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Posts posted by Westford

  1. 9 minutes ago, Saxtus said:

    But there was no swastika in the first place. Only a Buddhism religion symbol.

    Why the fuss about it? 

    Not sure.


    Although I would not put it past some players to "walk a fine line" with regards to controversial symbols.
    Wouldn't be the first time.


    If the player used the Buddhist symbol on a German Nazi uniform, then you could guess that

    they were trying to push the envelope as it were.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ketog said:

    What's the point of this thread again ?


    Per the tilte of this thread "nazi flag turned backwards on jehrico player not banned"

    So the German Swastika although the player had the image turned backwards.


    3 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    First off.  Its a Good guy Bad guy game. Where we make up characters of good and bad. 

    Didja ever think maybe the dude thinks of nazi's as bad people, so he made one up to be a Bad guy. 


    Granted this player wanted to portray a bad guy, the problem with Swastikas, and what the symbol represents

    is legally banned in Germany.

    So ALL Game Companies have a legal obligation to not allow that symbol if they wish to make their game

    available in that Country.


    Really, no way around this.



     None of you kids understand the current world but you scoff at the 100 year old nazi uprising, while we have BLM, the cartels in elected office, while fire fighters burn rich democrat towns to renew their budget, the DoJ shoots up schools n bars n collages to promote gun control. 

     If you want to bann the nazi symbol you also need to bann most of the flags, including the US flag and every flag of the Americas except canada. all are facist racist patooties.

    Hmm, trying to draw a parallelism between Nazi Germany whose government at that time was a Fascist Dictatorship to

    the United States, which has been, and still is after almost 250 years, a Constitutional Republic/Democracy,

    is either a poor attempt at irony/sarcasm, or a lack of knowledge.



    1 hour ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

     But i can't be a German from ww2 or a Nazi. What about the Japs n the March of Death and bayoneting babies, but i could be a Samari or a Japanese officer, i could be a cartel member or a friggin Yakusa or a Triad. But i can't be a nazi. The offended person has a very narrow view of the world. 

    You can absolutely be a German from WW II, you just cannot display a Swastika, as there are legal issues involved as I described above.
    As far as the other characters that you mentioned above, the whole world as a whole has recognized the atrocities

    that were perpetrated to one select group of people at an attempt of genocide by Nazi Germany.

    But again, displaying the Swastika in a video game has legal ramifications where as the other characters you mentioned do not.
    So, although some people may be espousing moral issues with that particular symbol, it is also a legal issue.



    I thought I should add, that if you check out the weapon skins available on ARMAS,

    there are quite a few country weapon skins, including the United States.

    But no Swastika weapon skins are available.


    Another interesting note, the Trump mask does not appear to be available anymore,

    although the Richard Nixon mask is still there.


    One can assume that the Trump mask was so popular, that their inventory just ran out,

    and they decided not to replenish the stock. 😖


    Have a great day. 😉







  3. 6 hours ago, Sergsininia said:

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    One of my colleagues at uni gave a speech today about reasons why governments should not create laws governing hate speech, as they are subjective, and can't be interpreted accurately, given both examples from the left and the right in the U.S.


    That's the problem,  how do you come up with a legal definition? 

    What metric can be used to quantify one's statement other than someone's feelings as a form

    of measurement.


    Huh ?

  4. Although certain symbols are not allowed, such as Swastika symbols, which really is a no brainer,

    hate speech, which appears to be a bannable offence, is extremely subjective.


    Interestingly enough, there is no legal definition in the US for hate speech.

    I think that the UK does have laws against hate speech, not sure how that works.


    As far as online games it's obviously up to the discretion of the company to determine the level of 

    toxicity that might warrant disciplinary action.


    I personally don't know how to define or even recognize hate speech,

    and it's not for a lack of trying.


    It's just that, what might offend you does necessarily offend me.


    I get some pretty colorful whispers, but I am not personally offended where someone else might be.

    I still have much to learn.




    • Like 2

  5. 1 hour ago, velocifaptor said:

    are offensive images agains TOS or not and why was this player allowed back on in district with this hate group image driving around trolling about it?

    All you can do, is take a snapshot, and Submit a ticket to Support.

    Hey, if you can add a bit of composition in the photo, you know, some background in the final shot.



    Support is currently dealing with a multitude of tickets.

    How they say "Your ticket will be processed in the order that it was received"


    Best of luck.


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  6. 10 hours ago, Saxtus said:

    1) Tried it, didn't work.
        Not sure what went wrong.

    2) I've decided to go that way, but change the "10min" to "few months". I guess he won.
        He was still there waiting for you when you came back ?

        Persistent little bugger.

    3) Not enough people on other districts.

        True, the population makes it difficult.
        My experience has been that there are usually only 3 districts with any amount of population  to join.
        1 Waterfront (either Silver or Bronze, same with Financial and 1 Fight Club

     3) He was helping his friends to win a mission, I think we fall to his "mini game" and not the other way around.

         Fair enough, although in my mini game, I was not in a mission.

    Again, we do not have enough information concerning the OP's issue with harassment,

    so kind of difficult to advise.


    I am curious what went wrong with submitting a support ticket.

    Curious indeed.



    In my previous post I had mentioned "Take a break from the game for 10min (AFK, DND)"

    Some newer players might not know how to implement DND (my preference)

    DND - Do Not Disturb can be implemented using /dnd  in the chat box

    To undo this, type /dnd again


    Or, you can leave the game for a few months like @Saxtus

    but that is a little extreme.

  7. 4 hours ago, Tosei said:

    he go on with different characters to keep harassing, are you defending him ? 

    Not sure what type of harassment you are referring to, as you did not provide any details.


    Haven't checked the EULA recently to see what LO's description of harassment is,

    but I'm guessing that harassment can come in two different flavors.


    1) In game Whispers

    2) In game actions , such as ghosting you in a mission, crashing into your vehicle repeatable while on a mission or outside of a mission ...  etc ...


    Racial symbols, I would think falls into a topic all it's own, and not individual harassment.



    As far as Whispers, others have said the quickest and easiest way is to just add the player to your "ignore list"

    he go on with different characters to keep harassing

    I suppose you could ignore those too.


    Me, I never ignore anyone, and in the past, and even till this day, get an occasional attempts of harassment.

    They all fail sadly.

    It's entertainment for me.  🤣


    My obnoxious behavior in game may be a factor.


    I had one guy who initially whispered some smack talk "you f***en noob, you suck, uninstall the game now"


    Well,I won't get into the entertaining part of the back and forth, but let me just say that after 30min,

    he was like "DUDE, stop f***en msg'ing me".   lol


    Never heard from this guy again.   /sniff/


    As far as in game actions , car ramming during a mission, and less of a headache, out of a mission;


    1) Record video to submit a support ticket.

    2) Take a break from the game for 10min (AFK, DND)
    3) Go to a different district

    3) Create a mini game out of it and let him chase you around the map and honk at him when he crashes...   haha


    Anyways, good luck to you OP, you are not alone, and yes, there is hope.



    Haha, I had to add, one guy had whispered me one time, that he was planning on having carnal relations with my Mother,

    (he used a few colorful metaphors in his whisper)


    I told him that his interest was a bit odd, as my Mother had passed and was cremated,

    but if you're still up for the challenge, God Speed.


    Anyways, you get the idea.



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  8. 31 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    This is exactly why intelligent companies just lay down the simple "no nudity, period" rule. Anything else is just too open to interpretation, which causes the issues we see here.

    This company, already laid down the "rule"..


    "above the chest" - Yes

    "below the waist" - No




    We should be done.

    Let's move on.....

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  9. 44 minutes ago, Clandestine said:

    Bleh there are devs in other games that don't know their own game and are not ashamed to stream Q&A. Stop hating on volunteer GMs.

    Yes , we must allow GM's to run rampant, and make up rules of the game, as we go along.

    THIS, would be the best play by far ...




  10. Apparently, the question of "nipple exposure" has already been answered by @MattScott

    So, as far as GM-zeroxthirtynine, it comes down to a training issue, nothing more.


    It might be helpful afterwards if LO were to instruct this uninformed GM to contact  the "female character" personally in game,

    that they were incorrect in their communication to them concerning nipple display,

    otherwise , those players on citadel, may never see this player's nipples again.


    Personally, I really don't care.

    The game is 18+


    I have yet to see one nipple on Jericho, sad to say.  🔞



  11. 10 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yeah, I was lucky myself... Only my Tas20 Stock was effected. I was always paranoid about buying preset weapons for this very reason.

    I'm not familiar with that Weapon, do you mean the "Joker TAS20 JT1" which has IR3 ?  (according to the APBDB)

  12. 18 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    A hard lesson to be sure, but at least you've learned it.

    Well, to be completely forthright, I personally, have not been monetarily affected by the IR3 changes.

    The only weapon that I have purchased with the IR3 mod is the OBIR "Vladivostok".


    Although I have not used the weapon recently, my assumptions are, that being a long range weapon,

    and a semi-auto w/ 3 round bursts, I can't see there being a huge difference.


    The only weapon that I can think of that's in my in inventory that was affected,

    was the Joker CR-5 PR2 ( a short to mid range weap ), that was kindly gifted to me by G1.


    I am assuming because of my continued loyalty, support and dedication to the game.


    But yes, "A hard lesson to be sure, but at least we have all learned"


    God Bless you Brother...


  13. 6 minutes ago, mynd said:

    While the point of this thread is debatable, refund etc or no, I don't think they should have changed IR3 without looking at every instance the changes would effect, especially when you're looking at weapons from the cash shop.

    Yeah, I think asking for a refund on a preset gun that you bought months/years ago is a stretch, but I definitely understand the level of dissatisfaction.


  14. I currently have a Joker CR-5 PR2
    The preset mods include Hunting Sight 3 and Improved Rifling 3


    Prior to the IR3 changes, this gun was deffinetly my "go to" gun for short/mid range combat.


    Because of the ( what I consider to be an extreme ) slower fire rate of IR3,

    it is no longer adequate at short range, and only "meh" at mid range.

    The gun never really was a contender at long range, and even with the changes to IR3, it still is not a contender for long range.

    So the gun is useless for my style of gameplay.


    I'm guessing the changes that were made to IR3 were an attempt at addressing perceived issues with NTEC's,

    and this global change of IR3 was the simplest way of doing it.


    Unfortunately, a lot of guns with the IR3 preset, in my opinion ( and apparently quite a few others players ),

    that were not necessarily designed for range, ended up being ineffective at all ranges.


    Yes, we do not technically "own" these guns. ( digital content )


    But I think that the lessons learned from this experience will be a huge incentive to never ever buy a

    preset weapon again on the Marketplace, not with the risk of a weapons mod characteristics changing later on down the road.


    Haha, I still remember G1 releasing new preset weapons on ARMAS that were definitely OP.

    Sales of those guns skyrocketed, only to be nerfed several months later.
    But they nerfed the individual guns, not the mods on the guns, which would have a global effect.


    Buying an open slot weapon at least gives the consumer the ability to adapt to mod changes in the future.


    I guessing one problem is, that there are quite a few preset weapons to purchase, and are only available as presets,

    which in essence, puts these preset weapons at risk of every really selling.






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  15. Matt,

    Very much appreciate Little Orbit’s level of communication from day one.
    Always a breath of fresh air,

    For you to list the TOP grievances, is most definitely a testament, that you, your staff,
    have been reading the forums, and have a “flavor” of areas, your player base are most displeased with.

    Here are a list of issues that I see on the forums right now:

    - Why did Little Orbit unban all these cheaters? / Demo version of BattlEye / Ineffective anti-cheat / Matt said he wont ban anyone

    The bane of any online games existence.
    There will always be cheaters in any online game.
    Contrary to the naysayers that have spouted their logic on the APB forums for the last 7 years,
    yes, cheaters are very much alive and well, in San Paro, even to this day.

    Just like any other online game.
    It is what it is.


    - Why hasn't Little Orbit fixed the Matchmaking system? / Threat needs to go back to the way it was / De-threaters
    No comment.


    - Why did Little Orbit do the Weapon Balance? / Shotguns suck / IR3 changes are garbage
    Ahhh, IR3 ….  
    Yes, this has been a mess.

    Now for those players that had open slot weapons, not a huge deal.
    If they used IR3 in the past, after LO’s changes, most dropped that particular mod.  (I did)
    Ezy – Pzy…   problem solved.

    For most, it is now a useless mod that “borks” the weapon.
    So they dropped it.
    I no longer use this mod for any of my Open Slot weapons.
    IR2, on occasion.

    For those players that had either “purchased” or was “gifted” a weapon with preset mods,

    that has IR3, ….. well , that’s a different challenge.

    I mean, they can’t swap out the IR3 mod.    (It's a preset weapon)
    So, what do they do ?

    It has been strongly suggested here on the forums, that you need to simply “re-learn” the weapon, and change your play style to accommodate.

    Huh ?


    Wait… I bought (was gifted) a weapon, with preset mods, that fell into my style of gameplay,
    and now that that weapon modifications have changed, I need to change my playstyle, to accommodate the weapon ?

    What fun is that ?


    I no longer use those preset weapons with IR3.
    They sit in my locker. collecting dust.

    That’s your choice.

    Yes…. I choose to play the game and use specific weapons that are most enjoyable, and fall into my genre of gameplay.
    Why should I change my playstyle ?
    I want to have fun.

    That’s it.


    - Why isn't Little Orbit listen to me? / Why is Little Orbit listening to people that don't know what they are talking about?
    No comment.



    I appreciate you posting in the forum, and “opening” the flood gates, as it were.
    I look forward to hear your responses regarding these grievances , and future news about the game.

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