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Everything posted by Haganu

  1. That's APB's poor netcode. It has always been like this for everyone. It's just the server sending information of multiple packets in one. Weapons with high RoF suffer under this especially (shooting audio and FX while reloading, RoF sounding and looking faster than is possible, etc). It's not a cheat.
  2. Huh, interesting. It's still primary to secondary but, this is the first time I actually see someone clearly state what original QS really is. The images appear to be broken though.
  3. there's actually nothing wrong with Qwentle's work guys literally nothing wrong move on
  4. I kinda don't mind if gunplay gets slown down, the problem I see with Frosi's suggestion is that it's one of those band-aid fixes that will most likely hurt the game more than that it would do good. I'm still of the opinion that this game would benefit from at least .2s more TTK on average. Original QS was from shotgun to SNR 850, because back then shotguns like CSG dealt enough damage for SNR 850 to be a quick finisher secondary. Reverse quickswitching is from Primary to Secondary, when HVR QS came to the light.
  5. Because the legitimate playerbase has had to endure the cheater issue for so long that literally anything that includes the word cheater is immeduately being frowned upon with no patience whatsoever. You can thank old G1 and Tiggs for creating such an environment by poorly actioning cheaters with absolutely zero consistency and no clear policy regarding both banning and unbanning.
  6. I do kinda wonder how their servicedesk is designed. Especially how many people are working on it. If cheater reports would end up clogging up the servicedesk, they might aswell allocate 1 or 2 operators for it and have such tickets escalated towards them, or even make sure such tickets are automatically redirected towards them, so the rest of support can do their job.
  7. First and foremost: I'd look forward to an open discussion about the dethreater issue that old G1 has neglected ever since their poor countermeasures to keep this ridiculous way of player distribution didn't work. IIRC they didn't even change matchmaking as a whole. It's still using glicko values. I remember reading a very detailed post from Revoluzzer about it a long time ago, which left the impression to me that they only changed the skill brackets and how they're distributed, but I don't remember much of it considering the time passed, so I can't tell for sure. 250 points for pressing F and 150 points for someone in the vicinity of someone pressing F was a mistake. 40 skill brackets is another mistake. Too bad it's left up for as long as it is. Secondly: The other point I'm looking forward to is the weapon balance discussion. IR3 changes would've been good if we had more than 100m to play with. The only reason its demerits are vastly outweighing its merits is because 1) the TTK of this game is too low for it and 2) 100m is too little space to increase TTK by up to nearly 20%.
  8. When talking permabans I'm talking about the entire spectrum of things that fall under it. That you're failed to see that despite my words being rather clear about it comfirms me that you have quite the cheater paranoia. Take a break. APB made Fairfight look like a potato of an anticheat, and if you seriously think pre-LO was better regarding cheaters, you know who to ask to go back there. You might lose your acc in the process, idk, because you'd be one of the very few, just like you're one of the very few people keeping up this tantrum about cheaters being unbanned. You can't turn it back no matter how much you want it to, and whether you like it or not, it's MattScott's breakdown that counts of this case, not yours. No matter how much you flail your arms on the ground or stamp or kick or punch or shoot guns IRL, it's not your call, and I'm honestly very glad it isn't.
  9. I feel the same way. Come to think of it, a lot of things we flagged as impossible before weren't even official word, but just hearsay.
  10. A false assumption that even the CEO of the game came with. Right, YOU think it's false, but if Matthew Scott doesn't, too bad for you, it's not. He owns APB, not you. He has all the right to make a breakdown of the situation and pull a conclusion out of it for himself, and I'm sure he'd have taken opinions like yours into that breakdown. His conclusion is different from yours, and sofar the whole unbanning all cheaters hasn't been detrimental for the player base numbers, even if you'd say differently. The situation in Asylum regarding cheaters is not as bad as during old G1, maybe you should look there more often first. Because nearly every ban was done manually. You have no way of telling who got flagged and who didn't. You too know that Tiggs' ban policy was horrendous and only affected this community negatively. It sure did affect you negatively, sorry for saying so. You're too paranoid on the whole cheater subject. Before LO took over and even now, while there aren't even that many clouds in the LO sky regarding cheaters. On top of that, instantly permabanning is a poor way of managing the community (or those that did wrong). Any proper game has automated systems in place to increase punishment for poor behaviour, on top of staff actively monitoring. APB had neither. Some people have spent half as much money on their accounts as hours, and you can't tell me that literally 100% of those people got permabanned by legitimate reason, be it scammers or cheaters. If you do say so you're not really much brighter between your ears than those that do cheat. I'm not saying spending money warrants you free of punishment, but those that spend a lot especially, next to basically every account in existence in a game, should be treated with care. Only smashing your permaban hammer on everything too creates a negative community. How would you feel if you got permabanned for no legitimate reason during a significant period for you in the game?
  11. Talking about the old engine. Not Unreal 3.5. It hass always been said that there's no way anything can be done to get rid of these horrible shaders the game currently has, though it was never really confirmed by any G1 staff as far as I remember. Considering the Yukon was also deemed unfixable by old G1 yet one of the first things that actually got fixed after LO took over, I wonder if shaders in the engine the game currently runs on is the same story.
  12. Would you have sifted through all 15k bans to see which are properly banned and which aren't? Tiggs' ban policy was flawed from the start, thus everyone affected by it, rightfully or not, deserves to start on a clean slate. The way cheaters were actioned under Tiggs was way worse than setting all of them free. The live broadcasts gave everyone the illusion anything was being done by it. And when there were little broadcasts on a daily basis the community went ham, which for a few times got followed up by a ban wave. I've seen often during the FairFight era that people only got banned when enough people would claim the person was cheating, that means either FairFight was poorly configured or doesn't work, or Tiggs' ban policy was just realy bad. I'm leaning towards the latter. Meanwhile literally the effect it had was actually negative, people started cheating just to get FairFight ban broadcast and ffbans.org attention, causing an even more toxic environment for players already there. Remember FilmVXXX? Do you really think he was just dumb to just cheat on 100+ accounts to get banned? Not only Tiggs' ban policy was flawed, her unban policy was flawed too. You're solely and entirely responsible for what happens with your account, and when you get banned you had absolutely no way to appeal to it, as support would just automatically close your ticket, unless you're a Special Internet Snowflake™ in her eyes. I'm sure you're aware of the most obvious example of this case. I think it was a good move to unban everyone, to completely nullify the mess that Tiggs made. If they really want to waste their time and cheat, BattlEye will catch them (at least slightly sooner than FF most likely). Nice derailment btw for the people on this page. I think AsgerLund would be either jealous or proud. Or he would just come with a gif.
  13. Thank the team under Monte late 2013 for screwing up the shaders beyond any repairs as far as we've all heard. Now that it comes to mind. Is it actually beyond any repairs? Old G1 didn't like to be very honest. @MattScott, what are the possibilities for the ingame shaders? It's not very relevant due to what little time we all hope there'd be left on Unreal 3 2007/2008, but I still wonder what the possibilities are for the dev team regarding shaders. Considering the Headless Horseman event has very dense fog and the shading definitely doesn't look vanilla, I'd assume the possibilities aren't as limited as we think it is. Back to topic, the work done to recreate midtown is amazing. Those squares on the foliage (tree leaves and bushes) gives me PTSD from pso2 though lol. Very enjoyable to read through this thread.
  14. Actually G1s balance is absurdly bad. It feels good that I agree with (NTEC 5 would literally go down as my favorite weapon of all time in a shooter), but it doesn't work with how the game is designed. Streets, default animations and the like were all designed around the high TTK. Now that the TTK is as low as it has been since Qwentle did his poor job it's kinda out of balance. Speeding up default animations wouldn't make much sense though, neither would narrowing the streets. I can imagine that the hitbox sizes were also designed with high TTK in mind, because hitboxes this huge are ridiculous for this TTK type.
  15. Any news regarding the progress of 2FA? Still in R&D, or already working on implementing it? Which company will you decide to work with? Google (the go-to service)? Standard requirement or optional with a small bonus for people that use it? (referring to PSO2's OTP storage for one) I don't intend to add more to what has been said by OP so excuse me if it seems like that, but I feel like in terms of communication there's still ground to win, and that's not because my questions don't get answered. I see a lot of threads are still left with a decent amount of speculation rather than hearing an official word. That sometimes does make it feel like there's a bit of silence going on from LO's end regarding the discussion. It's not like you have to read every thread though, but a a little bit more would be appreciated.
  16. Just checking in to vouch for account wide distribution of event rewards.
  17. stabba tg8 unrivaled when it comes to health damage ttk
  18. both incoming and outgoing tracers sounds nice then i can finally verify if hitreg is shit or if my bullets leave my gun at a 90 degree angle
  19. Despite any regulations it's gonna take a long while before gacha mechanics will have to make room for something else. I don'y mind gacha mechanics as long as the drop rates for something good aren't horrible. Most loot boxes have piss poor drop rates though.
  20. On the old forums, plentifully. And in the blogposts of October 2013. Link to source: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2013/10/colliding-with-gta-v-train-and-getting.html.
  21. APB isn't running on Unreal 1.0 but on a beta version of Unreal 3.0. It lacks quite some functionality and mechanics that were available in Unreal 3.0, so you can basically say it's a glorified Unreal 2.0. What couldn't be done in Engine-native language was made up with custom coding from RTW. Also LO is continuing where Reloaded Productions left off. Matthew even stated that one of the few things left on the way are 2 large systems that need to be ported in one of the blog posts. If this takes another 2 years it'd be very unreasonably long, so I hope Little Orbit manages to stick to their schedule.
  22. Is there any progress on the implementation of 2FA, so band-aid protection that negatively impacts those that don't particularly need it don't need to be there in first place?
  23. I think a more appropriate thread would've been to ask for more frequent information updates, especially regarding Unreal 3.5. LO is trying unlike G1, but information updates on where they are in their projects, what they're facing and such would be very welcome.
  24. did you read my other posts? doesn't sound like you did The timely manner of your reply makes your post very ironic. Once again.
  25. The irony. You don't need a completely new engine to rework player distribution. Old G1 already reworked player distribution, but their system was flawed. Matchmaking has too many threats to take into account to make a match-up, so match-ups will never be even near perfect. Next to reworking player distribution old G1 also reworked points distribution per-mission, so you now you only have to press F to get 250 points, or be near the objective to get 150 points for free. This caused major issues with player distribution and dethreating is the product from it. A couple years ago they talked about district-phasing which requires a new engine. It makes matchmaking easier for small playerbases, but is in by no means an absolute necessity. The funny thing is that this would literally solve nothing as long as we have 40 threat levels (10 levels per threat). Do you really want Little Orbit go down in their heroic attempt to save a dying game that holds immense amounts of potential by applauding them for half-assing their work? If old G1 spent the time doing nothing to think about ways to distribute players in a way that wouldn't be detrimental for basically every important aspect of their game APB maybe wouldn't have needed to be in dire hands of Matthew Scott. I wonder if Little Orbit is actually thinking of ways to distribute players. Hint: less skill-groups would be a great way to improve it. 40 is way too much.
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