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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. That is how pity systems in games works. They may not be fair but are there to improve the overall game experience and to compensate for faulty matchmaking (when it is bad or when players of the same skill can't be found) You too.
  2. This works both ways, you know. I can say the same about everyone who is complaining about it. It won't make you lose more missions if you get bounty once in a while. If you are good enough, it shouldn't be a deciding point. It is not less fair than overtime. It is there to give the other team a CHANCE for winning. It doesn't guarantee win though. For crying out loud even games like OW that "tries" to be an esport has a pity system.
  3. You can start asking for an Easter design event from now I guess. Btw, I always wondered why they never did another design event for the joker store.
  4. Considering mostly veterans have left to play, I would say that statement is completely false. What happens now is making the game favoring the veterans even more by removing the bounty system when is not needed and just scaring new players away when the game desperately needs more players. I am not saying the vets should be neglected but making the game even easier for them is not the way to go.
  5. Well, at least it didn't take 6 years to add back the thread districts. But yeah. I don't believe in the engine update unless I actually see in in the game.
  6. Simply because it is misleading and it cost them nothing to just edit it out. That page has been like this for years before taxes were added to ingame purchases.
  7. When thing like this happens in games it is because the server is waiting to receive information back so the game thinks the player is in the game. As for what it makes you wait it is probably to prevent losing data if the old connection is terminated when trying to log in back. However it will probably take less than 15 mins anyway for the game to release the old connection.
  8. Well grouping up with a dethrater is much different than playing with a random bronze.
  9. I still don't understand what was so urgent about it that it had to be disabled now. No one ever said it is a test or anything. It only removes from the experience instead of adding to it.
  10. Neither of those is exclusive to the other. What exactly is your point? You can be gold stomping on low rank AND abandoning mission when matched with lower rank in the same time. That is what you are actually going to see most of the time, in fact.
  11. It is not going away anytime soon. The community is decaying very slowly but the OBT veterans are way too stubborn to leave it.
  12. The fact that it is an open world pvp game makes it automatically unsuitable for competitive play. Everything that you can think of has rng or doesn't have mirror design. From the spawn points and weapon spread to someone blocking the road with dump trucks. The bounty system is the least of your problems. Don't even get me started on weapon balance. Some weapons are impossible to use while others are easy mode.
  13. How many times you actually get to fight a team of the same caliber (especially nowadays considering the low population the matchmaking is all over the place)
  14. How does this sentence even make sense? They shouldn't have any problems with it if they are actually "skilled". if you mean they are getting it too fast, that is just bad matchmaking. if you want to win so badly with a premade team vs randoms, that is one of the risks of the profession if you can even call it that since it rarely changes the outcome of a match if already stomping.
  15. I stopped reading here. You people act like you are the only ones who are gold in this game. I have been bounty and I have been gold too. I came back after not playing the game for like 4 years. Just because I am rusty as heck that doesn't mean I know nothing about the game, not t mention it doesn't seems like much has changed over the years either. Dying as bounty sux but that is life. Not so hard to deal with it and it gives more to the game than it takes away.
  16. How is it punishable if you are getting rewarded for any other kill you make. It is more like bonus stage more than anything. It is only "punishable" if you aren't really that good on the first place.
  17. Ikr. It is just ridiculous how many are out there just minding their own business instead of running away. Who even thought this was a good idea? It was intentionally put into the game to make it more tense and balanced when stomping. So why remove?
  18. Ok, I am fine with this too though it may become jarring getting moved through districts for every mission assuming that is how it works.
  19. What exactly is phasing? People keep saying it but idk what it means.
  20. It shouldn't take long to get filled considering people won't be able to avoid it as they can now and 2 servers will always be the minimum. There can also be forced server swap after a mission if someone performs too good for the current server while another one lacks players.
  21. I am fine without having to fight cheaters who kills you in the moment you get in sight. Well the servers doesn't belong to anyone. The only reason you can do that is the lack of playerbase.
  22. It is actually less rng than having everyone joining the most populated server (in a case of no thread segregation) because you will be added to a lower or higher skill server based on your current performance instead of whoever comes first.
  23. What about removing the option to select a server and the game puts you on one of 2 servers based on skill? Once when the 2 servers are full at certain %, have a 3rd server opening with a skill level in between.
  24. It is not about the icon color but the actual match experience. Hiding bad matchmaking won't make the game to feel more fair. It also becomes pretty obvious when fighting premade stack of gold even without looking into their thread.
  25. Finally. I don't know if I could stand the horrible matchmaking any longer. Maybe now won't have to deal with full gold vs full silver team and a greenie all the time.
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