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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. Yes, the engine update should be top priority. It will be also easier to do things once when it is there. However it shouldn't take too much to at least bring back the threat level for the severs.
  2. That means it is a good time to be changed then. There are just way too many limits. Faction, player limit and threat.
  3. If you are getting banned you most likely know why.
  4. Ehm, the matchmaking was bad even before the reduced population and the lack of thread districts. The difference is that now is even worse.
  5. PotatoeGirl

    An Error

    I am going to bet that is from what the fps killing explosions are made of.
  6. Hey it is not like I have been sitting here waiting for it to come. I just came back because felt like wanting to play again but it is just embarrassing and a meme at this point not having it in the game already. Also I am not complaining. I am just pointing out the engine update is still not a reality yet. I actually admire Matt's dedication and I am really hoping he and his team to be the ones to finally do it.
  7. I only believe stuff when I see it. There is no such thing as complaining just for the sake of it. The things seems promising now but so did back in 2014 with G1 being confident with the engine update. I am just saying the history is repeating itself so far until the engine update finally hist live (how good it will be is another question).
  8. Yes but that doesn't changes the facts. What happens if LO gives up and sells the game to someone else? Everything starts all over again. Also the stuff that has been shown so far was also shown few years ago too. I am just hoping that the game optimization would be the last problem to solve before the actual release.
  9. Not really but removing the pressure will allow them to become sloppier. I know working under pressure is unhealthy but come on man: 6 years. It is about time something to happen. One could have made a full new game for this time.
  10. No, please do. Seems like there hasn't been enough of a reminder if it is still not done for so long.
  11. Actually what I wanted to say is to have the servers having dynamic skill rating regardless of rank (not actually the players as I said) So based on population there may be one server for bronze+silver and silver+gold in that particular moment. If you are silver you will get put in the server closer to your current skill. if there are less than 80 there will be only one server obviously and the matchmaking should take care of the situation within the server.
  12. What if just remove the option to choose district thread and the game puts you where you belong instead? Ofc if this happens, there will be a need of dynamic ranking otherwise some districts will turn empty.
  13. Nah. You just had to start playing it when it first launched. It is like this with many pvp games. If you miss the launch, it is hard to keep up with everyone else.
  14. Isn't that the whole idea of grouping? I have yet to see a group that doesn't tryhard. Riding vegases/vans with an volcano/osmaws
  15. Don't worry. It is not the first time for it to take 6 years to come.
  16. I mean, I really doubt their main income comes from selling the stock weapons anyway so imo it won't really affect them that much even if some of the guns have lower jt price for example.
  17. Sadly it won't indeed. I remember it still being super bad even with the thread segregation. And yes, the pre made groups are more of an issue than the threads themselves but it is usually the gold players who are more willing to get in groups. You will never see premade bronze group unless they are dethreaters or something.
  18. If you really need perm gun so badly it seems like a better option just to buy it with money than grinding for months considering some aren't even that expensive and you can still get another one with the jts. You will never be able to buy everything just with jt anyway. Even buying a legendary may take less grind if you aren't aiming for the most popular ones.
  19. Doesn't matter if the weapon is already available as rental anyway. It only affects those that aren't.
  20. Char bound weapons that you can't even sell... unlike the joker box weapons.
  21. I agree with everything said. The issue however is, most people just won't have all this patience for this when the game "bullies" them constantly with bad matchmaking. Anyone can have a bad match once in a while but when it happens all the time it is just not fun. It makes you wonder if it is worth staying or you have something better to play. Even with that event that you have mentioned. It was optional after all. When I choose to go fight club that is also optional even if everyone there is mostly gold. The problem is when you are forced into bad games no matter where you go.
  22. I get that but before everyone was forced to play in their own district which means they won't be fighting any golds until they really deserve to get there. Now is different. You get everyone mashed together and the matchmaking is struggling to find opposition even more. People rely on the fact that the matchmaking won't be able to find proper opposition if they go 3 or 4 stack premade so that is what they do. If this was the gold district, it woudl be easier for the game to find another 3 person stack of the same rank to match them against.
  23. Are you sure? Is there a place where to see this information? Right now it seems everyone and their grandmother is gold (which seems logical considering they get matched with easier opposition than just gold). Also gold seems to lean towards premade groups more often that other ranks so the game has to fill up with anything if they are waiting for too long. Increasing the server cap back to 100 would help slightly too.
  24. Stuff like this should never happen, yet every second match I get is like that. It is funny how huge of a skill gap there is between silver and gold. The one time I got to play against full silver team I just mow them down. They don't even react on shooting them from behind while the golds knows exactly where you are all the time and you can't even see them coming.
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