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Posts posted by Westford

  1. I did did not participate, didn't really see the momentum "build up" until later yesterday.

    Hopped onto Discord, and saw a flurry of activity in the "Redhill" channel. and immediately came back to the forum for updates.


    Hats off to the LO team for the amount of effort and brainstorming to come up this whole "conundrum".

    I liked how they "leaked out to the public" by swapping billboards in mission districts.

    Nicely done.   👍


    And advertising a website on the district Billboards.

    And the amount of content & detail provided on the Redhill website was beyond impressive.


    I drive around district once in while, never really pay attention to the billboards.




    Hats off to the players that initially reported these billboard sightings.

    This is officially when "The Game is afoot"


    Hats off to @Ketog for the chronological updates.

    Was a great read, and brought me, and I'm sure a whole lotta of other players that had not yet jumped on the "wagon", up to date.


    Hats off to @Eyepop, for taking the time & effort, and sharing a "Brute Force" password cracker script.

    Whoa,,   haha, I'm thinking the LO Team was like;

    "WUT ??"





    They weren't expecting the amount of resourcefulness and "GODDAMM" determination to crack the password.

    It was funny.


    I hope@Eyepop, is rewarded accordingly.



    Hats off to @SK4LP, with their visual acuity, I gotta admit , I was lost ...


    Hats off to everyone that was involved, either Discord or the Forum, and collaboratively solving this puzzle.

    It definitely gets you thinking about the new content.    Redhill....






    • Like 1

  2. 23 hours ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Shitty site wont let me browse with ADBLock.  REEEE

    But interested to see where this goes as Ive heard this kinda story before.  Hell, my unit still assigns M16A4's xd

    You can always "white list" the domain, and you should be good to go.

    My understanding is that the M16 line , A1, A2 M4A1, A4, were all designated as the rifleman's basic assault weapon.


    Admittedly , I am not as familiar with the Sniper rifles used today by either the USMC or the US Army.

    I thought the article was interesting.


    To the person who "Down Voted" my post;




    I ask that you not "shoot the messenger",





    I figure that this game being a shooter type game, with a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from, that this post would be of interest.


    If your motives were more personal, such as;

    "I really hate this sombitch"


    Well, THAT I can understand.


  3. Well one point of note concerning UE 3.0 , official support ends in 2020, not sure about UE 3.5.

    I saw this post somewhere on the UE website.


    Not sure what date specifically support ends in 2020, and no, I don't' have the link handy.

    (but I'm sure if you look, you'll find it)


    So any game on UE3 that wants a supported product, they'll need to upgrade before support expires.

    So stuff is happening.


    New content has been one of the HUGEST request from way back.

    And now we're getting it.     Yaaaaa !!!


    I'll reserve my comments on the new  content "after" I have had a chance to check it out.

    Looking forward to something new. (besides a reskin)




  4. I had a girlfriend once...


    Didn't much care for the engine noise as I drive her around in my Vegas.


    Picture of where I took her in August...  on vacation... 😁




    She left me soon after...   /sigh...



    I still have the Vegas.




  5. Although this blog post is rather dated, I think it is still very relevant considering APB is still on Unreal Engine 3.0.


    Optimization Magic

    February 17, 2013




    This means all the processing in a single district happens on a single core and in a single thread.


    Why does all this single-threaded-ness matter to us? Well, it turns out that most of the performance gains in recent years in server processors from Intel and AMD have NOT come from performing more computations on a single core, but rather to have many parallel cores performing parallel tasks. Sadly for APB Reloaded, that type of parallel task division does not improve individual district performance... But... there is hope...


    I thought I should add this blog post by Matt Scott concerning performance.


    Updates On APB Development Progress

    November 21, 2018



    As it has been mentioned before, I don't think this is going to be a massive upgrade visually. Some players may not even notice. However Unreal 3.5 is built for 64-bit systems, and it has a multithreaded renderer, so my hope is that it will take advantage of newer GPUs and computers.


  6. 9 minutes ago, Emcitement said:

    No. Social just went down.

    I'm thinking, that the incident with the pedestrians the other day ....... may be due to server lagg...

    In which case, technicality, I am not at fault .


    Which is a good thing ...



  7. I would like to premise this post with a huge thank you to the Forum Mods efforts when it comes to;

    • Keeping these posts clean
    • Keeping post on topic
    • Moving post to the appropriate subforum
    • etc...


    On the topic of "Merging" of users posts, this may be an area that requires a bit more introspection and discretion with the Forum Mods.

    Why ?


    I can't speak for all forum posters, I can say for myself, that if I need to add any additional comment or update to a post that I made,

    I have the knowledge and insight to just "EDIT" my original post, and not submit a subsequent post to further my thoughts.

    (Hmmm, edit my original post....  what a concept)


    I had submitted 2 post, yes granted, back to back, but there were actually 2 posts, not related , in an attempt to convey 2 separate messages.

    Welp, my 2 posts were merged, and whatever "message", "concept" I wanted to convey,  was more or less, "Lost in Translation" as it were, 

    in the merged post.


    Haha, no big deal, but I would suggest to the Forum Mods that there are many posters that are more than familiar with "EDITING" ones post

    to add an addendum, and sometimes, not always, but sometimes the 2nd post provides it's own individual connotation.


    Have a wonderful day.




    • Thanks 2

  8. 18 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    First off, why are people reporting on APB, second, where do they get this shit from? Are these the same people who called Overwatch a MOBA just because it has characters?







    All I can do is report what's out there.



    Little Orbit are teasing APB: Reloaded battle royale mode



    Little Orbit have certainly set their sights on improving and adding new content to APB: Reloaded ever since they acquired Gamersfirst.

    The newest announcement includes a new battle royale mode that is coming to the city of San Paro.




  9. MMO Bomb



    APB Reloaded Gets.... Yeah, A Battle Royale Mode


    Okay, So Little Orbit isn’t calling it a battle royale, but APB Reloaded is getting something at least inspired by that genre.

    The developer announced what they are calling “RIOT” mode today. It is described as “a new team-based collapsing map mode.” Sounds pretty BR-like to me.

    The new mode, which will launch first on PC, divides players into teams of four. It takes place in San Paro, with blocks being shut down as they play. At the end, only one team will be left standing.




  10. 12 hours ago, blockblack said:


    I was gonna say, if your on Jericho, can I has your "stuff". but I realized you might be new,

    and don't has much "stuff" to give".

    So .........





    And just to be clear....


    "Daily 'I am True Gold(™) and there very few, if any cheaters since PunkBuster, FairFight , BattleEye & FairFight have been implemented.

    You must be a silver, and just need to "git gud"' thread."


    Add it to da pile.


    Haha ... 😊

  11. 42 minutes ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    My doom squad?  Dont know what you mean by that but yeah, I do and do not blame the community for killing the game; Its a toxic shitfest and the devs listen to the braindead silvers on the forums.

    Braindead Silvers & a fair amount of Delusional Golds.


    This is why we can't have nice things.

    I suppose we should be thankful for the few Bronze and occasional Greens that smatter our world.






  12. 57 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    Honestly? I love it when people do that.

    Multiple people blocking off the main road on Waterfront under the bridge or close to the main fuel station is always nice. It's like the map has been altered and you need to take a different route.


    It's a nice change of play. Dumptrucks are a fun part of APB.

    If you happen to drive one, you can just ignore everyone and ram through everything.

    If you happen to drive into one, it's a little "oh shit" moment and you have to dodge it.



    I don't know, random things like this are what makes APB for me. It's something different in the otherwise monotone missions.

    I really hope the rumored ghosting while in missions won't be a thing. (so that you can drive through everyone that isn't on your mission.)

    That would just take away that little APB randomness that makes the game fun in its own way.

    I gotta agree with this 100%


    It makes "San Paro" alive.


    Other than mission, what gameplay interactions are there that contributes to a busy and vibrant district ?

    1. Arrests
    2. Raiding
    3. Driving around .. (taking in the sights)
    4. Racing around
    5. P5 / N5 chasedown


    I gotta say , NPC pedestrians can be annoying.

    Yes, they are suppose to "disperse" and flee, when hearing a car honking.

    ... but sadly, usually never in time.


    Most often, I have some unlucky bank teller flopping around on the hood of my car.


    Why don't they clear "the Goddam way" when an Emergency vehicle is blasting their siren. (they just stand there)

    Inquiring minds want to know.


    The occasional Road Block, or attempted Road Block. is just one more instance, that,

    other than NPC traffic, there is life in San Paro,




    Given that.


    If 1 or 2 "as$hats" decide to block an area more than 30min...

    I would very much like to see these "Heavy Vehicles" susceptible to all kinds of fire after 30min.


    So yeah, you enter a Heavy Vehicle, you have 30 min to wreak your havoc before the vehicle can take damage from all sources.

    Cool down ?    (until next vehicle ...   30min)



    Welcome to San Paro




    I did not vote.

    Although this comes under the guise of "Griefing", this one here,  is on the border.

    (it depends)


    • Like 1

  13. For anyone that has an interest.


    Army snipers put new, more accurate rifle to the test:


    US Army sharpshooters recently field tested a new, more accurate sniper rifle out west, where these top marksman fired thousands of rounds and even when waged simulated warfare in force-on-force training.

    Eight Army Ivy Division snipers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team tested out the new M110A1 Compact, Semi-Automatic Sniper System (CSASS), an upgraded version of the current M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS), at Fort Carson in Colorado, the Army revealed in a statement.............................


    Full Story:





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