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Shotguns are bullshoot.

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  • Everyone is playing with a shotgun, this game cannot be played with a proper weapno anymore. you will always get 4 of them chasing u in cars with shotguns, when they stop you just shotgunning you up

Fuck you and your shotgun balance.
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But how does that make you feel?

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4 minutes ago, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:
  • Everyone is playing with a shotgun, this game cannot be played with a proper weapno anymore. you will always get 4 of them chasing u in cars with shotguns, when they stop you just shotgunning you up

Fuck you and your shotgun balance.
no dinner? youre not even gonna lube it out?

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1 hour ago, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:
  • Everyone is playing with a shotgun, this game cannot be played with a proper weapno anymore. you will always get 4 of them chasing u in cars with shotguns, when they stop you just shotgunning you up

Fuck you and your shotgun balance.
No I do not use shotguns.....
The last time I used a shotgun was 2 months ago
I have more fun with other weapons and staying out past 30m away so that their shotguns mean about nothing
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1 hour ago, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:
  • Everyone is playing with a shotgun, this game cannot be played with a proper weapno anymore. you will always get 4 of them chasing u in cars with shotguns, when they stop you just shotgunning you up

Fuck you and your shotgun balance.
The sage tell:< If you can't beat them,  you can unit with them>

I advice you to make the same,  use(abuse) it, the shotgun shall be changed(a little at least I guess)  for the next patches.

By the way if you want to win CQC vs a shotgun, use a OCA, OCA>>>shotguns(... expect maybe the shredder -___-)

It's a lot  easier and better in cqc,  especially it has also a  better range, you will note this advantage vs  shotguns users

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3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

But how does that make you feel?

i remember when i used to see ntec hvr every mission... now i see different weapons i barely saw that is not only a shotgun

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Please don't make these kind of post we are testing the new balanced shotgun out on the test servers. We will have to test it for at least another month or two before we can put out a live patch. Meanwhile please enjoy APB :^)

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1 hour ago, PingOVER9000 said:
OCA>>>shotguns(... expect maybe the shredder -___-)
This is just wrong.

For comparison, both the jg and the oca have a TTK of 0,7. So for you to beat a jg, you need to not miss a single shot, shoot first and hope they don't hit their min ttk.
16 minutes ago, Keshi said:
3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

But how does that make you feel?

i remember when i used to see ntec hvr every mission... now i see different weapons i barely saw that is not only a shotgun
I see JG almost every single match and if its not their at the start its usually there by the end. Citadel btw.

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5 minutes ago, Nanometic said:

For comparison, both the jg and the oca have a TTK of 0,7. So for you to beat a jg, you need to not miss a single shot, shoot first and hope they don't hit their min ttk.

i think the oca is .65s and the jg is .68s

its fairly easy to come out on top with a min ttk oca in straight face tank fight, its just that a competent shotgunner will limit that situation as much as possible

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1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:
i think the oca is .65s and the jg is .68s

its fairly easy to come out on top with a min ttk oca in straight face tank fight, its just that a competent shotgunner will limit that situation as much as possible
Yeah, corners are the strongest thing in apb.

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3 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:
No I do not use shotguns.....
The last time I used a shotgun was 2 months ago
I have more fun with other weapons and staying out past 30m away so that their shotguns mean about nothing

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Correction : I will be using a shotgun soon but in the testing grounds to help

Edit : Still prefer other guns though. Testing what I own and other guns I prefer since its what I normally use

Edited by Fortune Runner

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9 minutes ago, CaptainSloth2Guns said:
6 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

But how does that make you feel?

It makes him feel euphoric. Can't you bloody tell by the way of the post?
is it bad to say it makes me frisky? but I'm loving the chaos of new things so

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9 hours ago, Nanometic said:
I see JG almost every single match and if its not their at the start its usually there by the end. Citadel btw.
Hmm i don't know about citadel but i do know there are 9times more players there

I see 1 shredder per 5 missions and a regular shotgun(jg/csg/strife/tasz) 1 per 2 missions

Maybe it's just my luck and when i am playing? 🤔

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11 hours ago, Nanometic said:
This is just wrong.

For comparison, both the jg and the oca have a TTK of 0,7. So for you to beat a jg, you need to not miss a single shot, shoot first and hope they don't hit their min ttk. I see JG almost every single match and if its not their at the start its usually there by the end. Citadel btw.
Missing a shot or don't hit him right well  requiring also a third shot it's a  possibility can happen also to use the shotguns.

Every weapons have his advantages,  as you told per example the  shotguns are better for corner ambushing, but the OCA/PMG and reskins (or submachine guns generally) are more versatile and beat the shotgun in all other aspects, they are better ranges and differently than shotguns,  they can be use more effectivly COOLING JACKET, so TTK of them will be BETTER THAN EVERY SHOTGUNS.

Another aspect, the shotguns than it's true make a huge damage per shot at close range, so this is a big help for teamates, but there is also the possibility for noob fault/error/lag you can hurt also your teamates close to you, so as I told there advantages and disavantages, but  at the end OCA win the contest for his versatility

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Crazy idea here. Make everything relatively OP.

All weapons:
  • Remove the sprint delay based on rate of fire feature.
  • Add sprint delay of 0.2 to all weapons.
  • Extended mag rounds up ammo count. (Think OSMAW, OPGL)
  • Increase minimum damage.
  • Decrease pellet spread
  • Add slight movement penalty
  • Max/min damage range to 15/30.
  • Reduce JG damage to 640, CSG 560.
  • Reduce maximum single pellet damage.
  • Increase base accuracy slightly
  • Increase MM accuracy
  • Increase max/min damage to 45/65
  • Increase movement penalty slightly
  • Increase MM accuracy
  • Decrease TTK to slightly faster than carbines
  • Increase bloom recovery speed on everything but N-TEC.
  • Remove bloom curve
  • Increase overdamage so every AR benefits from HB1
  • Reduce ATAC max bloom slighly
  • Increase min damage
  • Increase bloom recovery speed
  • Increase firerate on OBIR/FFA/'bullshark'
  • Increase hard damage on all non AV snipers.
  • Reduce weapon switch delay
  • Remove accuracy based damage on HVR-762
  • Reduce damage on HVR-762 to 640
  • Decrease TTK slightly

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13 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:
No I do not use shotguns.....
The last time I used a shotgun was 2 months ago
I have more fun with other weapons and staying out past 30m away so that their shotguns mean about nothing
so that means you dont do the objectives, i should report you for dethreating

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4 hours ago, ShaiShai said:
18 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:
No I do not use shotguns.....
The last time I used a shotgun was 2 months ago
I have more fun with other weapons and staying out past 30m away so that their shotguns mean about nothing
so that means you dont do the objectives, i should report you for dethreating
Aaaaaand that statement reminds me of this

If you have 4 pencils and 7 apples , how many pancakes will fit on the roof? Purple because aliens don't wear hats.

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so many people in here not aware how to play with a shotgun

"oca > shotgun" haha what the fuck are you smoking, you must be playing against some downers

"i just stay 30m away" yeah, in the current meta of the game, you don't. every good player uses a pioneer or espacio with steel plating 3, and they control the game by rushing you in vehicles, because its near impossible to destroy those vehicles quickly without your team all shooting it (still lasts a long time), or an AV weapon.

what you guys seem to experience is completely different than what the high end percentage of golds experience, and its baffling.

I played five missions tonight, every single one had at least two shotguns on the enemy team present. Out of the five missions, three had shredders present. Out of the five missions, four of them were four man premades, all using meta fits (car spawner/sp3 pioneers, shotguns, with obeyas/obirs for ranged coverage)

I'm not even sure what game you guys are doing, but, I play the game the same way everyone else i go up against does, and thats to basically sit in my car until i have a 100% advantage over whoever i choose to engage, be it a corner or a teammate, and without a shotgun, said person doesn't have much of a chance,

Edited by Virgil
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