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Posts posted by Westford

  1. Operator of eight DDoS-for-hire services pleads guilty


    Full story:  https://www.zdnet.com/article/operator-of-eight-ddos-for-hire-services-pleads-guilty/


    An Illinois man pleaded guilty today for running eight DDoS booter (stresser) services between August 2015 and November 2017.

    According to court documents obtained by ZDNet, Sergiy Usatyuk, 20, of Orland Park, Illinois, ran ExoStress.in, QuezStresser.com, Betabooter.com,

    Databooter.com, Instabooter.com, Polystress.com, Zstress.net, and Decafestresser, together with an unnamed Canadian co-conspirator.




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  2. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I personally think it was bots that made the 70 , 000 and that now its only those who are sending in support tickets.

    hopefully not someone spamming reports over a "cheater" for being run over

    I agree that bots were the likely culprit as far as the 70k tickets.


    I would be curious to see a % breakdown of tickets submitted through the support system portal.

    There may be many intstances where those issues should have been submitted using the "In Game Report" system.

    I took a look at the "In Game Report" system, and it does cover a large majority of player issues.


    LO revamped the "In Game Report" system, I'm assuming to offload from the ticketing system. 

    (plus integrating other in games tools that Matt had mentioned)


    There is a bit of redundancy between the two.

    Particularly issues of Cheating & Griefing.


    Are people still submitting tickets for those issues that are covered within the "In Game Report" system ?

    Would LO prefer that the "In Game Report" system be used instead of the support portal, if the issue is covered within the "In Game Report" system ?


    Anyways, I'm hoping that people take advantage of the "In Game Report" system instead of submitting tickets through the support portal if that helps LO in the long run.





  3. 8 hours ago, WorldDominator said:

    Like do you even london buddy? 

    Honestly my friend, I have only been to london once, hopefully that will be enough for now.


    8 hours ago, WorldDominator said:

    There is no 70,000 tickets they were just  hacked and they just have to deal with the existing and new tickets in this pile of garbage because they can't clean it up.

    And that mathematical thing you just did up there is completely wrong, never show off your mathematical "skills" again.


    Yeah I know, I was responding in slight sarcasm to @Fortune Runner's statement concerning LO having to sort through 70k tickets as a norm.

    This was a one time incident.


    The avg number of open tickets has been approx 2000 per month.


    8 hours ago, WorldDominator said:

    And that mathematical thing you just did up there is completely wrong, never show off your mathematical "skills" again.


    The, umm, "mathematical thing" that you are referring to was an example of the absurdity of the consistently high open ticket count.

    I am sorry you missed that.


    I think @MrChan has a pretty good grasp at my point.


    On 2/21/2019 at 6:51 PM, MrChan said:

    I'd expect it to be less than 6000 based on what I see in the game. Couldn't see there being many more than 1500-2000 unique players on Citadel regularly, and it's the biggest server, (unless the Russian server is massive). So I'd say 3-4000 for the whole game. (Could be wrong obviously)


    Matt's earliest posts in that thread show the number of tickets going up by 800 - 1300 a week. That would be equivalent to somewhere between 20 & 25% of the playerbase making a ticket a week if my read on the overall numbers is about right. Of course, it's very unlikely that everyone playing makes a ticket once every 4-5 weeks on the nose. It's actually more likely that 1% of the playerbase makes 90% of the tickets, and I bet most of them amount to whining about being scammed, banned, being killed by better players etc. etc.


    tl;dr, a small number of people are probably flooding Support with useless shit.


    And then about 10-20% of the remaining playerbase put in the rest of the tickets that are legit things to contact support about, that get delayed because of having to sift through shit.


    G1's support sucked and now LO's is struggling under the volume they have. What's the common factor? The people sending in the tickets.


    So what is the point ?


    • Is the support system being SPAMMED by bots, as @Fortune Runner suggests , or just the same individuals submitting ridiculous tickets ?
    • Why such a consistently high open ticket count by a percentage of the playerbase ?
    • Why have the game server been experiencing consistent DDOS attacks months before LO took over, and continues till this day ?
    • How is it, that a 10 year old game garners so much destructive and subversive behavior from a portion of the playerbase ?

    I don't want to play "arm chair psychiatrist" here, and try and guess why these consistent attacks to the game servers,

    in game cheats to disrupt gameplay, nonsensical or useless support tickets are occurring.


    I am just amazed at the amount of destructive efforts targeting a 10 year old game with a relatively small yet devoted player base.

    Doesn't make sense.


    Welp, gonna book myself on the next flight to london, cause, well you know, I am overdue.   😉




  4. 30 minutes ago, MrChan said:

    I'd expect it to be less than 6000 based on what I see in the game. Couldn't see there being many more than 1500-2000 unique players on Citadel regularly, and it's the biggest server, (unless the Russian server is massive). So I'd say 3-4000 for the whole game. (Could be wrong obviously)


    Matt's earliest posts in that thread show the number of tickets going up by 800 - 1300 a week. That would be equivalent to somewhere between 20 & 25% of the playerbase making a ticket a week if my read on the overall numbers is about right. Of course, it's very unlikely that everyone playing makes a ticket once every 4-5 weeks on the nose. It's actually more likely that 1% of the playerbase makes 90% of the tickets, and I bet most of them amount to whining about being scammed, banned, being killed by better players etc. etc.


    tl;dr, a small number of people are probably flooding Support with useless shit.


    And then about 10-20% of the remaining playerbase put in the rest of the tickets that are legit things to contact support about, that get delayed because of having to sift through shit.


    G1's support sucked and now LO's is struggling under the volume they have. What's the common factor? The people sending in the tickets.

    Good points.


    I had not factored in any escalation in submitted tickets.


    One can only assume that the ticket "triage system" they have in place, prioritizes those tickets 

    that truly need immediate attention.




  5. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I think people forgot support was flooded with tickets.

    Roughly 70,000 at one time or higher I forget exact numbers.

    They have to sort through them all to just find yours and that takes time.

    I thought this too.


    Matt Scott was providing regular updates for their "Customer Support" stats regularly from June - Nov 2018.


    The last update provided was in Nov 2018;


    Right now we have 2358 total tickets open (unsolved).

    1944 of those tickets have not been touched (contacted).

    208 of those tickets are waiting on responses from players.


    2358 total number of open tickets...

    I think support has done very well from a total of 70,000



    Job well done in my book.     😀



    I did look at the APB Steam Charts for November 2018.




    Now..... not everyone playing APB is also registered through Steam.

    I'm not.


    What % of the APB player base is using Steam ?

    Good question.


    50% .. ?

    25% .. ?

    15% .. ?

    Less  ..?


    Who knows ?

    I dunno.


    I went with a 15% value and the Nov 2018 "Open Ticket" count .... just to "guesstimate" some figures.

    The peak number of players in Nov 2018 (according to Steam Charts), was 1076.  

    ( I am assuming this is for all servers )


    Let's round it down to 1000.




    If we go with a count 1000 from Nov 2018, and 15% of the player base are using steam, maybe we can "guesstimate"

    that the remaining non Steam connected playerbase of approx (85%) to be around 5000 players.

    So a total of 6000 players ..  errm Characters ...  whatever...


    not concurrent players, but the total playerbase.


    We could say that with an avg of 2000 open tickets per month .. (it may be much less)...

    and 6000 players possible opening a ticket, that would be like.. ;


    3 tickets per "Character" opened , each month ...    WOW !!


    "But I have never submitted a ticket.."

    Same here, I never opened a ticket.

    There's probably a lot of players that haven't.


    I have asked question here on the forum, directed at the LO staff, just like many of us.

    Admittedly, I was hoping to "skirt" the 3+ month wait time for a response.


    The LO staff have answered some questions or responded to players/customer concerns here on the forum,

    which is a good thing.


    Me personally, NO question that I have directed specifically to LO has ever been answered here on the forum.

    I have not yet perfected this art, but I am working on it.


    Customer Service

    Customer Satisfaction

    Customer Perception

    Customer Retention


    Yeah.... It's a fickle beast, and I applaud the level of communication and level of transparency thus far.

    Many of us ,  have "ALL" followed with unequivocal resolve that APB was/is,   a diamond stuck in the ruff.











  6. 11 hours ago, Speedz said:

    When the radar tower is close to an enemy spawn point, every enemy spawning will be permanently spotted on the radar until the player dies or the vehicle is being destroyed.


    I was not aware of this.

    Good to know.


    As far as the other complaints with regards to the suggested removal of certain Mods/Weapons in Fight Club,

    such as "Explosive Weapons", Radar Tower, Car Spawner......


    I say... NO way.

    Keep them in.


    Are these annoying to some players ?



    So what ...

    Boo f*cken Hoo...


    "But it messes up my FPS"

    Use the Advanced Launcher, or upgrade your 2004 computer.


    "But it's like Wall Hacking"

    Although there are very few, if any cheaters since PunkBuster, FairFight , BattleEye & FairFight have been implemented,

    Radar Tower will aggravate some of them that slipped through. 

    Besides, it makes me smile . 😀


    So many times in FC  I see all these crazy symbols in my radar...

    I see OPP's Radar Tower, Vehicle Spawn ..   etc

    I will often dedicate a full FC mission to destroy all opposition assets.

    Yeah, I drive around with the purpose of destroying the OPP's assets.

    All of them.


    That's what I do.


    Is that not part of the strategy and team play ?


    And so you got 'owned' by a 195+ mod...... and the solution is to remove it ... ?


    I VOTE NO !!!




    As a follow up, specific to the OP's post.

    If the Radar Tower is indeed bugged.,.,, than it needs to be fixed .


    Peace out.


  7. I play once or twice a week, and usually during any of these two sessions,

    I inevitably experience a "crash" that provides the following option ....

    Not always, but at least 1 in 3 crashes during a 2hr session..









    Are these still useful ??

    Should we continue to send these Crash Reports ?



    Thank you ...



    EDIT: If these reports are no longer needed, I can just close out the window ...






  8. I do have an older mouse.

    Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0


    This issue has been happening to me off an on for a few years in this game alone.

    Will experience the issue for a few weeks, and usually after an APB update, the issue is corrected.

    No problems for months, and then the issue comes back.

    I don't know if DDOS mitigation could be a factor.


    When I 1st had this issue, I thought that the RMB was faulty, and time for a new mouse.

    But when playing another game that uses RMB to zoom in, never a problem, only this game.


    I'll get a new mouse and see if that resolves the issue.



    I tried a wireless mouse that I had laying around, and RMB was working as intended.

    Odd that the RMB would intermittently fail like that.

    Time for a new mouse.



  9. On 1/4/2019 at 12:09 AM, Ketog said:

    just stop pressing shift when you aim , simple as that


    If you press the sprint button while aiming it will siply kick you out of marskmanship mode , that's why it doesn't happen against civilians , either because you're not in the tention of the fight or not moving


    BUT , if you have shift pressed and aim while keeping shift pressed i will not kick you out , but let'as say you don't properly hold shift while fireing  (because of the heat of the fight) you might acidentally unpress shift for a few miliseconds and might end up in you pressing it again , thus kicking you out of the marksmanship mode .



    or it could be your keyboard that as a very bad anti ghosting feature / worn keys.


    And please before responding , try those scenarios yourself .

    I thought that I may have been pressing the SHIFT key periodically over the years.


    So I logged into the Financial Server to test this out.

    No OPP, just aiming at NPC’s.


    ( I was incorrect when I stated "This does NOT happen when aiming & shooting at NPC's ...   ie civilians ...  only opposition." )


    Apparently this bug is prevalent when just aiming.

    ·         Not moving

    ·         Crouch mode

    ·         Not strafing Left or Right

    ·         No Shift Key pressed

    ·         Just looking around



    It looks like I should submit a support ticket ...


    Thanks for the input.




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