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Everything posted by Lucidy

  1. for me it really depends on the situation so for example, in asylum I just use cj carbine. if we were talking missions against ntec users, I'd probably just use stock carbine to poke more from further distances
  2. That uh, Carbine part is a little interesting to say the least. Would argue cj on carbine is quite fundamental against people who only use pointman weapons.
  3. I'm doing my usual. I've been playing FC on APB a bit here and there. Haven't personally been able to mission after the patch because everytime I actually get the time to sit down and play, the only district with people in it is in Waterfront. Been playing: FF14 (Raiding new tier as Warrior and just cleared the first Savage fight a couple hours ago - week one), Rainbow Six Siege (here and there), Warframe, TF2 (just some casual here and there when asked), Monster Hunter World here and there (new mouse controls feel much better than the previous without them), Killing floor 2 (when asked), Borderlands 2 (friends still ask me to play). I wanna get back into Terraria, but no one I'm friends with asks me to play. I'd like to try out the new Calamity mod for Terraria.
  4. Thank you, I appreciate the link. I understand where you're coming from that it can be annoying, it's not really good in terms of QOL, but it is objectively just a better thing to have. It personally doesn't bother me, since I prefer to not be worried about my account ever being compromised than being annoyed at putting in a temporary code upon login.
  5. Since this is something separate, I'll separate it from my main post. For anyone who does not know what 2fa is, here is an informational link made by Authy (one of the apps that companies can register their user base's accounts through as an optional second layer of security) https://authy.com/what-is-2fa/ There are multiple other things used with 2FA, but usually depends on the company to do what they find best. Multiple examples can differ where Warframe has 2FA via email, Google itself can have 2fa via it's Google Authenticator app, I've personally had 10-15 accounts of mine attached to my Google Auth app now. Some games even like CS:GO require 2fa to play in their Prime Matchmaking.
  6. As of now I've made multiple posts to mention about 2fa and wondering what happened to it. About 4 months ago, we had the first Q&A with Matt Scott. I personally sat down and watched every minute of it, then later I spent numerous times going over the whole VOD. ^ This is what I am specifically referring to. There has been no sort of status update on 2FA since this was mentioned in the Q&A. There has been nothing on the admintracker about 2fa, nothing on the forums, nothing in blogposts. (That I have personally seen) Just recently the blogposts and communication were centered around UE3.5 (If I have missed something please feel free to show me, because I haven't seen nor heard anything upon this subject since then) Now I'm not gonna say moving to UE3.5 isn't a bad move, but I'm genuinely curious what happened to 2FA and it's status. This was January 31st 2018, almost 9 months ago. Who is to say this won't happen again without 2fa being added? Multiple times accounts have been breached on here - most games utilize two factor authentication now (and have been for years) Account security should be a priority before UE3.5, at least in my personal opinion - especially considering this year there was a serious account breach that even emailed everyone to reset their passwords. I'm honestly more concerned that people haven't brought this up at all and it has had 0 traction since then. Nobody even I know remembers Matt saying this from the clip, I had to specifically go and clip it just to prove to people - so I have decided to make this thread to bring more awareness to it.
  7. I'm just going off what they said. I don't actually know whether the program genuinely works or not with BE implemented, because I could care less since it doesn't affect me.
  8. LOl, you asking people if they're triggerbotting LOL. I'm sure they told you the truth ahahahah. ? I'm not so sure you interpreted what I meant correctly. I am referring to average players if they think anyone is genuinely cheating, not asking people themselves if they are lol...
  9. I see where you're coming from but I don't know anyone who has AHK set up for a legitimately good reason.
  10. But, it not just a few people triggerbotting..... smh Uh, yes it is... lmao Couple Russians on Citadel that or currently are tbotting who may or may not have been streaming. Not a single cheater I've seen on NA who has been tbotting or anything, even when I speak to many NA players around my skill level on NA - none of them say they've seen someone cheating at all, let alone tbotting. That's called a few.
  11. It literally does not justify the means. The average player in APB should not have to get worse gameplay when hitboxes are already glitched half the time. The problem doesn't actually get fixed at it's core by doing what people think in this thread as to be a genuine fix lmao. What is to say that someone who is triggerbotting won't go and cheat with something else or have someone (or them self) code a private cheat that doesn't read off the red color. You're still sacrificing the benefit of the many to punish the few, the ends don't justify the means. This would actually be a plus in my book. One of the biggest issues with a lot of areas in APB is the lack of cover. Honestly, shouldn't be able to shoot under cars regardless imo; it's better from a gameplay perspective VS what's real. You have to be joking if you genuinely think that car gameplay should be better. Let me pull up in my Pio real quick.
  12. Man, 2fa would be really nice huh... Almost like a ton of accounts were compromised in the past year, Matt said in the FAQ referring about Unification that 2fa would specifically come before 3.5 and here we are. Guess sometimes it just be like that huh.
  13. Yeah you're right they aren't the same i'm comparing a successful game to an unsuccessful game! Jesus, being able to see an enemy through smoke in R6 is just as unfair as being able to see an enemy through smoke on APB. I'm not talking about aspects of the game that have nothing to do with each other so the argument is fine. Do you really think all of APBs mechanics are just made up and aren't pulled from other games? Yet again the usage of the mechanics are vastly different though. R6 you intentionally use smokes to an attacker's advantage, hence why there are defenders gadgets that can combat smokes. When in apb do you exactly intentionally use smoke to your benefit? Maybe once out of like the 50 instances it actually happens and then you realize there's 0 point to do it, so therefore it happens less and less. Not to mention there are no smoke grenades in apb, it's literally just there from explosions. Your argument would make more sense if there were intentional use of smoke in apb, like an actual smoke grenade, but there is no such thing.
  14. I'm more curious as to why you would even compare APB to R6 when they are nothing alike and run on vastly different engines, have various different mechanics that sound like you're trying to use as a sound argument?
  15. I'm not sure about the whole input lag, you'd think logically it would add some because of the nature of what exactly the game is doing, but from my client I don't feel any sort of extra input lag from Vanilla with an fps boost - therefore I'm just gonna use it now. (Especially considering I use a 144hz monitor when I was getting yikes fps before)
  16. When I was testing it out ingame I had no extra input delay from what I could tell On a side note I wanna personally appreciate them for adding this.
  17. Of course, I know, but the police should treat them as cybercriminals. For the malicious content they distribute. Only place that cheating is illegal as far as I know is South Korea.
  18. Too bad there's no 2FA voting option in this poll.
  19. Still no response on what happened to 2FA supposedly being planned before 3.5?
  20. Kinda confused but what happened to the whole two factor authentication that was supposedly planned before the engine stuff? (Originally mentioned in the FAQ stream w/ Kempington) Not sure if you guys changed around when you wanted to implement it but I'm really curious because I would actually like some two factor authentication...
  21. Yeah but I don't think CA3 needs a nerf, I think the other green mods should be brought up rather than bring the main green mod down to speed. I would actually like to use flak more often but it's kinda annoying to rely on med spray when it's on a longish cooldown when you're fighting multiple people with low yields.
  22. Yeah I understand the purpose, but everyone uses tank vehicles... if they prefer to not get absolutely destroyed by people using AV while running with item lol
  23. And its top speed is slower than a regular Veo, meaning that any car except tank vehicles can easily catch up, at which point you're screwed. That's not true at all but alright
  24. Wat. It has no speed penalty when running with an item.
  25. I'm surprised OP forgot to mention Coywolf.
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