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Everything posted by BrandonBranderson

  1. No clue why G1 even removed this in the first place.
  2. After the engine upgrade I'd like a better way to transfer legendaries to different characters on the same account than by just using the email system. Currently we have to make an email and attach the legendaries to it and type our other character's name. Doesn't sound too bad, but I would much rather have a list of my characters to pick from to send the gun to instead of having to type the name. If you misspell the name then your legendary is gone. I almost lost an FFA R&D III by doing this a little while ago but luckily support helped me out since it was my first time making this mistake. I know I know, "just spell your name right stupid". Some of us have character names that are hard to remember the exact spelling of, and typos. Basically my idea is just to add a drop down to the "To:" field that lists all of your character's names which you would then select and it would insert it into the field. Or for a more secure way, add a new option to the ESC menu called "Item Transfer", which brings up a new window on the UI to safely transfer items to other characters on the same account.
  3. Tbh I think it should just be a contact reward for a milestone if contacts in Asylum were given a purpose other than just being a store.
  4. I really miss those. The old Vegas sound and the camera tilt. I miss some of the old weapon sounds too, like the PMG.
  5. I'd love for Little Orbit to add an export mp3/wav/midi option for the music studio, png for symbols, and create an external tool for exporting an fbx of your character and vehicles. Maybe like an application which you can log into with your G1 account and then be given a list of your characters. Selecting a character could take you to a menu where you can select wardrobe or garage, and from there you could export your individual outfits and vehicles. It would be great for those of us that like to do renders and make vrchat content since NinjaRipper can't be used with EAC.
  6. Well, I mean by definition what they are doing is upgrading the engine. Even the unfinished version that they have now is a significant improvement over the archaic garbage the game currently runs on, except for audio which Matt said they haven't touched yet. I replied to the things you said so obviously the gif isn't the only thing I saw. You make a lot of assumptions. Stop doing that.
  7. Saw this in the Half-Life: Alyx credits. Is this our Matt or an impostor? Edit: Lol I didn't think this would get any sort of negative response tbh, I just noticed it and thought it was funny so I decided to post it in a conspiracy theory kinda way. I'm sure Matt Scott is a fairly common name. For real though, customizable Headcrab hat please.
  8. Yet again, dropping the ball and not paying attention, man. Rooq summed it all up pretty well but you'll probably disregard that and reply with another gif again as people without an argument often do. It's not worth trying to explain anything to someone as dense as you.
  9. Well, APB was created by the guy who created GTA so there's some validity to it being called a GTA knock off. Is it considered a knock off if you're knocking off your own game? APB definitely does feel a lot more like Saints Row though, especially in terms of the movement and shooting. Shooting feels like shit in every GTA. Don't know what you got a dislike for tbh. As far as Jameskii goes, I like him. Found out about him after I appeared in the background of one of his old VRChat videos.
  10. Gotta say this would be pretty nice. All I'd be concerned about would be if it had a performance impact or not, now considering that in the engine upgrade stream Matt said the main performance issues now are game loop and UI. Would really help with the language barrier if they could somehow lease google's translation API.
  11. Again with the not paying attention to what's going on. Matt said himself that the reason they showed this off was because they were happy with the performance in social and Asylum and there's more to do for Financial and Waterfront. Yes they showed off performance in Asylum too, not just Social. Little Orbit TOOK OVER the engine upgrade, they didn't RESTART the engine upgrade, though they did completely rewrite some of the poor code that G1 put in. You're acting like you're wanting the engine upgrade to fix all the problems on release, but Matt even said that he just wants to get this out as soon as possible and keep improving on it over time because of all of the benefits the new engine offers over the old one. The engine upgrade was never intended to be the cure-all for this game, just the starting point where the game can begin to improve. Really the new engine itself shouldn't even have hype. The hype should be for what comes after.
  12. Clicked this fully expecting some "LO WHY YOU PROMOTING DRUGS" complaint like last year. Where are the whiners?
  13. The consoles have been on a cobbled together version of the engine upgrade since it was launched. The reason the console version is such a failure is because it's that shitty cobbled together version of the upgrade that G1 had to do for the game to even run on consoles. The version we saw in last Friday's streams was the newest iteration of the engine upgrade. If you think about it, it's almost as if things can improve if you work on them! I see you're trying to undermine the work that LO is doing just because you noticed a similarity to the console version. That's what you always do. But just like every other time you've "called out" LO, you're basing it off of assumptions, misinformation and not actually knowing what's going on which really just makes you look like a jackass. A little research goes a long way.
  14. First off I just want to say that this idea is just for fun and the contents of this test district ARE NOT to be considered for normal mission districts! Also this is for post engine upgrade, so no need to say "Engine upgrade is more important". I know that, just chill. So a long time ago test districts were introduced that could easily change parameters of items in that specific district server. Here's my idea just for a fun, sandboxy district to play around in, also considering that LOD is faster in the engine upgrade and you will actually be able to load the world faster. -All cars have their normal top speed increased by 100%. -Torque is the same as normal servers. -Gear ratios will need tweaked to ensure that the amount of torque can actually carry the car to its new top speed. -Ramming and collision damage multipliers will have to be halved to prevent a head on collision exploding on impact. -The top speed increase from Nitro is doubled. (it's a tiny amount anyway) -Torque increase from Nitro is untouched. -Steering angle and speed will most likely need to be adjusted This would mean that the Vegas, Jericho, and Rapier for example, all would be able to reach 106 MPH (170 KPH) Just an idea for some stupid fun outside of missions and fight club, no need for balance considerations. Again, this is not to be considered for the main game, just a test district to play around in with potentially minimal effort on LO's part.
  15. Um, No shit? It has been said many times that it's all the same codebase as the console version. The goal is to consolidate them so they won't have to be working on two different versions of the game and be able to update them both at the same time without the extra work. Pay attention to the weekly engine update thread and don't just go off of appearance. More back end stuff is changing than visual front end stuff.
  16. Yes please, Early El Caminos and Rancheros look badass. I'm just wondering who the target demographic was supposed to be for each of those car/trucks lol. Half muscle car, half pickup. Pictures of them in the order that the op mentioned them: 1978 El Camino 1968 El Camino SS 1983 Plymouth Scamp Pickup 1971 Ford Ranchero
  17. Thank you so much for doing this again Matt! The streams leading up to the Q&A were great too. Non-toxic, no stream sniping, no custom configs, and just over all Asylum is looking beautiful compared to live. Also really like that you've finally updated the intro with the Little Orbit logo
  18. APB is not P2W. You don't need 3 mod slots to do well. Remember that modifcations are Sidegrades, not Upgrades. There are plenty of preset guns you can earn from progressing pretty early on that aren't bad at all.
  19. One of Gumball's pre-mission jokes implies that he would let you fuck his sister (if he had one) and his dog if you won the mission. This game isn't for kids. Censoring games based on "Think of the children!" is just an excuse for lazy parents to not be involved with their kids and what they play.
  20. -The only reason we can get out of cars and not die at top speed is because G1 made it so you couldn't run yourself over when exiting the vehicle anymore, which was a bad design choice that also caused a major desync bug that is easy to replicate and exploit which has not been fixed and is still abused frequently to this day. -Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds? Not being able to fall off of a motorcycle when you crash it? Imagine being flipped over and your character's upper body is sticking through the ground, or you manage to stay on the motorcycle when rolling it. That would be insanely dumb. And just because you can't fly through your windshield isn't a good enough argument. If you crash a car IRL, you don't always go through the windshield. If you crash a bike at a decent speed IRL you WILL fall off. I can imagine this being one of the reasons the convertible Calabria that's in the game's files was never made available, because you couldn't fall out if it rolled over (or get shot while inside). A bike is not a car and will not be as stable as a car. That's two wheels in a line, not four wheels that are 2+ meters apart. It will tip over easily if hit from the side. I agree that APB doesn't need to be realistic but we need to at least have standards for how unrealistic something can be.
  21. Not trying to discourage you or anything, I mean I'd like them too, but I just don't see motorcycles going well in APB. At the moment there would be no way for you to crash a bike and fall off of it while still taking damage from the bail without dying. Ragdolls are calculated clientside, so unless they overhaul that to make them in the specific instance of a motorcycle crash serverside then this could probably cause a lot of desync issues. Knowing how fragile APB can be there is no telling what kind of impact calculating player ragdolls would have on the servers. Overhauling the ragdoll system in APB could have other potential benefits too though, like if you get hit by a car at a speed that is slow enough to not kill you, then it could ragdoll you instead of just pushing you out of the way like a solid block, kind of like GTA (but not as sensitive please, GTA is like playing QWOP) with the possibility to survive getting hit, then they could raise the speed required for a fatal hit. Anyway, getting sidetracked. Another issue could be balance. Like, staying upright balance. Motorcycles were originally planned for the game, there's a video from one of the former animators at RTW that showcased motorcycle animations, and some images of motorcycle models that were made for APB (VickyFox posted them), but they were cut. I heard at one point that APB's engine (probably solvable with the EU) can only support no more or less than 4 wheels on a vehicle. Probably why the Kolva isn't a dual-axle.
  22. I had a friend that this happened to for about a week too. Weird thing is when I looked at my friends list it always said he was logged in. Not in any districts or anything, just that he was logged into his character. Every day that week I'd check and sure enough it still said he was online. He ended up just making a new account since he was new and only played about an hour's worth of missions. Then one day I noticed it said he was offline, so I had him try to log in and he was able to get in just fine. By this time he already made enough progress on the new account that he abandoned the original one. Weird bug though.
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