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Everything posted by Fumiku

  1. See nothing wrong with both of them. Troll themes are high pitched as fuck or a long damn PIIIIIIIIIIIP sound ^^ Maybe someone can post some of the "High Quality" Troll ones
  2. Fumiku

    Show us your setup!

    Low budget setup cmon. Just look at that sad i7 xD
  3. You can't take a different char if you can't login ^^ (or you talk about a different acc ?)
  4. Holy Moly what a busy week....

  5. Well spent time celebration ? can‘t wait holy moly!!!! (Independence day?)
  6. [HANKA ROBOTICS] In full red if possible xP
  7. Update: Event prizes


    Since LO still didn‘t fix the Gifting feature, we using ingame $ as prizes. (For now).

    Event will be announced next week.

  8. Like a summer sale ? 50% would be great. I mean players can support LO with it anyway.
  9. "Progression changes" "Trade system"
  10. Everytime these profil stalker <:^)


    What a handsome and interesting person i am 👌

    1. Fumiku


      Thats why i never said they are bad 😄


      sometimes they can come and say „hellouhs“ 😛

    2. Itazura


      I didn't quite feel mentioned by this. Just a general statement I thought would be worth sharing while stalking people 😋


      I'm not the one to judge anyone to be handsome or not. After all people don't know how you look so there's no point really. I meant my question more as in stating that fact, didn't mean to argue against it at all ^^


      Monday's are the worst indeed 😅

    3. Fumiku


      Nothing to add then xP

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Or just unlock it ingame without a JMB.
  12. Tried it as well. Bought some (only JT‘s). Believe me, thats not normal
  13. Event will be delayed.

    Till LO bringing back the armas gifting feature....

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