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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. Currently you need a CPU with a beefy single core to run this game properly. Not sure about the ram. I remember running it even on 2GB RAM few years ago. It was horrible but that was probably mostly due to bad CPU and GPU.
  2. Does anyone actually enjoys them? At this point I thought they got rid of them. Can it just be straight forward DM or just leave the kill and assist missions only? Ofc I can pretend the missions doesn't exists but that is the whole point of going fight club. My issue is that it can take forever to complete them sometimes and the game doesn't respect the invested playtime. Even with resetting you are wasting 5 mins making no progress (or even losing progress if you have started a mission and have no good opportunities to finish it fast so ending up resetting it).
  3. That is what the bronzies doesn't have: a sparing partner. How are you supposed to learn if you get thrown against the top tier players that kills you before you have time to blink? What do you learn by getting killed instantly?
  4. Having the district cap back to 100 may help with some of that.
  5. Tbh matching premade groups vs solos should only happen as a last resort. It is so common to see 4 premade vs 4 solos.
  6. It is not just possible but inevitable. The only possible solution that I see is daily map rotation or just making Waterfront fun. The engine update may add some trees and makes it less open if that ever happens.
  7. I see where you are coming from but it will just mean only 1 thing: nobody playing Waterfront at all.
  8. Why are you entering empty district anyway? I don't get it? When I get golds all the time it is at least in a full district.
  9. Depends. 1 symbol can consts very few variables (like type and coordinates) compared to a texture data. There is also the benefit of shared resources for the same symbol used many times and by many players. But it still depends how exactly it is programmed.
  10. It is probably the only thing that I have missed in my 3-4 years of absence and seems like no one liked it anyway xD Idk if I should consider myself lucky or not.
  11. Is it really a ddos? There have been spikes like that in the moment when the EU server opened.
  12. Considering the game has been CPU intensive from the start, this probably woudl be the main problem to solve if they want to up the graphics beyond the engine's defaults.
  13. I mean, they were talkative about stuff just like now with LO but there seems like there was away something getting on the way of the engine update. I left in 2016 or something after got tired of waiting. No idea what was happening after that. I saw the video of the xbox version and it pretty much made me forget that this game even exist until now.
  14. They can't really change the people but they can prevent this kind of stuff from happening through the game mechanics. Also it doesn't just hurts the new players but the game in general since the playerbase is slowly decaying and no new players are joining. It seems like only the oldest players are still playing the game. I have been playing the game for few days and already the OBT titles seems pretty common.
  15. The things sounds promising so far... but so did with g1 as well back in 2014. I just came back to the game and I am really hoping for the best.
  16. We can at least agree that the matchmaking is not good. Also keep in mind a game has to be fun for the people to keep playing it. This is no tournament nor competition. If someone is getting stomped all the time, they are going to be less and less motivated to keep playing and instead can move to some less frustrating game.
  17. It has been only 6 years after all. Nothing to worry about.
  18. This is simply nonsense. I want to see you how much better you will get in boxing if you have to fight Mike Tyson all day long.
  19. They will update it to UE4 when E10 comes out But anyway, as far as I understood, the whole reason for having engine update is to be able to add new things to the game afterwards. Moving to UE4 woudl mean they will have to do everything all over again.
  20. Wasn't the whole point of the engine update so they can create content easier? But yeah, it doesn't look a whole lot better than what we have already. I am hoping for at least a slightly better performance at the end.
  21. Also I believe that was the entire point of the fog in the current engine on the first place - to make the low poly meshes looks less obvious while also improving texture rendering for distanced objects.
  22. One never know. Naturally higher poly count woudl be obviously more demanding (assuming there is no LOD slider for distance yet).
  23. That is true but it also has way more things to load as well.
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