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Posts posted by Westford

  1. 13 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    So then it should be fine to access it with a Gaming mouse and keyboard. And lets say a nice Gaming Monitor with overlays built in as crosshairs.



    Also just cause its funny... Doesn't it technically mean that Windows 10 is third party software that wasn't approved at the time the product was published? 😛

    Considering that neither G1 or now, LO, have ever offered any hardware (Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse), to accompany the software service that they provide,

    that anything outside of the "delivered product".. ie, the "Software Service", that potentially changes the gaming experience, is not intended or

    provided by the software service publisher.


    Hence, "outside" of the "delivered product".


    That's my understanding at least.


    As far as the OS, whether it is Windows 10, Linux or what have you,

    is that not the platform for the service to run ?

    // Check the Minimum & Recommended Requirements.

    I believe that was a Requirement and did not modify/enhance the "delivered product".


    I could be wrong.

    Maybe Windows 10 does provide outside options, other than Resolution....




  2. 1 minute ago, SelttikS said:

    Delivered product did not clearly state you needed a monitor or keyboard and mouse to play, so those are outside the intention of the "delivered product" too.... Right?

    I could be wrong, but the "delivered product", is the software service ... ie ; APB:R .

    How one accesses that service is up to them.


    From the Steam APB store page, the Minimum & Recommended Requirements.




    It does not mention either a Monitor/Keyboard or Mouse.

    Nice catch..

  3. I suppose one interpretation from Matt's statement concerning changes to the "delivered product", is that any changes that might be sanctioned,

    (other than the "Advanced Launcher"), would be available to all, via the in-game menu options.

    Features that LO would like to add.


    Anything outside of the "delivered product" is not sanctioned.
    (with the exception of Voice COMM & Advanced Launcher)


    So all these questions concerning AHK/Auto-it /Custom Crosshairs / Overlays /Custom Configs.... etc,

    would be considered outside of the "delivered product".


    Just my understanding.

  4. Matt,

    Very much appreciate the detailed updates that your team has been providing,
    and the progress your team has made.
    It shows ...


    The fact that you had in other posts, articulated Little Orbits immediate objectives;

    • ·         Performance
    • ·         Anti-Cheat
    • ·         Matchmaking

    Has been a confirmation for many in the playerbase, that your team is committed to;

    • ·         Player Retention
    • ·         Fair & Competitive gaming experience
    • ·         Future Content

    Just to add a thought;

    There have been many questions posted related to;

    • ·         Macros (either software AutoIt/ AutoHotkey or hardware mouse/keyboard)
    • ·         Overlay Crosshairs
    • ·         Boderland Shaders (3 different versions I believe)
    • ·         Different Shaders
    • ·         Modifiying certain .ini files

    External changes (outside of the delivered product),
    to provide, a different experience, other than 3rd party Voice COMM software.


    As of now, the “Advanced Launcher” is the only non-APB service/product that has been approved
    by your team.

    You have made it clear, that there are some “features” that LO would like to incorporate
    into the APB game, so as ALL, have access (And we are all on the same Playing Field),
    without the use of any 3rd party products or services to enhance our gaming experience.

    I look forward to the future changes in the coming year.








  5. 1 hour ago, Salvick said:

    Nice one.


    I'd like to add a humble comment about this, as someone who have been playing ~6-7 years and also I've been a cheater myself on a different game that was also a third-person-shooter back in 2003/2005 lasting years doing what is known as "closet cheater" I can tell it is impossible to determine if someone is using wall-hacks unless you can spectate everyone's name tags/icons through objects to see if the suspect is effectively tracking enemies through the walls, plus the fact that there are methods to by-pass BattleEye which means that the current available cheats that many hackers already coded in the past would only need to bypass BE in order to work, without the need of much more coding or none at all, so I'd put a very special attention in those players flagged f there are any.


    Regarding trigger-bot and macros those are also hard to tell by just "spectating" but FF and BE should do a good work to flag these so I'd put my trust on it, and last but not least you have the "smooth aimbot" which is when a player does not exactly "snaps" but is smoothly transitioning from one target to another while locking his aim on targets, they set it up like this to avoid triggering flags by FF.


    The problem is that an experienced players knows how to toggle on and off his hacks to avoid suspicions and they can even assign a key for the auto-aim button which they only tap a few times when engaging so they land enough shots while still making it look natural. To enforce their "closet" techniques they could even refrain of being on top scores so they don't get fingers pointing at them, sounds oddly difficult to determine any of this so I'm just saying what would be possible for them to do but not claiming that anyone in particular is doing so.


    I'm concerned with the amount of methods to bypass BE that seems to be available out there, I just hope that along with FF and GMs spectating players they manage to spot cheaters when it comes to it, and the fact that it can be a 7 years old player shouldn't make any difference if FF and BE are flagging them, these should stay under the scope more than anyone else even if you can't spot anything on first sight but lately someone else is able to report new suspicious behaviors on a same player.


    I hope you guys improve the /report function as well since it would be really useful to stealthy send a message specifying what is what we are reporting, such as if it is a griefer, a player insulting other players, or any other of the many possible disruptions of the game the players can do.






    Dislaimer: by no means I'm trying to encourage or advertise anything related to cheating, if this comment or any part is considered a way to support such activities please dismiss the message and let me know to avoid such comments in the future.

    Coming from "someone who's been there" , appreciate you providing this input.


  6. 18 minutes ago, Zascha said:

    You're not getting this. It's not that these folks don't know how to do it. It's that they don't want to put themselves under that kind of constant stress. You're seriously talking to me like you don't even understand the concept of "relaxing."


    There's nothing wrong with playing Casual.


    And this person get's it.


    I personally can't be bothered with all of the meta intricacies.

    I just want to enjoy the few hours a week to "shoot mu gun" and "drive mu car"


    Have no interest in "gitting gud"


    • Like 1

  7. 4 hours ago, Revised said:

    Lolololololol. West, westy, buddy. Im sorry I really am, some people are mean about it sure but it doesn't really change anything. There are reasons players are silver and saying a career silver is even as good as midrange golds is a stretch. If you remain silver after a few hundered hours of gameplay something has gone horribly wrong or you just aren't a siq gaymer and you are in the bracket you belong in my guy. Whatever way you look at it this thread is mildy pointless and you're lucky the new mods are more chill because this dumpster fire of a post would have been locked by now. 

    Haha..hey @Revised.

    My color threat is exactly where it should be.

    I would say I am an average player at best.


    Which would be expected considering the limited amount of weekly playtime in game.


    I thought it was obvious from my "outrageous" comments that started this thread, that I was "puffing" the proverbial chest,

    but apparently I had touched upon the sensibilities of some.

    I'm guessing it was the "true Golds (™)" to be exact that failed to see the ridiculousness in my post.


    A hard lesson for me to be sure.

    I will practice a bit more civility in any future posts, and not purposely attempt at eliciting negative emotions.

    Again, I was puffing.


    Some people do take this game very seriously, more seriously than myself to be sure,  so my apologies to anyone that I offended.

    Myself, I do enjoy the game, but admit I don't take it too seriously.


    I have already sent a message yesterday to go ahead and lock the thread, I'm sure they will get to it at some point.


    I will say that there has been some decent perspectives articulated on different play styles... Thank you @Zascha,

    and yes, the current threat system and matchmaking definitely needs some work.


    But this thread is really done.



    I am seriously considering changing my avatar.

    Perhaps something like this.



    • Like 1

  8. 24 minutes ago, SLICKIEM said:

    Who cares about the social logistics of threat? What happens if you lose? You lose threat. If you win? You gain threat. That's just how it is, no elitism or anything. That's what the game defines for us. This thread should be locked.



    As outrageously obvious that my original post was, I had no idea the level of passion that would come forth to ....errm, set the record straight,

    as to what a "true Gold (™) " actually meant.

    Thanks for the clarification.


    Mods, you can go ahead and lock this thread, as it has obviously served it's purpose.


  9. Just now, WizYuan said:



    played me


    but you're an enf and i'm an enf

    Oooohhh .. I see your point ...

    Just now, WizYuan said:



    what's the lesson?????

    That you are not as verse as you thought you were.

    I thought that was obvious ....


    Just now, WizYuan said:



    that you're a good player????



    Well, yes ... I am an exceptional player to be honest .....


  10. 1 minute ago, WizYuan said:

    silvers all have the same typical gameplay

    • poor game sense
    • poor weapon usage
    • poor aim
    • blind running
    • tunnel vision
    • questionable teamwork/tactics

    what makes a gold 'actually gold' is typically

    • strong game mechanics/game sense
    • average to high accuracy
    • map awareness
    • presence

    rank means nothing; rerolls happen and high rank golds can be shit too

    you can find gold players that are absolutely terrible - pyrite; if you don't know what pyrite is google it


    tldr: rank doesn't matter, gold doesn't even matter when you go against trash players

    this thread is pointless to point out as:

    it means that you haven't played against the actual golds


    This my friends is typical Gold Player mentality.

    Please take note.


    The "lack" of experience that you have enumerated ... may be typical of a lower rank player ....

    perhaps even silver....   But not all..


    You have sorely missed this lesson my friend.....

    Yes ... you too are a scrub ...


    Played you , killed you ... and so long ...   too predictable ...


    Next ......




  11. 11 minutes ago, WizYuan said:

    whats the point of this thread


    stroking your ego or what


    u can stroke mine :^) not talking about ego :^)

    Ahh.... good question...


    Stroking egos.... No


    Curious .... over the years , have you seen any threads that reference Silvers in a derogatory form ?

    Meaning ...  one who does not play well "must be a Silver" ...





    No stroking here on my part.   (but always looking for assistance)


    Are you an angry Gold player ?

    I have met your kind before .....


    They hate when Silvers rule their wasteland ....


    • Like 1

  12. I see a whole bunch of derogatory remarks on players .. that (They must be Silver)

    Either because of poor positioning, situational awareness, unfounded hackusating  ... whatever....



    Let's set the record straight.

    Golds are no better ....  


    I know....

    Been playing the game for a better part of 7 years.


    Yes, I may be a maxed rank Silver, and yes ... I know better..

    Killed mid level to high rank Golds on the regular .....


    So before any of you elitist Golds care to "spew" your "stuff" ... about (they must be silver)...

    know this ... I have "spewed" your "stuff" on more than one occasion.


    Might want to change the song you sing ...   cause ... it ain't cutting it anymore ...


    I'm not buying it ....

    ....  and neither are they .



    On a lighter note, happy to see people in district ....


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