectives. They also seem attracted to satchels, something even a bronze will learn to dodge.
  23. Performance is not the issue. They run better than the previous generations. The issue is GPUs that use GDDR6 memory are not 32 bit compatible. APB will run but it will eventually crash with an "out of memory" error. The same thing happens with AMD that use GDDR6.
  24. [APBGame.cWeaponAttachment] m_bParticleMuzzleFlash=true This config option is used to turn off Muzzle Flash. GamersFirst disbaled this feature without reason. Muzzle flash, like all particles in APB, are overused. They cause stuttering during normal gunfights, even with a midrange GPU like a GTX 1080. Enabling this config, preferably adding it as a graphics option in game, will put players with varying hardware at an equal playing field. This should be an easy addition seeing that you've added other graphics options in game.
  25. That's a lot of words to say nothing. Did you have a help desk chat bot write those replies?
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