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Everything posted by Westford

  1. Haha, actually pretty funny. And peeps rank on my posts. Go figure..
  2. We try and limit Internet access to both grandpa and grandma, although grandma loves her facebook. Thankfully we were able to discourage grandpa from creating a twitter account. That would have been a disaster.
  3. One of my favorite scenes in the series, and judging from some of the comments here, I guess I am not the only fan.
  4. You should not admonish your self so quickly. ..I still have.faith ..... As many of us do...
  5. Lord, if you could find it your heart to deliver some vengeance on the Piss ant @BXNNXD , most of us would be eternally gratefull. Although I would like to see him squirm, this is not my strongest desire. Please lord... help him see the way.
  6. I am not one to call out a "scrub" when I see one... But when necessary. ... I will. You Sir are a Scrub.,,,, You have been evaluated, condregated, and Cast out... Begone.. little scrub.... begone. ........
  7. @BXNNXD does not yet understand. Not his fault... He is lacking in many areas ... particularly social skills. Yes, yes... we do have patience. ...... but our patients are running thin .. What you gonna do ....?
  8. Shit's getten real .....real fast... Oh boy..
  9. I'm gonna tell ya.. Not real impressed with your intro. Maybe I'm sucking a dry straw... but I am not impressed.
  10. But .... Swordmanship.... does that not count for nothing .... ?
  11. Some goddam competitive gameplay... Watch... Learn ...
  12. Haha... I like the Christmas song by José Feliciano.
  13. You and me both my friend. You and me both.........
  14. This..... This I did not know. Thank you for providing a semblance of clarity, this means everything. I think we should vote... What say you .. ? EDIT: Concerning @CookiePuss level of slacking of late..., this has been a concern for many of us. But the majority of us still have faith. I know I do. Best thing to do, is not to forget his birthday. I made that mistake last year.... oh boy..
  15. You're looking at his mustache . Stay on topic goddammit. ... This is important.
  16. And here I thought it was the 25th.. Not gonna tell my kids any different.
  17. This sh*t can't be happening now .... Not now..... Not so close to Chistmas. ....
  18. Westford

    Wasp Rejects

    I suppose I owe you guys an apology, specifically PabloTaco. He had reached out to me a few days ago, wanting to know if I wanted to join, sent me a friend request, which I accepted, I hopped onto your Discord (txt only), as I did not want to quit the game in order to setup my headphone & mic. ( I usually play w/ speakers since I'm not talking with anyone) In Discord, PabloTaco welcomed me, I asked a couple of questions, and after no response, and noticing that the channel was called "Wasp-Rejects" I figured I was being trolled. lol Dropped him from my friend's list. My mistake obviously. Haven't been in a clan for a few years, but definitely miss the coordination in missions with Voice Comms. I'm out of town for the holidays, but when I get back, I'll reach out to PabloTaco, and make my appeal. Hopefully he will understand. Who knows, I may very well lose my "highly coveted" max rank Silver status in short order by being in Voice Comms, and coordinating our efforts in mission. EDIT: I did not think that Wasp-Rejects was actually legit, until I saw this post. Haha
  19. @Ketog Although @CookiePuss has stated, that a potential obstacle could be a "Face to Face", the fact that you will be concentrating your job search efforts in the IT industry, does minimize this requirement more so than other industries. In the past, I received 2 job offers (that I accepted) with phone interviews alone. Both large IT consulting firms, that operated almost exclusively with virtual teams, phone calls, emails, conference calls and instant messaging , was the norm. In fact, at one of these IT companies that I had worked for, for 10 years, I never met my manager in person. If "Face to Face" is required/desired by the hiring manager, Skype or other Facetime app/application has become very popular. Indeed website is a great start. I would also highly recommend LinkedIn. Create your LinkedIn profile, search & apply for jobs. Reach out to other LinkedIn members in your desired industry to start building a network, and develop professional relationships. You can settle for a "Standard" LinkedIn membership, or opt for a "Premium" membership. (I believe that it is around $30 a month US... I forgot) I don't remember exactly what added benefits for Premium, but there are quite a few. Create a Template "Cover Letter", as most of your Cover Letters when applying for jobs will have a lot of the same verbiage. This way you won't have to re-write your Cover Letters from scratch, each and every time. Keep in mind that although your Cover Letters may include some of the same verbiage, each of these letters will differ, as they are also tailored for that specific job. One challenge that you may be faced with, is that some companies in Canada may pass you by without a review, because they do not want to cover your relocation cost. (not knowing that you will have that covered) And yet if you disclose in your Cover Letter that "you" will be covering relocation costs, you might miss out on an opportunity where a company was actually willing to cover these costs. I am not sure how to advise with that one. Anyways, best of luck in your job search.
  20. Westford


    @MattScott appreciate the communication and transparency with an issue that plagues all online games, APB not excluded. It has been apparent in APB for as long as I have played. (2011) Kind of difficult to brush it under the rug, or "add it to the pile", as it were. Like, it hasn't been a constant battle/issue for the last 7+ years. lol, and in any other online game. APB not excluded. Quotes from fellow forum members that have tried to help alliterative our fears over the last 7 years. 2011 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2012 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2013 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2014 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2015 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2016 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2017 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " 2018 - "I very rarely encounter any cheaters since ....... " One can only imagine a "somewhat" clean game with minimal infractions and a decent matchmaking system so that competitive gameplay was actually a "thing". Would the rate of new player retention increase ? Would there be more monthly Premium purchases ? Would be nice. Looking forward to future efforts.
  21. Title: customer service can't read OP, are you saying that you had submitted a support ticket recently, and have not received a response ? You did not provide much information regarding your experiences with support, if this is what your complaint is about.. We are at a loss.
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