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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I bet they get rated on number of cases closed. Looking at a 30s video clip is 30s longer to click the close button. I also doubt the support staff have any experience in playing video games so they don't even know what is and isn't possible. GTA Online is an absolute mess. 99% of game state is client sided. At least with APB the server has the last say.
  2. Rust uses EAC. The official servers are unplayable due to the amount of cheaters. There's lots of players who can jump higher and fly. There's magic bullet that lets you hit any player within range without aiming at them. It can even hit behind walls. These players do get banned eventually but only through mass reporting. If obvious cheats like that are getting past, I doubt the less obvious are ever detected. They changed the recoil system from patterns to random because of the wide usage of no recoil macros. I don't see EAC being this magical fix like others see it. If LO ignore blatant cheaters, like ones who post clips of themselves cheating and have multiple steam accounts each with multiple VAC bans, I doubt it's going to be different with another brand anti-cheat.
  3. I doubt EAC will make a difference at first. Anything client sided can be bypassed. Maybe the server sided part will help, but it sounds like it's about as good as FairFight. I don't mean that as a good thing. The game devs would need to fine tune it's detection, and you saw what happened with G1's methods. Than again, I didn't expect Matt to have a working 64 bit version this soon, so who knows what else his team can do.
  4. Edit the defaultmusiclibrary.xml. This will let you remove the music without deleting the files and throwing errors. "\APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary\defaultmusiclibrary.xml" Remove everything between <Library> </Library> so it looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MusicPlayer Version="1"> <Library> </Library> <Config> <CurrentPlaybackInformation CurrentPlayingPlaylistID="-1" CurrentPlayingPlaylistTrackIndex="-1" CurrentPlayingTrackID="-1" PlaybackPosition="0" StorePlaybackSettings="true" Volume="1.000000" Random="true" Loop="Playlist" PlaybackOnFoot="false" BroadcastFromVehicle="true" EnvironmentFilter="true" AutoResume="true" /> <GeneralSettings ShowEULA="true" PermaDeleteOnRemove="false" DisplayPlayerHud="true" /> </Config> </MusicPlayer> Login, open the music player and reset it back to default. This will clear all the music. Then you can import your own music if you like.
  5. In game latency says 0ms but it's probably about 20ms going by camera switch delay, which makes sense if it's NA east. Still surprised by the performance. RAM usage is about 3GB. Total system RAM usage is about 6GB with APB and Discord. Very impressive.
  6. We I was young we'd yell about banging each others mamas till 7 am, then we'd pass out in first period study hall. Since they're using "AI" for this, it just means the AI will eventually ban for anything, like how Twitter was banning people for saying "Memphis". Couldn't talk about the city, the players, or anything with that word. Youtube demonetizes your content if you use the abbreviate Copy Paste, regardless of context. Just watch, kids are going to get banned for telling their friends to open the Control Panel to change their Windows settings.
  7. Battleye is blocking audio codecs. I don't have this issue with the live version, or any other game that uses BattlEye. There's also no point in further testing if you're going to have a GM using their fast speed to win in the events.
  8. They can reuse the current character editor map and add the old music to it. From what I can tell the RTW and retail version are not encrypted. There's also an app that can open the current version files, which is how players removed muzzle flash and stuff.
  9. It takes longer to load the main menu than it does to join a district. They need to remove that ugly thing, I still have the retail and RTW files. Maybe Matt can find a way to add the old main menu in.
  10. The good: - It didn't crash? I don't know because it popped up the crash report without crashing. I just kept playing. - FPS is higher on average than the current Live build. Fluctuates between 130-160, with some areas going over 200. CPU: W3680 RAM: 24GB DDR3 2133 9-10-10 GPU: GTX 1080 SSD: 960 EVO NVMe The bad: - Every bug that is in the Live version is also in the Beta. Car glitch, high fps sliding bug, false hit markers, etc. - Audio is horrid. Sounds without line of sight are muffled too much. Some sounds like grenade beeps can't be heard. A lot of sounds are missing effects. Osmaw explosions crackle. - Garbage collection stutter is still there. It doesn't happen as often but it's still a problem. - The hitreg goes to crap when the server population increases. - High latency players worsen low latency players hit registration. - The game still requires admin rights, unlike any other game I've played. EDIT: Audio can be partially fixed by disabling the sound environments. I'm guessing these affects are being applied wrong. Most configs still work. Some .upk files can't be modified but I see that as a good thing. The game overall runs better, I'm just being critical on minor issues. Honestly, I'm impressed how well it runs considering the rush to switch from the original upgrade to just migrating to 64 bit.
  11. Removing alliance will speed up matchmaking, but it won't fix perceived balance issues. Even if skill was perfect, at best there's a 50/50 chance of you winning. You will lose half the matches. It matches 1 gold with a bunch of silvers against 3 golds because that is what the matchmaking system thinks is balanced. There's a limited number of players for the matchmaking system to choose from so it matches the closest it can get without waiting too long. There's so many external variables that affect missions that perfect matchmaking will not solve. Objective is a big one. For example, those phone booths facing the street are stupid easy to defend since there's no cover. For easy to attack there's the storefronts that even the defending team can accidentally destroy and complete the stage.
  12. BlatMan

    Crash every day

    It's specifically graphics cards with GDDR6 memory, like the RTX series and specific models of the GTX 1600 series. These cards are not compatible with 32 bit applications. The fix is to use a GPU with GDDR5 or older. You can try lowering the graphics settings but it will eventually crash. To be fair to Little Oribit, it's not their fault the GPU manufacturers ignored 32 bit compatibility, and some players bought the cards knowing they wouldn't work. Besides the GPU issue, APB runs best on later hardware. The latest CPUs have better single threaded performance. The faster DDR4 like 4000Mhz improves single thread performance and reduces stutters. SSDs reduce loading times.
  13. My account no longer shows premium status. I'm not getting bonus rewards at the end of the mission. I've also lost most of my premium codes since they expired during the free premium.
  14. At least post a recent screenshot. We haven't had large resupply boxes in a long time.
  15. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2019/8/29/message-from-matt First Paragraph: "In August, Little Orbit reached terms to sell the APB IP to a company in Hong Kong named Unit Game." Here's Unit Game's website. It has no content except for the APB RTW trailer. https://unitgame.com/index.html
  16. The main thing is the gameplay needs to be more stable. Fix the garbage collection stutter, RTX issues, and netcode issues like the teleport bug. I bet a lot of players will want to come back every now and then.
  17. Bringing back threat locked districts will only make matchmaking worse. Players of lower skill will go up in threat because they will never face anyone better than them. Then when their threat is too high they'll be forced into the next threat level district, and get destroyed. If that's what you want, then just remove threat. Same outcome except without the dethreating.
  18. Threat districts ruined this game. They need to remove threat entirely and match based on quantity only, like the thousands of successful games did prior to when casuals got into video games.
  19. Adding threat to the training districts will screw over new players more than help them. It will assign higher threat values than what they should be, due to not having any veterans in the district. Then those players will move to the normal districts with their inflated threat and get stomped. Gold threat is so damn easy to get in the game's current state. We don't need to it to be even easier to reach for new players.
  20. BE only detects known exploits and maybe detects impossible inputs. Even then, it has to account for a wide range of input devices so I doubt the limits are that strict. You don't get banned for teleporting. It's not a client sided problem, it's a server sided problem. Having lag spike of less than 200ms can cause you to teleport. All of South America would have been banned by now if what OP was saying is true.
  21. Unless they're intentionally blocking your access to objectives I don't think you can count it as griefing. At least I wouldn't count it.
  22. The visual recoil per resolution is due to the slight field of view change. I think this was to prevent 16:10 and 16:9 from having a wider viewing angle than 4:3, but that doesn't make sense when you can adjust your camera distance. They should tweak it so 16:9 gives you the most FOV, since it's the most popular aspect ratio, and have it scale so that wider looses a little vertical for some horizontal gain, and narrower looses horizontal. There should also be a field of view adjustment in game, but only 5 or 10 degrees of adjustment, just enough to correct for your aspect ratio. The actual recoil, as in how much your camera rotates and how much you need to compensate with your mouse, is exactly the same. I do notice a trend in cheaters pretending stretched removes recoil. Anyone except maybe Mack knows your camera will turn to the sky while hip firing a DMR-AV. These players claim they have 400 DPI with 5 or less in game sense. You're not dragging your mouse 1ft in one frame, and you'll run out of desk without readjusting.
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