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Found 228 results

  1. I bought some g1 credits recently and my account got suspended. Is there a logical reason behind this? Some purchase protection? **EDIT Everything is fine, I am not blocked. I guess wrong password...not really... fml
  2. Hi guys, 2 years ago I was playing apb with the console (ps4), I would like to know if it is possible to migrate my old account with which I played the PC?
  3. None of my friends nor I can log in at this current point in time, whats going on??????? I know its not me typing my password or email incorrectly as Im logging in via Steam and also manually typing it out and neither are working. Ive tried another old account and it says the same error aswell.
  4. Now, I do know they turned off the migrate live to beta for the recent tests. But my characters were out of date even before they turned it off. It just worries me a bit because I haven't seen any statements on the issue. Can anyone put my mind at ease? When 2.1 finally gets shipped, will all of my progress be up to date? Because im missing stuff I purchased (cars/kits/weapons) and stuff I grinded to unlock (not a massive grind but an example would be the devil wings). I just want to know if LO is well aware if this. Because before they turned off the character migrate (which I believe was the very first action district beta test) my only character that was infact up to date was one I purchased in between 2 different testing periods. Again, if they are aware it's an issue than obviously no worries. But if they aren't aware, my self and im sure there will be others will be submitting a lot of support tickets. Once again, if anyone can just put my mind at ease, it would be so greatly appreciated .
  5. Ok so, this takes us back to maybe 2 years ago (?) when there was an account cleanse and we had to change the passwords in order to keep the accounts alive, and those who didn't, their accounts were deleted. At the time of this change, i wasn't playing APB, and when i came back to the game i couldnt log in with the same credentials as the account didnt exist anymore. i had invested a lot of effort and time, not to mention money and numerous permanent weapons. im wondering if there is any way i can get my account back that has 4 maxed out characters and 3 others. I can provide the details of the account and the character names, but i really need someone to help and guide me if it is possible to do this thing and get the account back. because right now, im laying with a newly made account and it just doesnt feel the same.... any help is welcome.
  6. Hello, I'm sorry if I have posted in the wrong section, I just needed someone to help me, I have forgotten my main account email but I still remember the password of the forgotten email and I,still remember - the in-game name I have sent the support ticket from 2 days they haven't respond any solutions Please.
  7. Я эмигрировал своих персонажей из давно потерянного счета в этот, но мои персонажи не на счету.
  8. Hello Dear APB Community. I'm coming here led by frustatrion and desperation. Maybe someone of You had the same Issue and has been banned aswell for the reason of a payment reversal? In 2016 when the game was kinda alive I loved to play it. When I went to the Army I got more and more Inactive so I stopped playing back in the days at some point. A friend has told me somewhat in 2017 or 2018 that his Account has been suspended and that I should check mine aswell. I didn't really care in first point, because I wasn't playing the game anymore. Anyways I have checked if I could login, but I couldnt. I have just created a new Account and had some fun playing again. Kinda nostalgic I still didn't want to level all contracts again so I have contacted the support about the Issue. They have told me that there were payment reversals and that a payment has been retracted. I answerd the support and told them that I wasn't even playing the game but they just told me that the ban will remain and that they are sorry. I'm kinda sad about the actual happenings back then and just contacted the support again now, because my friend has been unbanned. How can it be, that he got unbanned ( for the same issue he had been banned ) ?? The support denies to tell me what the amount of payment reversal was, because then I would simply buy out the Account. I have spent ALOT time into the Account and have bought premium many times, also the Key to the city package with the lovely Paca Vaquero and other lovely stuff. Maybe anyone had the same problem about a Account suspension I'm kinda curious about this. Share your Feelings & knowledge with me. This is the first time I'm posting here in this forum, i just found out it exists. Please no hate, if I have done something wrong with this post just contact me about it. Best regards, a unguilty player with hope for a unban.
  9. Before I start playing I figured I should ask, can one account have multiple characters saved to it, or is it one character per account?
  10. hi! i just want to report that before that LONG maintenance i have so much missing Items on my account. 20 instacraft bundle i think. and many more. i just notice it now. Please.. Can you bring back my Items? i really work hard on that (things.. :( ) more power and god bless.
  11. kagm

    hey can you help me migrate my server account? I am from citadel ((EU) but I'm going with a lot of lag and I want to move to jericho (NA) can they move me from server or something? please it's urgent sometimes I'm playing normal and the servers take me out and I do not want to lose my progress

  12. So I'm playing by a steam account so I don't write any email with password to enter the account. When I enter the ARMAS to buy or try smth for 30 minutes it says that "Your account is not active" Btw my steam account is verificated
  13. hello friends , i am an older player i player more than seven years , i sold my PC half year ago ,i login every one or two months today i tryed to loing and i got this massage " this account has permanently suspended " . I need help what i should do !! Some one can help me ?
  14. I'm having a little trouble on my xbox one account. It wont let me sign in so I'm using my pc account to post this issue. On my XBOX ONE, APB was working fine earlier. But I got off and I've been trying for the past 2 hours to get back on, but when I launch the game, after that first screen with the bird shows up and disappears, it just crashes back to the Dashboard. I've already tried Reinstalling the game. Launching, going to the dashboard, quitting it, and relaunching. I've tried launching a different game, then launching APB, Tried restarting my xbox. But nothing works.
  15. I pretty sure it would be a good idea to have the ability to disband a account. I want to be able to disband a few accounts because I don't use them anymore.
  16. Add somewhere that displays what gamersfirst account is connected to your steam account. This way I can access some alts that I used random emails for but a known steam.
  17. Can you please allow the option to select Account bound for any and all of the ARMAS items? I don't understand why you would only allow it on certain of the items... Bump the price up for Account bound weapons, etc like you do for the select few that do give you that option. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
  18. Any thoughts on making the Friends list account-wide? Pros / cons? I personally think it would be a good idea as I've had a few players I've had the pleasure of teaming up with and have forgotten the name when on one of my other characters. If the list were account-wide, you'd be able to see them on-line and if they were a different faction, you would could return to lobby and switch to the other faction to play with them. This is great when you are stuck playing with yourse .. .uhh, BY yourself and would like to play in a group.
  19. After so many years of being on APB I still find myself asking "Why am I only getting about a 3rd of the purchases I have of my main account when I make a new character". While some guns, skins and gear could be sold individually, My gripe is with bundles and packs. The most expensive packs are bumbles with vehicles and clothing but the lack of ability to upgrade from Character bound to Account wide feels... somewhat of a rip off and deceptive to someone who is new. I know it's been suggested before but at the prices for some packs/bundles being so high. By default, items are character bound but then there are some items Growl kits with separate Account wide and Character bound versions on Armas which only causes confusion as to what everything else would be. Prices may be arguable but Armas can be confusing and may seem deceptive and poor value for money still even after all the work done so far. I suspect some of what I said has already been considered for the Armas revamp later, but I just had to get this off my mind because having more than 1 Enf on different servers and paying again for what I've already paid for feels a ridiculous when I can't upgrade to account wide on some vehicle and clothing kits and mixed bundles.
  20. Add an out of bounds location at the top of this roof in Asylum, currently the only way up is to destroy a pallet, get glitched into/onto it, and then jump onto the roof. People put items up here during item hold missions in asylum, and its insane trying to get it due to the time restrictions on some of the missions, as well as difficulty killing the person or two on the top that camp on the item they took up there while waiting for the pallet to respawn to get the item. I am standing on the roof in question, I ended up getting called in as VIP when i got up there for the pics. The location I believe is South of the asylum. Sadly the location was never fixed with the first out of bounds changes, hopefully it gets one. Or just remove the pallet in question. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452338567 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452338820
  21. Hey there, As the PS4 section has only a bug report section, I added it to the title accordingly. I'd like to suggest the similar linking of GamersFirst accounts and their APB characters / information, instead of the Steam account = APB account, and now PS4 account = APB account. I feel this is a tiny bit iffy if the specific account is either lost or compromised, giving the user no other way to sign in and use their APB character(s). I would suggest on startup of the game to be prompted (on PS4 or Steam) to log in with an email and password, as it is when registering with G1 and downloading the installer, without logging in automatically using the PlayStation ID or Steam account/id. Is this a possibility, or is it simply the way the game is designed to work on Steam and console/PS4? Apologies for any misunderstandings, I don't think I've worded this well. Thanks!
  22. IMHO, it's a way to create flexibility when purchasing weapons in Armas Marketplace. MY idea. The Pack should be Account Bound ONLY, divided into 2 bundles and contain the Following: Pack 01: Primary Weapons: - Assault Rifle: NTEC-5 DVAH - Light Machine Gun: SHAW 556 R&D 3 - Semi Auto: Obeya CR762 NFCP3 - Shotgun: JG-1140 - Sniper Rifle: NHVR-762 Dvah - Sub Machine Gun: OCA-EW 626 NFCP3 Secondary Weapon: - Colby .45 AP All Prices Combined Separately: 22893 (All ACCOUNT BOUND prices) Just take this combined price and give a 30% discount on it. Just an idea.
  23. Hello! I am the owner of the character RikaMo and TJBella, I created the characters for a long time and played a lot when there was an opportunity, but after changing the manual I can’t restore my account because I no longer have access to the old email, please help restore access, I already wrote and sent screenshots characters in the mail support but no response yet,please help solve the problem, this is my favorite game, sorry for my google translator!
  24. For about 2 - 3 years now ive had my account banned unfairly by LadyTiggs because my car lagged and crashed into a hare hare yukai clan car show and they all thought i was greifing. (most people can vouch that she unfairly banned alot of people). ive invested so much money and hours into that account. ive sent in 2 support tickets now and yet i get no reply. its been 2 weeks now and its becoming a joke. if i can get my account unbanned that would just be perfect, if i could kindly get a ETA on when the next unban wave would be then that would be great aswell. ive been very patient but im beginning to lose it. i understand its a big task because so many were banned like me. thank you. - Daevas
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