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Everything posted by Lucidy

  1. You forgot to mention that you actually have to aim with the Oscar. It is possible to kill someone with 2 half shots and 1 meat shot thanks to the shredders 440 damage overkill and the early pallets dealing more damage. ^ this. As well as you don't just hold MB1 until they are dead.
  2. People still use HVR in missions all the time. The scenario you are presenting with within 30m very rarely happens to how it used to - however that is besides my point. You get tagged by HVR and are basically out of the mission for 12 seconds when fighting people of the equal skill level. Who actually know how to use cover and have reaction speed. HVR isn't gonna get removed either, so basically that's how it's gonna be for a while.
  3. Never been a fan of gambling in general. 4 years ago I bought two keys on csgo, so $5 USD then opened two crates, didn't get jack. Still have not gambled again to this day. FeelsGoodMan
  4. Kind of a huge change when a lot of premades and people run HVR. Especially in Baylan, seeing as though I refuse to play Asylum now. Also pretty sure CA3 was a 10 second regen max (originally) upped to 12 seconds.
  5. That's not true at all, VRchat's community is perfectly fine as well.
  6. Pretty sure CA3 was already nerfed but ok.
  7. I actually used to use the CSG a lot in fightclub prior to the buff they had received recently. Still could easily kill people before because of how you can basically make your hitbox nigh impossible to get hit by just sitting on a corner and doing full dmg with a csg. I think the buff was genuinely overkill. I don't agree with buffing / changing weapons based upon netcode acting up.
  8. I'm currently sitting at the login screen watching the NA server get completely devastated and all districts implode.
  9. Shotguns were actually fine before. Only reason they didn't work before was because of Server Performance, not the guns themselves. Very easy fix. Upgrade APB's servers to AWS. If you don't know what AWS is, figure it out. Edit: I actually like the ATAC, so I don't know what you're going on about 'I only want weapons I like to be good.' I wouldn't want the gun to be reverted, because I like it right? Not the case. I just know to put my feelings aside for objective balancing, because most people cannot.
  10. Yeah I agree those need changes I'm just referring to weapons specifically
  11. I'll make a list of things that should be how the game is. Shotguns : Needed more time to balance, live build needs shotgun buffs to be reverted (Showtopper is w/e, all the others need more time before pushed to live build) IR3: Revert the change no one asked for that crippled every single marksman and many preset modded guns. This was a bad way to change how things were fine beforehand. Ntec was fine Post-2015 changes. Carbine was fine Post-2015 changes. Revert ATAC to the 2014 stats prior to it's buff. Revert RFP and all its variants to it's stats prior to the buff (Back in 2016 or w/e). HVR is still kind of annoying but more negligible now, so keep the current version, with possible tweaks in the future. Misery is fine. Revert OCA to before it was buffed, literally no reason it should have been buffed in the first place. Anubis is fine. Oblivion is fine. COBRA is really cool and I think it has an interesting place in the meta now. Everything else I didn't list can stay as the live build. This is just my two cents on what I think would be the most balanced you could get with all the weapons now, agree to agree or disagree to disagree.
  12. Daily reminder for people who don't realize FairFight wasn't paid for.
  13. I agree with you Kemp, not to mention jumpshotting with the Dog Ear and HS3 is extremely accurate. Most ntec users I fought against while using the dog ear allowed me to not only be able to jumpshot people to provide me prior damage to an actual fight, but I'm also able to provide significant hard damage, which is honestly very favorable varying from mission to mission.
  14. I find it very ironic seeing a thread comprised of how the ntec is considered as too strong when things like the RFP-Fang exist. The irony is extremely strong in this one. Not to mention the NTEC is available to all players, pretty sure the Fang is only available via Armas. (quote me if I'm wrong, I will more than happily change what I said)
  15. I've honestly had ingame voip muted for about 2 years now because I cannot stand Vivox whatsoever at all.
  16. Ah you meant like the people who u say were aimbotting were golds in a bronze district. Misinterpreted what u posted, apologies.
  17. How does dethreating have relevance to this.
  18. Might wanna reread all the posts back from page 1. Selali says they're currently fixing it.
  19. Not even gonna lie. Think APB without Adv Launcher would just be downright unplayable and I wouldn't play until it was allowed so aside from all the other things. Glad I can just have Adv Launcher when that's all I really need.
  20. Also there aren't headshots in APB, I don't see the point of comparison here if there's no headshots.
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