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Everything posted by Defibrillator

  1. 2 factors. 1. How good the wep is in terms of performance, easier to handle items are priced more eventually. F2p - compare opgl and osmaw to a worse wep like alig. Legendaries: volcano and ursus, to a colby mk1922 hazardous or EOL Hammer. 2. Supply and demand. Even tho the former factor plays a important role. This is important. Ffa r&d was priced around 20m, was considered rare and only few had it. There was an event code sorta thing which players abused and the weapons price dropped down to 500k, which was less than hazardous. Hope you'd understand.
  2. Ability to ride the boats in waterfront. Is that what u gonna need next?
  3. u might have trillions ramraiding in han, who knows?
  4. Traders/sellers just want to make quick money, thats how traders out there have a shitton of guns. They prey on those who hardly know a gun's value and those who havent played the gun. As a trader in the past, this is how i used to negotiate in the game. Ursus aint 5m dude, it jus takes 1 less shot to kill than the standard ntec. But, it is slower than ntec and gets rekt in short ranges to a good ntec user. I got a 2 slot ntec, which im pretty happy with but, i would love to try out the ursus and have it in my inventory. Thats the only reason im talking to u. If he still is stubborn upon his judgement saying that ursus is da best, dont reply to him for a while.. and if he whispers u after some time, asking u about it, it means that he is desperate to sell his weapon. Cuz traders wont sell their guns. So say it straightaway that the gun is overpriced and i dont wanna spend 5m on that gun which takes 1 less shot to kill and not so widely used like ntec and put up a sad face that ull stick to ntec and forget the ursus. Sellers are dependent people, your money keeps them going. Its ur ways of negotiating brings the price down.
  5. Players come after years to the game knowing that this game got a new publisher. Little orbit cannot provide free name changes to all of them. 1 name change costs ~10 dollars.
  6. Hi, I wanted to create a post on this for a long time. Have you done crazy things in the game which is soo memorable for you? Good/bad feel free to post it here. Dont have a video/gif? Share the incident. I'd love to hear it out. I havent done any crazy stuff, bt this one is my fav. hoping to see yours Credits: aero
  7. damn, i think i shd hang more around the forums. Can I?
  8. Write to @cookiepuss he'll send u one immediately, if u get back the deleted one, you can return it to him.
  9. Lil orbit buffed the armas guns, making them shoot thru walls, so that more players would buy armas guns..which means that they would get more money so that they could hire more ppl to focus upon the engine upgrade and which means we will be getting it soon. How is any of this is ruining? Unless im thinking wrong?
  10. u got scammed in a server of 5 players? Sucks man
  11. As the trading system is going live in a few hours, i take this moment to thank all the middlemen who have helped me and this community for the past few years. Some of you did it for fame and some of you did it as a service. Prevented scams, real money trades, reduced the number of tickets being sent to the support team. + Rep to you, you shall never be forgotten for all your deeds.
  12. this was my favorite fucking song omg eeeeeeee opening music seems to be the same as ur videos xD
  13. or an ogre without windup timer and name it 'cancer' or somethn similar
  14. maybe try this. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/3114-how-to-install-otw-without-downloading-the-entire-game-again/
  15. I can jus say you prety much relied on nano for close ranges and used the alig with proper cover, unless otherwise you'd get smacked hard by every other weapon out there. Not gonna deny that improving its damage might worsen its effect on vehicles. Maybe jus improve its accuracy? ok, if this is the case, you'd be prolly seeing a whole lot of shaw 556's in the asylum. Its not gonna win against a smg or shotty always. I hope you arent trolling sayin this XD
  16. While most of the players are concerned about the balance to ntec, oca, hvr and shotties, why are players least bothered about light machine guns? Pretty much the light machine guns from armas are decent (N SSW, Vas union and the Rabid) But what about the leased guns like shaw556 or alig762? Alig762 : Considered as an anti vehicle gun, People rarely use this gun, and its mostly used when there is a enemy whos running with the objective. Gets outplayed by smgs in close combat cuz of its slow firing rate and less mobility. Loses to a ntec in medium ranges cuz of less accuracy and I'm not gonna talk about long ranges. Shaw556 : Its insanely fast, stands a chance against smg's bt not always. Gets outplayed by ntec in medium ranges, not gonna say its bad, bt there is a chance for you to kill the ntec user if you have proper cover. Not gonna talk about long ranges. Amg medusa : Its faster, its accurate except for the initial few bullets after which the gun gets stabilised. This time is sufficient for a ntec to outplay the medusa, takes time, but its possible to have a 50/50 chance without a cover against a ntec. Should these guns get a buff? Atleast that would encourage players to try these guns.
  17. Threads like this make me feel that we should be let to rot with G1. We dont deserve little orbit.
  18. Saw once on her stream, she was having some millions. She even had the splitup on her stream. Neglected to take a ss, will do next time.
  19. Why let the chat bother u? Disable all chats except team, group and clan. By seeing ur hatred towards the language, im pretty sure you dont group with them and play nor have them in your clan. You can choose to play in NA if u want only english. Majority of us dont bother abt the chat. I think u can play better, not reading the nonsense.
  20. Why me? Uhmm..you act like a tough person on the forums and i do believe u're all fluff deep down.
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