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Found 30 results

  1. Had a neat idea while chatting about the origins of my username in district chat a few days ago. I enjoy playing support in a lot of various video games and something that feels like it is missing from this game is the ability to heal teammates. I realize that we have medsprays that do heal players that are around you when you use them but what if we had an orange character mod that dropped down a medkit which would decrease recovery time in a radius around you that lasted for a few seconds? Maybe they could be used like the ammobox with the player being stuck in an animation while the teammates around them received the buff or perhaps it could drop down like the consumable ammo crate with a bar that drains till it's out of bandages. I just think it would be cool to have more character mods and on top of this it would make for interesting strategies when pushing or defending objectives. Just a small recovery buff for a couple of seconds, standard orange mod cool down but something with a bit of a bigger radius/lifetime over the standard medsprays. I'm sure this has probably been suggested before so what do you guys think would be the best way to implement a supportive heal mod? Let's brainstorm!
  2. Small ideas for LO. 1. If you block someone their avatar is set to the loading default avatar. Or blocking anything made from the symbol editor. 2. Account blocking to block all there alts with one block. 3. If the user is perm banned or deletes their account they are removed from the block list so they don't take up space. 4. Client-side ignore list. This will allow players to have a small file on their own pc so it doesn't take up room on your servers. I don't want to remove one troll to add another If I block you I have a good reason to do so. An added note. I would love a streamer mode where you can block all avatars by default unless they're your friend. Or blocking anything made from the symbol editor for non-friends. Extra note from Saxtus on Discord. If you block someone their car is also set to a default type of that car.
  3. Hey Gamers, My name is Selali and Im your Customer Support Manager for all of Gamersfirst. First of all, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for being patient as we changed the tools that we are using so that we can better help you out. The new tools are now ready to be used at https://support.gamersfirst.com . Since we have moved away from the old system, there are some tickets that were opened that we were not able to get to. If your ticket was one of those, please head over to the new support site and put in that ticket there. As this is a new place to put your tickets, there are going to be a large number of new tickets in the next few days. My team and I will be working to get to all of them as soon as we can. Thank you all for your continued patience as we help each and every one of you. Selali
  4. What kind of ignore on the part of the Support of this game. I can’t understand. 13 days have passed since the first ticket was submitted. And ignore that fuzzy bunny is wrong. I'm tired of waiting for why I wait for 13 days, my friend wrote about the ban in support and they answered him on the same day. Maybe all the Chinese people cut out support because of bad work and in Little Obit there is no one to work in support because you don’t have enough money to pay them for work ??? What to call it? Seriously, I paid the money I earned. And after that you thank us that we go with you to the end. Yes, I can’t get your gratitude to hell because support and anti-cheat work. When Mat is ignored and forum moderation apologizes. I will say so. If support continues to be ignored, I will not be lazy and every day 3 hours of my life I will spam in support until they answer or give a ban. I have said everything.
  5. I just got back into apb recently, when I logged in I couldn't use the mail, marketplace, or trading system. I cant even send mail to my own characters. I have no trade lock timer when I join social. I submitted a ticket to support 7 days ago and no one has responded yet. I really enjoy making symbols and selling them so basically half the game is unavailable for me and no one is getting back to me.
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