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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. What is it actually doing/not doing? If it's just not buying the lease despite having enough JT, check your locker space. And support not working might just be that you entered a wrong url. https://support.gamersfirst.com
  2. That usually happens with those Feature Updates windows likes to force on people. If it gives you a time it's just a temp tradelock (which are given automatically).
  3. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/index.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65 The Gear section, scroll down a bit
  4. The old team just did sales whenever they could ... LO just adjusted pricing and G1C cost to have those lower prices all year around. And now you're all bitching for more discounts, guess it's time to get a job
  5. Kevkof

    My first Game Charakter

    Isn't that what support is there for?
  6. Wait a bit, possibly relog, if it still doesn't show just talk to support
  7. Because you're not able to reach the server it's looking for, duh Try logging in again, then if that doesn't work restart your router
  8. I just got in, so I very much doubt that
  9. If fast boot is turned on your PC might not fully have shut down, despite appearing so. Check the uptime in the taskmanager, if that's more than the time between now and when you turned on the PC do a restart. It's a pain in the patootie setting that doesn't do much for you if you have your OS on an SSD.
  10. Close all APB processes and vivox as well and then open the launcher. Once it's downloading you can do whatever else you want, including playing live. if you can't find any processes related to APB, do a restart of the pc and then it should all be cleared up
  11. If you want to skip the launcher (and its possible slow speeds), here's a .ZIP of the current Beta build. Mirror 1: https://kevkof.be/beta2111 Mirror 2: https://kevkof.be/beta2111_1
  12. And who told you that? I don't remember seeing that, at least not off the top of my head
  13. Should be able to just update it, though it might be slow
  14. Congrats, you just played yourself [Insert slow clap] You bought the Basketball boots and you're looking at the Skate High-Tops ingame. Those are not the same shoes
  15. That's not up to us, that's purely a call for the staff to make. It would be whack regardless. People just want the old stats back because that's what they are so used to from all the previous years. At least that's my thoughts on that. Unless you are made aware of something something else you'll want to stick to what you know. It could be that we are partly to blame for the current balance, but for sure we are not the only ones at fault in that then. if people have better things to do then they shouldn't really be complaining as much.
  16. As always, if you have a legitimate reason someone shouldn't be on the team contact @Sakebee If it's just because you don't like x or Y, well tough luck. On Topic: Shouldn't we strive to be the best we can be within out limitations? So then we could be somewhat satisfied while still wanting to improve where possible.
  17. Because you don't have them unlocked any other way on that specific character ...
  18. Hate to disappoint, but that would be a different message as well: "An ingame GM has kicked you for the following reason: [No reason was provided]" is usually what that says or something along those lines. Maybe there's something within the kiosks that's causing more stress on your system. Does it happen with all kiosks or just some types?
  19. The AFK message doesn't have any timeframe that it mentions, so it's probably ERROR/DISCONNECTTED you have been disconnected from the server unexpectedly. the server may have gone offline, or you may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please note: a common problem is that your character has been locked in a district server - it takes a maximum of 15 minutes for them to be unlocked Which can happen if you lose connection and has nothing to do with going AFK. Since it's not everyone disconnecting I'll assume the server didn't go down so it's then either in your route to the server (blame your ISP) or on your end (try restarting the modem/router). If someone is taking all the bandwith for a larger amount of time (for example downloading/uploading at maximum speeds) that could also cause you to lose connection
  20. Not sure what happened to the symbol, but there is no AFK kick in Social, so that must have been something else.
  21. Maybe don't use the wiki, but just use https://apbdb.com/ The latest update was to build So the only weapon changes it doesn't have yet would probably be
  22. Let's complain about an error but never actually show the error so people might be able to help ...
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