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Posts posted by Westford

  1. 2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    visual forum rep seems to be gone, even tho posts can still be reacted to

    not sure how to validate my sad existence now, please bring it back

    At least you get to keep your unusually high post count.
    That's gotta account for something,  ya ?

  2. On 8/12/2018 at 4:40 AM, TrinityFSB said:
    On 8/10/2018 at 10:30 PM, Westford said:
    For the US based players, 20m is approximately 65 feet.

    What is the typical range of a shotgun?
    The effective range of a typical shotgun is about 45 m. (or approx 145 feet)

    Granted, this is a video game, and the laws of physics do not always apply.
    Take the HVR jump shot that we all love & miss.

    Now, there have been very few reports, (if any) of any Army or Marine Corp snipers able to accomplish the "Sniper Jump Shot",
    but again, this is a video game, so anything is possible.

    As far as the effective range of a shotgun in APB...
    Yeah, it is definitely plausible.

    Good catch.
    I do know better, unfortunately auto-correct does not.


  3. 10 minutes ago, MrBubbleTea said:
    1 hour ago, Keshi said:
    Because if you know they can 3shot you in 20m why do u keep going close?
    second yes the gun matter because what if you were using a carbine or an ntec...
    if it's an oca i assume you are in the open while they are using 3rd person behind corner to peak shoot you.

    TLDR keep your distance and dont miss your shots with what guns you are using, use nades for entry damage if posible and try outplaying the shotgun
    u havent been playing have u? im an avid shotgun user and this buff clearly made the jg too strong.
    Ok. ok.....

    Maybe they didn't have a chance to test these changes in OTW for a full evaluation...
    Shit happens..

    I heard that they are keeping an eye out and will make changes accordingly...
    I'm keeping faith ...

    Praise be ....

  4. 5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Dont give up on the gun.
    The IR3 change has no effect on tap firing, and makes bursting up to 4 shots possible.
    With this particular weapon and the current IR3. tap firing is no longer required ..

    Press the trigger, and hold.
    Yes, the fire rate is that slow ..

    There is no Burst fire ....   
    It is a slow & methodical ...   bam. bam , bam, bam .... (count , 1 Mississippi, 2  Mississippi......   etc)
    (no trigger release required)

    So, I may need to "re-learn" this weap, BUT....   changes could be imminent ,
    and that is why I am asking O Sensei...

  5. There are a number of weapons that have preset mods, and not interchangeable ..
    Some of these preset weapons have the "changed" IR3 mod.


    What options are available for those current owners that have weapons with the preset mod IR3 (and the included changes).

    I currently have a Joker CR-5 PR2
    The preset modes include Hunting Sight 3 and Improved Rifling 3

    Since the changes to IR3, this weapon is no longer (in my opinion) no longer performing optimally.

    What options are available to me.
    These are preset modification to the weapon, so I cannot swap them out.

    Does this fall under the category of;
    re-learning a preset weapon, and redefine ones tactics

    .... or will there be additional changes in the coming months, as weapon balance refinements are implemented..

    As much as I appreciate feedback from my compadres, an official statement is most welcome.

    Cheers, & Happy Shooting ...


  6. Quote

    I Love Getting Killed from 20M with 2-3 Shots from a JG

    For the US based players, 20m is approximately 65 feet.

    What is the typical range of a shotgun?
    The effective range of a typical shotgun is about 45 m. (or approx 145 feet)

    Granted, this is a video game, and the laws of physics do not always apply.
    Take the HVR jump shot that we all love & miss.

    Now, there have been very few reports, (if any) of any Army or Marine Corp snipers able to accomplish the "Sniper Jump Shot",
    but again, this is a video game, so anything is possible.

    As far as the effective range of a shotgun in APB...
    Yeah, it is definitely plausible.

    • Like 4

  7. 2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    3 hours ago, Werefox said:

    Here's a good little read on how Battleye works.

    this reeks of someone vomiting information that they just made up tbh
    Hmmm...   yes, that is one possible hypothesis......

    I could add a few others ...   haha.....

    But suffice to say . "History does repeat itself ... "    lol

  8. 3 hours ago, RazerXGo33 said:

    Is Anti-cheat working ? cause i see so many cheaters last games , obv triggerboting nothing else 

    Thank you good day ,

    2 hours ago, Snubnose said:

    oh look, it's another one of those...

    m8, battleye is turned on and ever since release I haven't met a single cheater that I was sure about, only like 3-4 people that were kinda fishy but nothing too hardcore or anything proof-worthy, and not a single ragehacker / shawcopter / full aimlock cheater ever since.

    I'm just assuming you had some matches against actually decent players and just want to compensate the bad feeling of losing against them by saying it was cheats that caused your lose.

    Ahh, these are the posts that I find most entertaining...

    For those that have followed the forums over the last 6 or maybe 7 years,
    it is posts like this this that always puts a smile on ones face.  😄

    Why you say ?

    Haha, cause these are the same posts we have seen crop up all the time, for like the last 6-7 years.

    Were there cheaters ingame during the life time of PunkBusters ?

    Were there cheaters ingame during the life time of PunkBusters & Fairfight ?

    Are there cheaters in game with BattleEye ?
    But ... why ?

    Cause there will always be cheaters in any online game, particularly those that are free to play.
    Any anti-cheat , can only do so much.
    But there are not many cheaters now in this game.  (he must have copied and pasted this from a post from 2010, or was it 2012....'13 ?)

    Are there bypasses for BattleEye ?

    So what do I do ?
    "git gud"

    Those , umm fortunate players that rarely experience cheaters are "real gud" ...   (yes, most of whom I speak are True Golds ™)

    Are you a Silver ?
    Uhh, well I flop back and forth from Gold to SIlver.

    So you're not a True Gold ™ ?

    Huh ?

    Anyways same song, different tune and another year.
    Good fun to read ....

    • Like 1

  9. 3 minutes ago, Svrcko said:
    They said they made some Improvements whit the Servers.
    For me it wasn`t an Improvement. Now my Latency is higher, i`ve got Packet Lost now, when i arrive in an Scenario where an heavy Fight is, the Latency sometimes jumps up to 200.
    And back to main Topic, they didn`t fired the old G1 Staff which can help them whit the coding etc. and as Matt said, there are things which are so close to be done.

    .... breathe ...... 1 ..2...3..... breathe ......

    Login Servers should be up momentarily .....

  10. 5 minutes ago, PETRONAS said:
    7 minutes ago, RiderZ said:

    Lixil said on weekly maintance post this: 

    Hello everyone,
    Please be aware that, even when there is not a new patch to go LIVE, APB will still be taken down every Wednesday for general maintenance. This will happen at 9 AM UTC / 2 AM PST. https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/pst-to-utc-converter
    Weekly maintenance is a lot faster than a standard patch deployment and should not take more than 2 hours (though we aim to have it done within an hour).
    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    probably this is why.

    it's been way more than 2 hours lol and it's thursday
    Ahh. I re-read Lixil's post .. so the Downtime was scheduled..... although , they are running a bit late...

    Good to know.

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