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Everything posted by Defibrillator

  1. I almost died when you said guns dont jam in apb. Go ask any player who started using the semi autos or those who are playing it regularly. Players always maintain a rhythm whwn it comes to semi autos. If you tend to click your lmb at irregular intervals the firing mechanism just gets jammed off. I know it cuz i struggled a lot when i started out the game.
  2. Can we stop this please? Macroing has some disadvantages. Macro in general has 2 set of values. 1. fire delay 2. hold delay In hardware macros there is only one such value. Its the fire delay. 1. Fire delay : its the no. of clicks to be made based on the input rate which you feed in. Say, u set a delay of 50ms, in this your delay between shots is gonna be 50ms. Yeah by now you will be thinking yay, its gonna be hell lot of fast and i will land every bullet on the enemy and hes gonna die real fucking fast. NOOO, thats not gonna happen. There are two big factors which stop happening so. If ur fire delay is lower, the gun is gonna fire at a faster rate, consistently and if u jus toggle on ur fps, there is gonna be a spike in the latency. This will create an impact. Ppl jus rush to the forums if there are minor spikes.. imagine spikes of 5-10ms while shooting. The weapon gets jammed occasionally as well. More the fire delay you set, it will be slower shooting, but the spikes are gonna come thats sure. The lesser the fire delay, the messier it gets. You cant actually find whats the perfect fire delay. 2. Hold delay: This is the part which arent available in hardware macros. This is the time for which you set the assigned key to click repeatedly (in this case the lmb). So, it is like someone is holding your mouse on behalf of you for a certain amount of time to click for the set time interval. Say, you set a value of 10secs as hold delay and 50ms as your fire delay, your clicks will be landed at 50millisecs for the next 10secs. This hinders your mouse movement if you wish to move your crosshair over other enemy because of the hold delay value. No smooth mouse movement. U lose track of bullets cuz of auto firing, if a enemy runs around in circles you are less likely to hit him cuz of the spikes thing i told you about.
  3. Ppl have been casting in all their ideas about trade system, matchmaking etc. Should we consider about server name changes? If so, what names will u keep for the servers?
  4. What even is premium used for if 90% of the players play the game on shitty settings?
  5. Use the treadmill instead of mouse pad if u're using a mouse.
  6. Uh this is what i used to do, if some newbie gets mocked over in the dist chat i jus invite him to my group, ask him whats wrong. He used to give a reply like they all have more health, gold guns. Jus explain him there is nothing called p2w and offer him a chance to play with u as a group. Pick up a leased wep and play a couple of missions with him and win. Tell him the gold guns are jus permanent and no big deal. Show them their areas of weakness and suggest a weapon accordingly. Some might be good in close, some in long ranges. Tell them not to pay attention to what the enemy is saying abt him. 99℅ of it is pure trash. Give them 50-60k as a gift and say "welcome to apb" & feel free to /w me anytime. You dont need a tag to help ppl. The tag is jus to show off.
  7. 4 v4 final stage. Enemy runs with truck. Good. Equip players with cr762 and ntec and remaining 2 alig. One car following the pioneer. Cr762 leaning out. One car vegas/fresno on side of the pioneer or truck. With ntec leaning out. Things to remember: -Safe distance between enemy car and ur vehicle (50m) - take out alig guy on top of car, if its a osmaw guy the driver has to dodge the rocket. If the surfer is dead, focus on the truck. Make sure to be in close contact with pioneer or enemy will spawn in there. - the vegas/fresno from ur team shd ram the truck sideways making it impossible to move. The ntec guy shd shoot it in the mean time with his ntec. Once its cornered or slowed down.. the alig guy gets down and pow pow pow it. The alig guy shd be protected by ntec. Join in if u have taken care of the other guy.
  8. Yellows & Silvers in bronze districts choose bronze as their threat and stomp newbies cuz they love ez wins. Simple, no?
  9. Typical day in bronze district. Find teammates with whom u can learn to fight and defend the objective instead of running.
  10. Put radar jammer in player vehicle and mobile radar tower in char mods.. pretty sick.
  11. Recommended to run a game, it dint say ull get 60fps on 1080p. You forgot to add a point, hdd space of 7GB. That was for the old game. Now its around 12.8gb including todays patch. I reckon developers have enough things to do instead of editing the above said things to i3 5157 U, 8GB Ram etc. I bet 90% out there uses an i3 or more which is more than recommemded.
  12. If u had the previous mission ss, jus check. The odds are the guy who u previously played with might had been the team leader. Edit: oh wait..if u had played in the bronze district, the other 2 players might have dethreated as well in the previous missions.
  13. Still we have two possibilities, 1. You joined the mission after the quitters started the mission. 2. Did you leave a group which you played last mission? (Cuz if u had played in a group and if ur frnd was a leader at that time and was mvp, the scoreboard bug comes into play) Makes u impossible to call backup. But mostly its the scoreboard bug, cuz someone in that team might have been the leader. Which makes u impossible to call for backup.
  14. Go check ur fps stability in a populated district and a less populated district. Ways to stress out the fps: explosions, driving, facing an ogre opponent.
  15. Dude, if the players who quit the game was leader by any chance called for a backup and got crashed.. the matchmaking system thinks him as a leader and it has assigned a fair matchmaking. Cuz there cant be two leaders in a team. In ur case, ur team has 1 gold , 2 silvers and lets say the others were a gold and silver (the quitters) Enemy team got 3 golds the hidden part might be 2silvers or 1 silver and bronze (cuz that are the possibilities) Remember the bug where the scoreboard shows enemies from previous missions and we can see 2 MVP's?
  16. Do you fail to realise only leader can call the backup? Need backup after unban? XD
  17. More the number of players in a district, more time for customisation in the game to load. Already the game is poorly optimised, u dont want to worsen it any further. Map isnt much bigger for more than 50 v 50. Already there are a lot of ppl running in between missions cuz it is a mission for them in there. Apb uses only one core of ur CPU. So even ppl using the beast cpu's play on lowest setting to get the competitive edge. Join a district which just has 10 vs 10 ppl and the textures will be loaded real faster than a full district.
  18. Antivirus shows battleyeprogram as a suspicious program, battleye shows antivirus as a suspicious program running in the background.. Ppl say battleye is good, means i should uninstall avast?
  19. Ppl shd post their scoreboards if they get matched improperly? Is that what u're tryna say?
  20. Use the satchel charge if thats the case. Press 4 drop it, move aside and shoot it once. Did u mention alig as a wep used by players with "zero game sense" ?
  21. Wait firstly this is a game and it is for Mature players only (17+). Ppl get all mad and frustrated if they die especially the young and delicate ones. Online world is just the opposite of the real world, the rough and tough guys irl get mad over small things and behave like kids. You kill them, they throw insults over u and even curse ur whole family. They t-bag when u die, spam /insult emotes when u die. Its a winning strategy if they run and call u noob, if u do the same they call u scared lil cvnt. Either ways ur the cvnt arent u? ( According to them) U got insulted in dist chat before 79 other players, now the entire apb community knows that u get triggered over small things. Its time for u to uninstall i suppose.
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