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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. They used my picture : D (you can tell from the extra black shadow above the eyes i added and various other edits) Source Can't wait to see more of this mode had alot of fun matt, Spent a good 30 mins guessing the "clawdia" password and it was just CLDA damn that made me pissed when i woke up.
  2. That's painfull to watch. OCA Nano glow is the most reliable secondary. Even if they don't "fix" the talon at least put it in the description that the silencer reduces range.
  3. The fast and incarcerated *Vietnam flashbacks
  4. It's getting harder and harder to understand what your trying to say. 1.What i said did actually happend here's a link to a topic that reported on it (with staff response) PB kicks? i quote from A. a player and B. a "volunteer staff member' "but the question is, after the fix, will people get their accounts back??? (the ones who got banned meaningless)" staf - Considering I too was banned, I'd hope so. 2.punk buster banning people that use third party programs to make the symbols? xneat ? i have no memory of anyone getting banned from that. 3.Bans were illegal, no idea what your On but it must be strong. 4. *something about the anticheat settings being wrong "if that can mess up a little Imagine how much 'noob arrogant gm' could" You have quite some nerve, Machines are made by humans and humans make mistakes "all bans are automatic" o i don't think so. 5.You ignored me in-game after you said some colorfully specific words about the recent "asia" population that joined jericho And you /ignored me because I called you out on your blatant racism? You went on about "zole you fuzzy bunny you make all the peoples not like me" all i said was "because you keep putting out false information and generally not being nice" then you just swore and walked off. Now y00d before you try to say your perfect in anyway take 1 quick peak at your profile background.
  5. You weren't here when punkbuster banned anyone that logged in.
  6. More curious then reward entitled , when someone get's their "tier 4" rewards i'd like to know what was in it. I wonder if we can get a weapon skin out of this
  7. Not really understanding the issue What is happening that shouldn't have.
  8. as it is right now if enough people report someone a GM appears (tested it with a group of my friends) they make the decision even if 300 people reported that 1 person won't get banned unless they are actually doing something not right. A troll (if they take it too far) will get banned.
  9. I see what you mean, it "looks open" it's a collision issue not textures the hitbox is just to small to allow the player model through (if they moved it 1 cm it wouldn't).
  10. I had alot of fun and got 2 good symbols out of it consider me Happy. Great to see everyone come together (even if it was to pick on y0...nvm) and everyone adds a bit of flavor to the community soup pot of riddles.
  11. Is it entirely possible to make a topic in Off-Topic that's So much about apb that it goes Moved to Social? @OP a slightly more interesting question. How much have you spent in apb and how much is your account worth "ratio" in my case 100% ratio (never spent a cent) and own every legendary in existence.
  12. I love it (and i thought just smacking a RH logo on my crotch was enough XD) - by WakeRoberts
  13. Here are the final emails for "those less gifted with time" And the ARG is a community event I don't feel it's "spoiled" as much as used a unconventional way anywho, The community as a whole should get rewarded and this was a lot of fun (i even got 2 good symbols out of it) Emails: The Image summary (some good pictures out of the arg to me at least.):
  14. Nothing else i could find so.... Here's every email from "cpritcher - g@ngs1gns" https://imgur.com/a/xKPYNkQ
  15. Evidence by the message in armas Redeem code page. Either way the reward is on the way. Friday. Maybe you can figure it out using this information. " Hey Pritch! Can you check this out? https://bit.ly/IqT6zt Let me know ASAP your thoughts. Thanks, Bravo "
  16. Tested it. Difficulty: 6/10 (died before i took the screenshot)
  17. Tested it myself. Difficulty: 3/10 You can actually jump on a Camera (near where you were jumping) and get up there alot easier
  18. Best quality i could do. Using cpritcher as a login returns the following " Hint: 1f your teeth look l1ke th1s, then 1t's t1me to see @ dent1st. "
  19. here's what i got from decoding it #E 5 I EI H###HI E # which translates into (not including the hash tags) -139,9,-321 ./ 7,-20,4,-13,7,-64,12,-15,1,-529 ...../ 11,-27,9,-693 ../ 1 . -173,9,-60,3,-872 ../ 13,-45,13,-20,13,-15,17 .... -169,31,-13,11,-47,24,-81,9 .... -168,11,-9,27,-389 ../ 17,-541 ./ Good luck. (more cordinates?)
  20. LOL material " "It can come back to sting you in the patootie. Literally. Now I have to dig graves for all the bees that did not survive the incident. You cannot begin to understand the immense amount of grief and suffering I am going to endure as I personally dig all 53 graves for the recovered bodies.... Then there are 447 more that are still missing.... They are going to take forever to recover... Have you ever had to tell two bees apart? I will likely have to come back with double the bees and interview them personally." All three suspects were not available for commentary. "
  21. You just upset you missed it ^^ And people asked to be reminded when the countdown is near (i got private messaged to say when a few mins were left) No need to be rude. Yood.
  22. THE WEBSITE IS DOWN https://www.redhillinstitute.com/
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