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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. Traces just have much more advantages: -gives away exact location -lets you see missed shots so you can move accordingly -lets you know if you are getting targeted -you can spot players and their elevation without having direct view on them -easier to identify shots coming from behind
  2. I actually hope they bring them back with the engine update. The way how the game works really requires to have them. There would be much less cheap deaths just because you couldn't see someone peeking behind a corner 70m away.
  3. Even if so, this change will only make it worse since those players will never be in a mission while doing it.
  4. It is very unlikely a 5 star player to go around getting into other people's missions while in a mission. If anything, they will try to stay alive or just trash the spawn zones for afkers when they are not on a mission. However after this patch, they may actually start interfering with other people's missions just for the sake of having nothing else to do considering they will be always out of mission when it happens.
  5. The whole point of heat 5 was to put some pressure when the team is doing too well. it is form of pity similar to overtime where the other team gets a chance to turns the tables around. Heat 5 is the same thing. Now there will be even more stomping especially with the lack of proper threat districts. Having heat 5 after the mission is over is pointless. The person either suicides or runs around in a car with his buddy.
  6. I thought you meant all the ocsp in general. How do you even obtain that joker one? I don't see it in the list. Is it more rare or something? Only then it woudl make sense.
  7. I mean the EOLs are at least different versions of the same type of gun.
  8. Another way to judge usefulness is just to see how they are sold on the market. Kickback still seems to be most pricey.
  9. What exactly are the changes to ntecs? How are you going to get it then if you can't interact with anything outside missions?
  10. Eh? That was a thing even during g1.
  11. It is nice to hear that there is significant improvement but seems like the things can break again at any time. Also yes, having 1 version out of the door and working will make it easier for the other versions to follow. Otherwise every version specific issue will be only delaying the development of all 3.
  12. And if you are going to camp or get camped.
  13. Yeah. It is kinda late to start being picky about languages when there is barely any playerbase left not to mention the russians are probably taking the bigger part of it.
  14. But U4 is a much heavier engine by default. The game will run even slower by default unless they rebuild it from scratch to be optimized for it. Also if they are going to make the engine transition they should pick the newest one possible. Maybe even wait for the next gen consoles otherwise it will still age pretty badly for the time they finish working on the game. But anyway, such an upgrade would be pretty expensive for a game that barely is stays alive.
  15. I doubt it will ever be "needed". Wasn't the whole point of the engine update just to make adding things to the game easier? Once when that is done what is their benefit from updating to another engine again?
  16. The playerbase isn't big enough even if it is divided to just Russians and then everyone else let alone more languages.
  17. Welcome to the game industry. Stuff like this happens all the time. No one just tells you that.
  18. What exactly did they nerf? They do feel kinda inefficient.
  19. He means that the cars feels terrible to drive for anyone coming from another game that has cars. Also they are not very "arcady" considering that the handling is kinda complex. Just try to run over someone and you will know what I mean.
  20. I remember kickback being the most useful one at the time when it came out. It is probably the most forgiving and noob friendly one too since you can just spam it.
  21. so this is why it feels so useless now. I thought I just have remember it wrong. regarding the cars, I think they need change. There are only 2 usable ones. However I don't think more speed is what is needed.
  22. It takes a year of playing just to get to r225
  23. You do know people can still type foreign languages by using english characters, right? Having Cyrillic characters just makes it more convenient for them. Not having it won't make them shut up. Regarding the report system, all they have to do is make it so you can report by clicking on name instead of having to type it.
  24. PotatoeGirl

    An Error

    What are your OS and PC specs. If you are on a laptop make sure the game is running on the external GPU.
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