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Posts posted by Westford
1 hour ago, BlatMan said:Providing those ban stats will be useless for legit players, but cheaters will be able to use those stats to determine what is getting them banned.
Are more bans a good thing? Does it mean the anti-cheat is working as intended? Does it mean there's more cheaters? What percentage of cheaters are caught?
Besides, a bronze player won't know the difference between an aimbot and the character turning when shooting.
I am not sure I agree with all of your opinions, and I usually stay away from making
any assumptions unless there is more information available.
Providing those ban stats will be useless for legit players
I do not agree with this opinion.
I am a legit player, and having the knowledge that “cheaters” are actively being banned,
does provide myself, and other legit players that SARD is flushing out the bad actors
on a consistent basis.
I am sure I am not the only legit player that feels this way.
I agree that there will be some legit players that would find this information useless.
but cheaters will be able to use those stats to determine what is getting them banned
Interesting…. I am curious how Server/Faction/Rank will provide enough meaningful data
to the cheat community as to what cheat they used that caused a ban.
Also, there would be some lag time between an individual’s ban, and when they would be tallied into the stats.
Can you elaborate more ?
Are more bans a good thing?
More cheaters banned or just bans in general ?
If you are referring to cheaters, than of course.
Yes, that would be a good thing.Do you disagree, and if so, why ?
Does it mean the anti-cheat is working as intended?
Only LO will know if it is working as intended.
Posting ban stats would provide transparency to the playerbase that SARD is actually doing something.
Would it improve the confidence level of the playerbase ?
I believe it would, but that would only be my opinion.
As you said, for some legit players, it would be useless information.Does it mean there's more cheaters?
More than what.
Than initially assumed ?
Sorry not following the question.What percentage of cheaters are caught?
Not sure that can be determined.
If a cheater is not caught, then there is really no way of knowing
what percentage are caught vs not caught.
Or maybe I am misunderstanding your question.Besides, a bronze player won't know the difference between an aimbot and the character turning when shooting.
Not sure how this is even relevant to the discussion of SARD ban stats.
what difference does it make if a Bronze. Silver or Gold player can or cannot tell the difference ?
I didn’t want to hijack this post on discussing whether or not LO should or should not provide ban stats or not.
I’ll leave it to LO to decide. -
Could LO provide monthly SARD stats by Server/Faction/Rank ?
Just add it to https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/Non interactive, with no names to avoid the trash talk drama fest
that so many of us enjoyed during the Fairfight days.I think that most players would agree that some/any type of regular
communication would go a long way in reassuring the community that
“things are getting done” with regards to those players who are not
supporters of fair gameplay, and their continued use of'
- Cheats (Aimbot, Wallhack.. etc)
- Macros (Consistent maximum fire rate (.45 pistol comes to mind))
No RecoilTriggerbot (color identifier)
etcDo you support this level of transparency ?
Would this effort be labor intensive, or just a matter of running a query
and formatting the results ?Thank you
I had logged onto the NA server yesterday Thursday 3/6,
and noticed that all Districts were West Coast.
Any plans on spinning up East Coast Districts,
or will those be offline for now, and any timeline as to when those East Coast Districts will be available ?
Thank @MageLO for the direct link.
Downloaded/Installed & Updated.
Financial District
Email error with attachment.
19:45 EST connected to NA/Enforcer
When you select "Retrieve" attachment...
Glad to be able to Login into the Forums again.
Someone mentioned how "dead" the Forums were.
Well, duh !!
register.gamersfirst.com was also affected from this game outage so no one could log in..... lol
Glad to see the frequent updates on LO's Discord, that was helpful.
Looking forward to get back in game and continue to improve my skillz, as it were.
48 minutes ago, vsb said:you can’t actually stop stretched res players, because you can’t stop players from changing their monitors resolution
its the custom crosshair “debate” all over again
Oh, I really don't care if players use a widescreen display resolution, I think it looks like crap,
but no reason for them not to play like this.
Myself personally, I set the in games resolution to the whatever the highest available that my GPU and monitor can support.
That's just because I like the aesthetics.
But now you have me curious.
Why play in a resolution the elongates the display like that ?
Does it improve the FPS, or .. ?
I had to take a look at the video again, and I did notice the red "center" dot instead of the default.
I can see how this could be really helpful.
I don't think I can change that in the graphics setting, but I will double check.
I don't know, it might be because I am either lazy, or just don't care as much to go above and beyond
what the in game graphics settings allow for config changes.
I never bothered with the APB Launcher that was approved by LO,
like I said, I just can't be bothered.
I realize that this is important to some players, particularly if they have a very old computer.
My CPU was released in 2017 and my GPU in 2019, so some might argue that I have an old computer,
but I get decent performance with APB even on high graphics settings.
Maybe I am missing out, and my gameplay would be a vast improvement
if I made these types of changes.
2 hours ago, Nagletz said:Double edged sword on this one. Some ppl still has trash PCs (like me, but i like the graphics and have 60 fps with some stutters on High so anyways) and configs is the only solution. Yet we have "pro"s making the game look like Roblox with additional "stuff" like extra wide-screen etc. So it's not really that simple. Cheaters can have Ultra settings and still be cheaters, not much difference from aforementioned low-cfg players. Works the other way, too. But IMO wide-screen min recoil glitch should be addressed anyways, one way or another.
I would hate to hear that there are some players using computers that are as old as this game,
what is it 15 years ?
That would be enough to make a grown man/woman/them cry.I know that a lot of players change the game files to achieve graphics setting that makes the game look extremely wonky.
I have seen some vids where the graphics configs results in a horrible looking elongated display.
This player may have a 15 year old computer.
It would be great to see monthly SARD stats by Server/Faction/Rank.
Just add it to https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/
Non interactive, with no names to avoid the trash talk drama fest
that so many of us enjoyed during the Fairfight days.
I think that most players would agree that some/any type of regular
communication would go a long way in reassuring the community that
“things are getting done” with regards to those players who are not
supporters of fair gameplay.
If this type of SARD transparency is frowned upon by Little Orbit,
I’m confident or just hopeful, that this will be explained by an official post or
perhaps on the next AMA later this year. -
If we take a quick look at the last 6+ months, Aug 2024 when New Horizon was announced.
I thought this was a great update by Little Orbit, new contacts and what not.
Everyone saw the population increase.
YEAH !!!!
My thoughts are that if they had implemented SARD months prior to the New Horizon release,
it might have retained that population boost.
c’est la vie
It is what it is
And then the SARD anti-cheat forthcoming, with the announcement that "Noone" will be banned,
instead Cheat Points will be assigned and subsequent high profile cheaters will be segregated.
A "gut punch" to the legitimate players wanting fair competitive gameplay,
and much "rejoicing" amongst those player who might rely on 3rd party tools.
The message was clear...
No Cheater will be banned.
And the Cheater population blossomed.
I imagine there were Legit players that just "threw in the towel" and started to use 3rd party tools,
They want to play on a level playing field.
"When in Rome"
I thought I saw a forum post here, where Matt Scott had posted on Discord,
that after reviewing the SARD analytics, he was shocked, or maybe even horrified at the number of cheaters
actually present on either Server.
Ok, so I had to rummage through my closet to find my Tin Foil Hat before posting my thoughts.
What if....
The number of cheaters is so bad, that by banning them out right would significantly lower the
population to a dismal amount ?
EU might survive much more so than NA.
I would hate to think that this is the dilemma that Little Orbit faces.
I mean, you have to remove the bad actors that compromise fair gamplay,
but at what cost ?
25%+ or more of the population ?
If this is the challenge that they are facing, I do not envy them.
They definitely got themselves stuck between the proverbial "rock and a hard place"
Anyways, I hope they figure this stuff out,
and it would be nice to see some monthly SARD stats by Server/Faction/Rank
This is a great informational guide.
Appreciate the effort you put into this.
Of course I have been perusing this list for my preferred weapons,
will have to experiment with some of your suggested mods.
I looked through your list of suggested mods for the "High Mag Scope",
which I own, and did not see it referenced, which made me sad. -
2 hours ago, Yapopal said:I think that such an opinion about the game is formed due to the large number of negative aspects present in the game. Cheaters play a secondary role here.
If I understand your statement, your position is that "Cheaters", players using 3rd party tools to gain an unfair advantage in game,
is a secondary issue to other issues in this game.
ie, Matchmaking, Weapon balance .. etc
Or maybe I misunderstood your statement.
I think that the number one priority would be that everyone should be able to play on a "level" playing field.
An untarnished baseline needs to be established before any changes can be made that will prove to be effective.
If the scales are tipped, in favor of players using 3rd party tools, then there is no competitive gameplay.
and LO would be operating on a skewed baseline.
Altering/Tweaking the Matchmaking system will not mitigate or accommodate for those players Cheating.
I doubt that any amount of changes to the Matchmaking system to insure fair gameplay in an attempt at creating evenly matched opponents
is possible if there are cheaters on either team.
Again, the baseline is skewed, and not yet established.
Weapon balance changes might be difficult, as data is harvested/anaylized as to the effectiveness of any weapon,
when using macros, triggerbots or aimbots.
I would think that that data gathered from weapon use from both legit players and Cheaters might
not be an accurate representation of any weapons capabilities or performance.
Just my thoughts.
It would be great if we had some SARD stats..
I think SARD is on ........
Oh well...
2025 is a New Year.
8 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:I have been wondering both if sard was active in NA, which matt wont confirm, and or that somehow
I have cheat points, because I am constantly being matched with cheats.
So yeah ,.. this is not a great message..
I personally do not know if SARD is up and running on the NA Servers.
Above my pay grade...
but a lack of messaging only invites "Tin Foil" hats
I am not a conspiratorial type of a person .....
I have a dog. -
7 hours ago, Reprimand said:I'm sorry, but these things are a shining nuisance in the game. The cash security trucks are fine. I don't mind the Balkan trucks in fight club or whatever but players in Waterfront and Financial are using them to mission block, grief players, blow up and knock over cars.
Remove them from the game and the mission blocking problem practically fixes itself.
It is unfortunate that some people use them for disrupting missions,
but in another scenario, when I am not in a mission,
and I see the unauthorized use of these municipal vehicles, as an Enforcer, I turn on my siren's and chase them down.
I have been able to make a few crash as I chase them across the district.
There have been many times where other Enforcers join the pursuit, which often results in a fireball of vehicles
ending the havoc that these joy riders have inflicted on the District.
It's a fun distraction.
I noticed last night in Financials the Cement Trucks had a Santa hat on the cab.
’Tis the season
26 minutes ago, MageLO said:The servers are now back online!
5 minutes ago, MattScott said:We are deploying a fix now.
Very much appreciated..
Game is running smooth as butter on EU
12/18/2024 EST 19:35
15 minutes ago, RoxieBragg said:and... crashed again. is EU having crashes too?
Have not Checked ...
Will try now - 12/18/2024 EST 19:12
Will update this post
News FLASH Update:
Was able to connect to EU.
I had new mail.
A lot of mail.
I received a Snowball RPG.... but it's in Europe..
12/18/2024 EST 19:18
I don't live in Europe.
3 minutes ago, RoxieBragg said:I keep trying to play the xmas event. We havent been able to finish a single match for the past hour. Just crash after crash. Idk why I even bother anymore tbh.
I would be happy to just check my mail ...
Was able to connect to NA-Social ..... yet again... (3rd time)
Was at the Mail Kiosk..
Just reading my mail...
If I have enough time next time...I'm going to use the "Report" feature.
Wish me Luck.
5 minutes ago, RoxieBragg said:It keeps crashing over and over, what are you talking about? This is a fucking joke of a game now. NA finally has people wanting to come play and they cant cause the server crashes over and over.
Was able to hit the Login Screen.
Selected Jericho for connection ..... connected
Select District (Social for me)
switches to Loading screen.
It's Regurgitating..
I'm back in.
Seen people using a Snowball RPG.
Need to check my mail ...
Back in the Streets AMA with Matt
in Social District (General Discussion)
Posted · Edited by Westford
I had not realized that there would be much objection to monthly SARD ban stats.
I was wrong, but am curious as to why this type of transparency is a bad thing.
And I never said that I do not trust that cheaters are being banned or not,
I did not realize how uncomfortable this level of transparency would be
received by some players.
I understand that for some legit players, as @BlatMan had mentioned,
this information would be useless, and those players would not even bother
to take a look at the stats.
So no problems there, as they would never see the stats.
That information to them provides no value.
why would you trust that the devs would post legitimate ban statistics?
Good question.
Let me see if I can make an analogy.
LO releases patch notes fairly regularly.
One might assume that these patch notes are released for the sake of transparency,
which is a good thing.
But now you have me thinking, what if… those patch notes are not legitimate.
How can we trust them ?
Seriously ?
Yeah, I trust them, patch notes and all.
Would be kind of ridiculous to post made up ban stats, but now you’ve got people thinking.
Hey, if people are so dead set against ban stats, fine.
Again, not sure why this information is so uncomfortable to some.
I have explained my reasons and value added to the player base as to
the benefits of SARD monthly ban stats.
- Transparency
- Reassurance that bad actors are being removed on a consistent basis
I have not read any negatives to providing this level of transparency.
The argument that "cheaters will be able to use those stats to determine what is getting them banned."
I do not believe is valid, as there is not enough data being posted that could provide ANY
indication as to why any cheater was banned.
Cheater X is banned on the 13th of the month.
Cheater X knows they have been banned since they get the infamous error code when trying to log in.
They do not know what was identified that caused the ban.
At the end of the month Cheater X's ban is tallied up/or not tallied up with the others for a cumulative count.
Cheater X still does not know anything, or even if the ban stat listed included themselves.
So, can anyone provide some information/details as to WHY ban stats are a bad thing.
Thank you