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Posts posted by Westford

  1. 8 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    I mean, I don't NOT wanna cuddle. 

    (double negative)


    "I do NOT wanna cuddle."


    Why the hell not ?




    8 hours ago, Westford said:

    (double negative)


    "I do NOT wanna cuddle."


    Why the hell not ?

    Oh wait...


    I get it.

    The double negative was by design.

    Which means ..   Oh !


    Never mind.

  2. 1 hour ago, neophobia said:

    why are you so angry


    its only game, why u have to be mad?

    I don't believe that it is extreme anger, per say.

    But rather frustrations.


    Let's look at the basics of why "any" of us play video games.

    For most, it is for the pure enjoyment and entertainment factor.

    Others, it might be for monetary reasons.


    Let's concentrate on the pleasure seekers.

    When neither enjoyment or a satisfying entertainment experience can be achieved, 

    this leads to extreme frustration.


    It can get tiresome.


    So.... what do we do ?

    We leave.... to do something else.

    Perhaps another game.




  3. 19 minutes ago, UubeNubeh DaWog said:

    When was name and shame ever allowed?


    During FF name and shame wasnt allowed here.


    FFbans was not an offical apb platform.



    The only time that I remember when Name & Shame was allowed by G1,

    was about 3 or 4 years ago.


    They had a massive Ban List as a sticky, and said they would keep it open for a while.

    That thread was about 50+ pages before G1 locked it after a year.


    This was before FF if I remember correctly.


    Yep... good times.


  4. 2 hours ago, Bishada8800 said:

    Rather than creating a workaround (figuring out how to prevent gold players from starting missions while they are in a bronze district) they should perhaps instead focus on the root cause of the problem (people that deliberately screw with the threat system on purpose by artificially deflating their threat rating).

    I agree that understanding the root cause for players dethreating should be a focal point,

    but that effort, in my opinion should be a part of the matchmaking/phasing overhaul.


    My suggestion, which echos many others in the last two years, as a "quick fix".

    Not perfect.

    Does not require a lengthy design/development or testing phase.

    (The logic/code already exists to check player threat)


    A quick fix to plug a finger in the dam that would probably help alleviate/minimize one huge issue that plagues new player retention.


    • Thanks 1

  5. Without over simplifying the development effort, as many have mentioned quite a few times over the past year or two,

    it would seem that either disabling a Gold player to join a mission or kicking them back to lobby when in a Bronze district,

    might provide the biggest bang for the buck for an intermediate solution until a matchmaking/phasing overhaul is provided.


    I mean, the code already exist that checks a players threat level before entering a district.

    Ergo, Gold players cannot join Bronze districts.


    All they would need to do in Bronze districts is after each mission, check the threat level of all mission participants,

    and if they're Gold, either kick them to the lobby, or disable the ability to join any other missions.


    There has been no mention that I have seen, of a timeline/roadmap regarding a matchmaking/phasing overhaul.

    A significant effort I'll guess, considering the design, development and testing involved.

    But I would conservatively guess that we won't see this for at least a year or more.


    I realize that their development team is probably stretched pretty thin,

    but @MattScott should consider this interim solution to alleviate/minimize issues with new player retention.


    Matt Scott, thoughts ?





    • Thanks 1

  6. 3 hours ago, Bambola said:

    Appearing to be gold and being gold are two completely different things. One won't find a gold player in a bronze district, whoever you are facing in those districts is just a mediocre silver at best, regardless of their threat color. 

    I think what you are trying to say, is that no self respecting True Gold(™) would ever dethreat.

    It's kind of like a code of honor thing with True Golds(™).    lol

  7. 42 minutes ago, Yood said:

    it's not my fault English is limited to words . English and Russian have completely different vocabulary . Excuse me. it upsets me . I'm starting to make the assumption that I will convey the idea to you in Russian or duplicate the translation .  

    what you think ?

    My apologies.


    My experience with Online Translators has been a mixed bag.

    I applaud your efforts.




  8. 36 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    idk if thats true or not but you could run the same scripts with various built in mouse software, so idk if that counts or not lol

    As a former developer myself, I have looked at some AHK & Autoit scripts.

    Pretty damn impressive what you can do.


    I messed around a bit with Logitech scripts in the past, not sure if the scripting software that comes bundled with Gaming Mice today,

    are on par with AHK & Autoit.


    But yes...

    You make a great point with regards to other "Scripting" utilities.


    Should it be allowed ?

    How does a Gaming Co. restrict 3rd party applications (scripting utilities) in usage of their software ?

    (Edit: 3rd party applications is too broad)


    Many of us are still waiting for an answer.


  9. Well, the word is out, on some unknown public cheat website, that this iteration of EAC implementation does not kick (detect ?) AHK.

    Given that news, it would be fair to assume that any "Auto-click", "Trigger-Bot", "Reduced-Recoil", etc ,,, would be fully functional.


    Good news for some.

    Not so good news for others.


    But why ?

    In a 10 year old game ?

    Seriously... ?


    Oh well.





  10. 2 hours ago, Glaciers said:

    finally got around to making a semi-proper write up unnecessarily detailed list about riot, altho i probably could have just reposted my otw test feedback and it would still be 95% relevant 

    -some images taken from streams, because i was too lazy to get my own footage and now jericho riot is a ghost town


    this is going to be long and boring tbh, you've been warned


    I thought this was a great write up.

    Very detailed..., walked us through the whole process.


    I have not played RIOT yet, but your synopsis gave me a detailed view into this gameplay.

    The RIOT mechanics, as I understand it, is a bit confusing, not intuitive.

    I think @SilverCrow had made a similar analogy.



    Appreciate the time and effort you put into this,



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  11. 1 hour ago, Doom32 said:

    My feedback

    4 man team.
    We all knew this would be a problem.
    Not everybody is with that tryhard wasp group right? (not dissing wasp love some guys over in there just using them as ex:) 

    So basically if you don't have a team, playing this mode will not be enjoyable.
    No options for solos, duos, that most "Popular" br games have

    I have not played RIOT yet, but have seen some feedback related to the 4 man group, and how this mode is geared towards

    premade groups, and not solo players.


    Probably the biggest reason why I have not tried it yet.

    PUB groups in standard districts is usually a choir, so the most fun I have is usually Fight Clubs,

    which can cater to both premades and solo players.


    Not sure how viable or successful RIOT would be, if the matching was similar to FC.

    Enforcers v Crims


    Whether the cap for both sides is;

    10 v 10

    15 v 15


    or as in current FC

    20 v 20


    • Like 2

  12. I was in a Silver Waterfront district the other day, and was told in district chat that I should go to the Bronze district.


    "But I am a silver, shouldn't I be in the Silver District ?"

    "No" was the reply, "Only Golds should be in the Silver District."


    There was a bit of confusion when I followed up with the question:

    "What would happen if all the Golds that are in the Silver District moved to a Gold District ?"


    The response was, "There are not enough Golds to populate the Gold District"


    The level of confusion at this point escalated.


    "But if only Golds should be in Silver Districts, and the Silver District is now populated with Golds,

    how is it that there are not enough Golds to populate a Gold District ?"


    I think at that point whatever sensibility might have prevailed, resulted in a rapid change to a different topic.


    It can get confusing.


    • Thanks 2

  13. 9 hours ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    Why are you even assuming things once again? And you are missing by a lot.

    Not sure where are you pulling out that i am not a team player when i even am playing a team based game right now. Your assumtions are so wrong as your statements.

    I have seen many players , playing a Team based game. and not playing like a Team.

    Not the first time.

    You are not the last.


    Do not take it harshly ...


    You are a good player.

    Just not a Team player, judging by your responses.


    Let's review...  


    On 6/10/2019 at 4:02 AM, LittleGamersFirst said:

    If they dont want to be trash talked then they should get good. Its really simple.


    On 6/10/2019 at 8:00 AM, LittleGamersFirst said:

    They will want to get much better after aknowledging that you are ruining others gameplay being a shitter and giving your best to improve yourself.

    No one cares about their feelings or yours, stop thinking like a milenial, get good and everything will be alright.


    Lets sumarize: no one cares about your feelings; if you play like trash you deserve to be treated like one until you get good; the game should never be modified to be easier for you; no one needs to spend money or any effort into moderation or gms to work for your miserable feelings.

    Deal with it.


    16 hours ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    A skill based game will allways be elitist and lowest skilled players will allways suffer. Thats how these games works,

    This is GOLD ,.,,


    Yes,,   I would like to group up with this player ,,,,

    maybe ...



    Anyways ..

    Please do NOT invite me to your group.


    Much thanks




    9 hours ago, Glaciers said:


    there is no “when it’s not” in the case of the tutorial, you boot up the game and the tutorial is there end of story


    so obviously in this case the general public is derisive towards someone who apparently hasn’t even bothered to look at the game they’re playing 

    Great answer....


    I may not be the 1st player, playing an online game, constantly hitting the ESC key ...... to get into game.


    "did I miss the Intro, ?"

    "what screen was that ?"

    "I'll ask in district ...   they'll tell me"





    So the question still remains.


    If a player cannot get a straight answer even on the forums, (without some wrangling) ,

    how can they hope for an answer in district ?


    Or is District more reliable ?

    NO ,.,.




  14. 1 hour ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    No one said anything about asking questions, its straight toxicity for them, but its not. People do not react because yes, you affect them one way or another.

    What is fun for you is not fun for others? maybe? Even g1 efforts to destroy the game ruining its competition to "appeal" a wider unskilled audience didnt save the game, but killed it further. So you need to stop with this chant "ohhh i am a poor miserable being that everyone harasses for the only reason i breathe... everyone hates me im so victim please give me attention... oh i feel like im dying right now please help me... we need a strong moderation to please my feelings, everyone should care about what i feel do something". Stop.

    This is an agressive game, savage, violent,teasing, mockig, challenging etc. Its suposed to attract a competitive audience.  Stop trying to make it disney world like someone i wont name is trying to convert it, it wont fit in this game and if you insist you will drop the pop even more (well it already happened anyways lol). There is no safe space in san paro, you need to understand that.


    Go play singleplayers where no one ever will hurt you, unless you take offense from ai too snipped insults ~@mayii.


    I have read your comments with great interest.


    Some I understood,     most ..   I did not understand.

    It may be a Language thing.


    I am not one to run away from a fight, but your demeanor is not one that I would sign up for.

    You do not appear to have the composition of a team player....  just my thoughts.


    I wish you the best.



  15. 4 minutes ago, iRawwwN said:

    Considering the tutorial is enabled by DEFAULT and is it's OWN UI I don't think any newbie would ask for the tutorial, unless they're braindead. If that's the case then maybe they'd be better off on Club Penguin (rip that) or else some other child friendly game.


    The games tutorial isn't actually that bad. People who have a problem with it just have a problem with reading/understanding.


    I agree, the Tutorial , more than likely, is starring you in the face.

    and when it is not, you saw how many forum posts required to get an answer.



    How many District Chat inquiries would you guess , before an answer was provided ?


    You see my point ?


  16. 23 minutes ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    Thats the exactly the problem, putting so much effort for people that no cares. How before the game was healthy populated and no one cried about about tutorials or such.

    If you want smart people that dont even like the game, keep working on tutorials, lol.

    Ahhh , yes...


    Another learned response by an experienced APB player.

    DO NOT HELP ANYONE.. for they will drag you down.


    I still have questions .. ?


    Too fucken bad.

    We have our Motto....


    But I just started yesterday ,,,,


    And your point ?


  17. 9 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    the tutorial is visible by default

    Great news...


    I will look for it.


    Hoping for the best.. praying for the worst.


    Curious, how do I invoke the Tutorial ?


    3rd time I have asked in the forum.

    A place of sound mind .. and ...





    Can you imagine the responses in game .. ?

    I have asked twice, in the forum.


    A place of decency and forgone of district chat hypocrisy.

    But no answers here.



    You get my drift ?



  18. 32 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    Why should anyone bother answering questions that are dealt with in a Tutorial when the person apparently didn't feel the necessity to sit down and go through it.

    You're to good for it? It's not worth your time? Sorry, but that's exactly what you are for me when you can't show some effort/initiative on your side - not worth my time.

    When I got time and not busy in a mission I am happy to help and give advice but I am not some else's "Tutorial".

    Uhhh, yeah...  good advice.


    How do you invoke the Tutorial ?

    Do I press 'T'


    Any help would be great.



  19. Reading this thread, there are three issues that stand out.


    The 1st issue which the OP has expressed, that any questions that new players ask to the playerbase to

    understand the gamplay,

    1. what do I do ?
    2. how do I equip a weapon ?
    3. How do I get a car ?
    4. how do I ........?  "git gud"

    are met with toxic, nonsensical or otherwise useless replies.


    The other issue, is just toxic or harassing comments in general.

    The 3rd issue is deathreating.


    @LittleGamersFirst raises an interesting solution to one problem.

    19 hours ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    If they dont want to be trash talked then they should get good. Its really simple.

    The problem with this approach is, that as new players ask questions in district, in order to "git gud",

    and are met with anything other than advice, but more toxic, nonsensical or otherwise useless replies.


    Those players will have a difficult road to "gitten gud"

    Cause, no one is helping them to "git gud".

    @LittleGamersFirst, please take note.  🙂


    15 hours ago, LittleGamersFirst said:

    They will want to get much better after aknowledging that you are ruining others gameplay being a shitter and giving your best to improve yourself.

    Please keep in mind, that one of my primary objectives when I play APB, is to NOT, in any way, ruin someone else's gameplay.

    This is my first, and foremost objective... in any online game.


    Their entertainment and enjoyment of the game, during my playtime, is of the utmost priority and importance.

    The hell with what I want.

    Even, if I want to "git gud" and ask questions.


    As far as just toxic trash talking,

    13 hours ago, TanyaSlayer said:

    Disable district chat.

    Problem solved.

    This !!

    This may very well help with a fair amount of issues.


    I never really did follow down the Tutorial path.

    Not even sure how to invoke it.

    T ?


    I'll look in to it, as I am curious what is offered to new players.


  20. I totally appreciate the effort and can't imagine the level of frustration that Matt Scott and team are feeling as a result of these delays.


    One suggestion, unless already being performed, and if there are enough resources to implement,  (hardware/team availability)

    would be to conduct "dry run/practice runs" of the cutover to a "copy of the Production env".

    Testing patches in a Test env is one thing, the deployment of a bundle or upgrade can introduce their own issues.


    My background is with ERP business applications, and our team would perform dry run cutovers to a copy of production

    to test the technical aspects of the deployment, as well as the speed and timing of each task.


    One project I was on, we had to perform 4 dry runs before the actual cutover to production.

    (Starting on Friday 5pm thru Monday 3 or 4am was typical run time for our Upgrades)


    The 1st two cutovers would identify and resolve any technical issues, the 3rd run would identify tasks

    that could be sped up.  (running multiple processes in parallel ... etc)


    Anyways, good luck next week.

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